12 Zodiac Signs in Spanish: Learn Astrology in Spanish (Horoscope) With Chunks

¡Hola, amigos! (Hello, friends!)

Ready to explore the zodiac signs in Spanish? Everyday Spanish made a fun lesson about zodiac signs in Spanish, check it out here:

It doesn’t matter if you believe in astrology or you’re just curious about discussing these star signs en español, this blog post is your guide to the celestial world of los signos del zodiaco (zodiac signs in Spanish).

We’ll journey through all twelve signs, from Aries to Pisces, learning their Spanish names and characteristics for the zodiac signs in Spanish. You’ll discover how to describe personality traits using astrological terms and pick up common phrases used in Spanish-speaking countries.

Want to know what it means when someone says they’re “muy Capricornio” or how to chat about horoscopes with your Spanish-speaking friends?

Keep reading!

1. Aries (Ram): 21 de marzo – 19 de abril

Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, gets its name from the Latin word for “ram.”

In Greek mythology, it represents the golden ram that rescued Phrixus and Helle.

Aries folks are known for their fiery energy and pioneering spirit.

They’re natural-born leaders who love to take charge and start new projects. If you’re an Aries, you’re probably pretty fearless and always up for a challenge.

You might hear people say “Aries es puro fuego” (Aries is pure fire) because of your passion and enthusiasm.

Líder naturalNatural leader

2. Tauro (Bull): 20 de abril – 20 de mayo

Taurus, named after the Latin word for “bull,” is all about stability and sensuality.

In mythology, it’s associated with Zeus transforming into a bull.

Taureans are known for being reliable, patient, and determined. They love comfort and have a strong appreciation for beauty and luxury

If you’re a Taurus, you probably have a stubborn streak – “terco como un toro” (stubborn as a bull) as they say in Spanish.


3. Géminis (Twins): 21 de mayo – 20 de junio

Gemini, meaning “twins” in Latin, is represented by the Dioscuri, Castor and Pollux, in Greek mythology.

Geminis are known for their dual nature and quick wit.

They’re excellent communicators and love to learn new things.

If you’re a Gemini, you’re probably adaptable and sociable, but you might also be a bit restless.

People might say you’re “de dos caras” (two-faced), but it’s just that you can see things from multiple perspectives!


4. Cáncer (Crab): 21 de junio – 22 de julio

Cancer, symbolized by the crab, is associated with the creature that nipped Hercules during his fight with the Hydra.

Cancerians are well-known for their emotional depth and nurturing nature.

They’re intuitive and protective of their loved ones.

If you’re a Cancer, you might be a homebody who values family and tradition.

You might hear the phrase “tiene caparazón duro, pero corazón blando” (hard shell, soft heart) used to describe you.


5. Leo (Lion): 23 de julio – 22 de agosto

Leo, the lion, represents the Nemean lion slain by Hercules in Greek mythology.

Leos are natural leaders known for their confidence and charisma. They love being in the spotlight and have a flair for the dramatic.

If you’re a Leo, you’re probably generous and warm-hearted, but you also enjoy being the center of attention.

People might say “tiene corazón de león” (has the heart of a lion) about you, referring to your courage and nobility.


6. Virgo (Virgin): 23 de agosto – 22 de septiembre

Virgo is often associated with various goddesses, including Astraea, the goddess of justice.

Virgos are good with their analytical minds and attention to detail.

They’re practical, hardworking, and always striving for perfection. If you’re a Virgo, you probably have a knack for problem-solving and a desire to help others.


7. Libra (Scales): 23 de septiembre – 22 de octubre

Libra, symbolized by the scales, represents balance and justice.

In mythology, it’s associated with Themis, the goddess of divine law and order.

Librans are known for their diplomacy and love of harmony.

They’re charming, social, and have a strong sense of fairness. If you’re a Libra, you probably hate conflict and try to see both sides of every issue.

People might say you’re “buscando el equilibrio” (seeking balance) in all aspects of life.


8. Escorpio (Scorpion): 23 de octubre – 21 de noviembre

Scorpio, represented by the scorpion, is associated with the creature that killed Orion in Greek mythology.

