100 Words & Phrases For Spanish Summer Vocabulary (With Examples)

¡Vamos a la playa! – Let’s go to the beach! 

You heard this expression, right?! And it’s only one of the most common expressions from the list of Spanish summer vocabulary.

Notes in Spanish has made a great video on the Spanish summer vocabulary you need. So, if you’re more of a visual learner, check this video:

And now, let’s categorize the summer vocabulary into 10 sections.

1. Spanish beach vocabulary (Actividades de playa)

Beach activities are the main part of the summer fun in Spanish-speaking countries.

spanish summer vocabulary on a beach

From building sandcastles to playing volleyball, you can do anything on the beach.

¡Vamos a la playa!Let’s go to the beach!
El agua está perfectaThe water is perfect
Cuidado con las olasWatch out for the waves
¿Tienes protector solar?Do you have sunscreen?
Juguemos al voleibolLet’s play volleyball
¿Dónde está mi toalla?Where’s my towel?
Hagamos un castillo de arenaLet’s build a sandcastle
Me encanta nadar en el marI love swimming in the sea
Busquemos conchasLet’s look for seashells
¡Qué refrescante!How refreshing!

2. Spanish summer vocabulary about clothing (Ropa de verano)

Summer clothing in Spanish-speaking countries is designed to keep people cool and comfortable in hot weather.

Light, breathable fabrics and bright colors are popular choices.

Me pongo shortsI’m wearing shorts
Este vestido es muy frescoThis dress is very cool
Necesito unas nuevas sandaliasI need new sandals
¿Dónde están mis gafas de sol?Where are my sunglasses?
Lleva tu sombreroBring your hat
Esta camiseta es ligeraThis T-shirt is light
Me gusta tu traje de bañoI like your swimsuit
Hoy hace calor para jeansIt’s too hot for jeans today
Ponte chanclasPut on flip-flops
Esta falda es perfecta para veranoThis skirt is perfect for summer

3. Useful Spanish words and phrases about vacation destinations (Destinos de vacaciones)

Summer is the perfect time to explore new places, isn’t it?!

Coastal cities are beautiful, but you can also see mountains, so there’s something for every type of traveler.

¿Adónde vamos este verano?Where are we going this summer?
Reservé un hotel en la playaI booked a hotel at the beach
Vamos a explorar la ciudadLet’s explore the city
Me encanta este pueblo de montañaI love this mountain village
¿Cuándo sale nuestro vuelo?When does our flight leave?
Hagamos un recorrido turísticoLet’s do a sightseeing tour
Esta isla es un paraísoThis island is paradise
Visitemos el parque nacionalLet’s visit the national park
¿Tienes el mapa?Do you have the map?
Quiero probar la comida localI want to try the local food

4. Spanish summer words for outdoor sports (Deportes al aire libre)

Summer gives you the opportunity for outdoor sports in Spanish-speaking countries.

Do you want to play football? Or do rock climbing? You can do it!

Just learn the necessary vocabulary for it 😉

Juguemos al fútbol en el parqueLet’s play soccer in the park
Voy a dar un paseo en biciI’m going for a bike ride
¿Quieres ir de excursión?Do you want to go hiking?
Tengo un partido de tenisI have a tennis match
Alquilemos un kayakLet’s rent a kayak
¿Has probado la escalada?Have you tried rock climbing?
Lancemos el frisbeeLet’s throw the frisbee
Me encanta el yoga al aire libreI love outdoor yoga
Vamos a jugar al golfLet’s go play golf
¿Tienes equipo para acampar?Do you have camping gear?

5. Words in Spanish for seasonal fruits and foods (Frutas y comidas de temporada)

Summer brings a bounty of delicious fruits and refreshing dishes to Spanish-speaking countries. 

Esta sandía está muy dulceThis watermelon is very sweet
¿Quieres probar mi gazpacho?Do you want to try my gazpacho?
Hagamos una ensalada frescaLet’s make a fresh salad
Me apetece un heladoI feel like having an ice cream
La paella huele deliciosaThe paella smells delicious
¿Quieres limonada casera?Do you want homemade lemonade?
Este mango está en su puntoThis mango is perfectly ripe
Vamos a preparar cevicheLet’s prepare ceviche
Un granizado, por favorA slushie, please
¿Hacemos una barbacoa?Shall we have a barbecue?

6. Practice weather and temperature words in Spanish (Clima y temperatura)

Summer weather in Spanish-speaking countries can be different depending on the region.

It can be scorching heat in some areas, and it can be mild in others.  People often discuss the weather in Spanish and find ways to stay cool during hot days.