Scorpios are known for their intensity and passion.

They’re determined, resourceful, and have a mysterious aura about them. If you’re a Scorpio, you probably have strong emotions and a powerful intuition.

You might hear “tiene una mirada penetrante” (has a penetrating gaze) said about you, referring to your ability to see through people.


9. Sagitario (Archer): 22 de noviembre – 21 de diciembre

Sagittarius, depicted as an archer (often a centaur), is associated with Chiron, the wise centaur in Greek mythology.

Sagittarians are well-known for their love of freedom and adventure.

They’re optimistic, honest, and always seeking knowledge. If you’re a Sagittarius, you probably love to travel and explore new ideas.


10. Capricornio (Goat): 22 de diciembre – 19 de enero

Capricorn, symbolized by the sea-goat, is associated with Pan in Greek mythology. Capricorns are known for their ambition and discipline. They’re practical, patient, and have a great sense of responsibility.

If you’re a Capricorn, you’re probably very goal-oriented and have a strong work ethic.


11. Acuario (Water Bearer): 20 de enero – 18 de febrero

Aquarius, represented by the water bearer, is associated with Ganymede, the cup-bearer to the gods in Greek mythology.

Aquarians are known for their originality and humanitarian nature. They’re independent thinkers who love to push boundaries. If you’re an Aquarius, you probably have a unique perspective on life and a desire to make the world a better place.

People might say you’re “un pensador fuera de la caja” (an out-of-the-box thinker).


12. Piscis (Fish): 19 de febrero – 20 de marzo

Pisces, symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions, is associated with Aphrodite and Eros in Greek mythology.

Pisceans are known for their intuitive and empathetic nature.

They’re dreamy, creative, and often have a strong spiritual side.

If you’re a Pisces, you probably have a rich inner world and are very compassionate.

You might hear “tiene un sexto sentido” (has a sixth sense) said about you, referring to your intuitive abilities.


Common phrases and expressions with zodiac signs in Spanish

In Spanish-speaking countries, zodiac signs are more than just a fun topic – they’re woven into everyday conversations and Spanish cultural references.

zodiac signs in spanish carved into wood

You’ll hear people chatting about their signs at parties, discussing compatibility with potential partners, or even jokingly blaming their zodiac sign for their quirks.

It’s not uncommon to hear someone say, “Ah, es que soy Aries” (Oh, it’s because I’m an Aries) to explain their impulsive behavior.

Let’s look at some common expressions you might hear:

¿Cuál es tu signo?What’s your sign?
Somos compatibles según el zodiacoWe’re compatible according to the zodiac
Tiene todo el carácter de un LeoHe/She has all the characteristics of a Leo
Es un típico TauroHe/She is a typical Taurus
No creo en el horóscopoI don’t believe in horoscopes
¿Leíste tu horóscopo hoy?Did you read your horoscope today?
Es culpa de Mercurio retrógradoIt’s Mercury retrograde’s fault
Nuestros signos chocanOur signs clash
Tiene la luna en PiscisHe/She has their moon in Pisces
Es muy Géminis de su parteThat’s very Gemini of them
¿Qué dice tu carta astral?What does your birth chart say?
Los astros no están alineados hoyThe stars aren’t aligned today

Learn astrology in Spanish with Conversation Based Chunking

You can learn all these zodiac signs in Spanish one by one, ooor… you sign up now, and you’ll get your first FREE Spanish Chunking Starter Pack.

What is it all about?

The Spanish Chunking Starter Pack is based on the Conversation Based Chunking method. An approach that focuses on teaching you Spanish with lexical chunks. So, instead of boring grammar rules and definitions, you learn by immersing yourself in the language.

Listen to Spanish radio stations, read easy Spanish books, watch the best Spanish TV shows: just surround yourself with Spanish as much as you can!

Listen to the way native speakers talk, and use these natural building blocks of the language – then use them in your own Spanish sentences. In no time, you’ll realize that your using the Spanish expressions easily, and maybe, you’re even talking about zodiac signs in Spanish.

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