¡Qué calor hace hoy!It’s so hot today!
El sol está muy fuerteThe sun is very strong
Dicen que viene una ola de calorThey say a heat wave is coming
¿Viste el pronóstico del tiempo?Did you see the weather forecast?
La temperatura máxima será 35°CThe maximum temperature will be 35°C
El cielo está despejadoThe sky is clear
La humedad es insoportableThe humidity is unbearable
Qué agradable esta brisaHow nice this breeze is
Parece que va a lloverIt looks like it’s going to rain
Se siente más calor de lo que esIt feels hotter than it is

7. Learn about water-related activities in Spanish (Actividades acuáticas)

Water activities are a popular way to beat the heat in Spanish-speaking countries during summer. 

Vamos a la piscinaLet’s go to the pool
¿Trajiste tu equipo de esnórquel?Did you bring your snorkeling gear?
Alquilemos un boteLet’s rent a boat
¿Has probado el esquí acuático?Have you tried water skiing?
Quiero aprender a bucearI want to learn to scuba dive
¡Guerra de agua!Water fight!
Intentemos el paddle surfLet’s try paddleboarding
El tobogán acuático es divertidísimoThe water slide is super fun
Vamos a pescar al lagoLet’s go fishing at the lake
¿Te animas a hacer rafting?Are you up for rafting?

8. Summer celebrations and festivals (Celebraciones y festivales de verano)

Summer is a time of celebrations and colorful Spanish holidays and festivals.

spanish summer vocabulary for festivals

Many of these celebrations have traditional Spanish music, dance, food, and other customs.

¿Vas a La Tomatina este año?Are you going to La Tomatina this year?
Corramos en San FermínLet’s run in San Fermin
Me encanta el carnaval de veranoI love the summer carnival
¿Tienes entradas para el festival?Do you have tickets for the festival?
Celebremos la Noche de San JuanLet’s celebrate Saint John’s Eve
Hay una feria de artesanía en el centroThere’s a craft fair downtown
¿Vamos a la fiesta en la playa?Shall we go to the beach party?
Este festival gastronómico es increíbleThis food festival is incredible
La verbena es este fin de semanaThe street party is this weekend
¿Has visto la procesión?Have you seen the procession?

9. Enjoy camping and hiking (Acampada y senderismo)

Summer provides ideal conditions for camping and hiking in many regions.

From mountain trails to forest campgrounds, outdoor enthusiasts enjoy exploring nature during this season.

Armemos la tienda de campañaLet’s set up the tent
¿Quién enciende la fogata?Who’s lighting the campfire?
Sigamos este senderoLet’s follow this trail
¡Mira cuántas estrellas!Look at all the stars!
Vamos a cocinar al aire libreLet’s cook outdoors
¿Trajiste repelente de insectos?Did you bring insect repellent?
Cuidado con las rocas resbaladizasWatch out for slippery rocks
Tomemos un descanso aquíLet’s take a break here
¿Tienes suficiente agua?Do you have enough water?
Este paisaje es impresionanteThis landscape is breathtaking

10. Ice cream and cold treats (Helados y postres fríos)

Ice cream and other cold desserts are the real deals during the summer.

Many people have fond memories of enjoying these sweets with family and friends during hot summer days.

¿De qué sabor quieres tu helado?What flavor ice cream do you want?
Vamos por un granizado de limónLet’s get a lemon slushie
Me encanta el polo de fresaI love strawberry popsicles
¿Probamos el sorbete de mango?Shall we try the mango sorbet?
Un sundae con extra chocolate, por favorA sundae with extra chocolate, please
Esta copa helada está deliciosaThis ice cream sundae is delicious
¿Quieres compartir un banana split?Do you want to share a banana split?
Hoy me apetece un affogatoI feel like having an affogato today
Este smoothie está muy refrescanteThis smoothie is very refreshing
¿Hacemos batidos caseros?Shall we make homemade milkshakes?

11. Practice summer vocabulary in Spanish

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12. Learn Spanish beach phrases with Conversation Based Chunking

There are numerous ways of learning Spanish. But what is the best way to learn Spanish?

Well, it’s different for everyone, but we can help you find the perfect solution. On Effortless Conversation, we use Conversation Based Chunking. This method focuses on lexical chunks, and instead of teaching you the boring grammar rules and definitions, you focus on the most common expressions and phrases that always appear together in Spanish sentences.

You can find chunks in the tables above, and if you need more help, you can sign up for our email list. We’ll send you a Spanish Chunking Starter Pack, and in it, you’ll find an essential Spanish chunking list, other resources to learn Spanish, and you’ll even have the chance to practice with our Full Practice Worksheet Library.

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