Read Easy Spanish Books: Top 12 Spanish Books For Beginners And Other Resources For Learners

Learning a new language is an amazing adventure, and reading is definitely one of the best ways to improve your skills! If you’re learning Spanish, reading easy Spanish books can give you a special and immersive experience.

It helps you learn new words and understand how sentences are formed, making it easier to understand. Spring Spanish (a project I’m a co-founder of) has 5 great tips about reading in Spanish. Take a look!

And now, let’s check out the top 12 easy Spanish books that will make your language-learning journey even more exciting!

1. Why choose easy Spanish books for learning?

Choosing easy Spanish books as a learning tool is a great strategy for beginners.

These books use simple vocabulary and sentence structures, making them easy-to-read and enjoyable for those starting their Spanish language journey. The good news is that you can combine reading with another effective method for learning Spanish and that is Conversation Based Chunking.

This technique involves breaking down conversations into smaller, manageable chunks and practicing them repeatedly. By focusing on specific phrases or expressions in context, you can improve your reading, listening, and speaking skills.

So, when you’re reading these books, look out for chunks and learn them together instead of just repeating separated words.

2. Top 3 easy Spanish books for beginners to read in Spanish

Discover the world of literature with our curated list of beginner-friendly books!

El Principito (The Little Prince) by Antoine De Saint-Exupéry

El Principito is a timeless story that dives into the universal truths of life through the eyes of a young prince who embarks on a journey across planets.

Its profound teachings are presented in simple and captivating narratives.

Why It’s Easy to Read in Spanish: The language is simple and poetic, making it easy-to-read for Spanish learners. Short chapters and concise sentences help readers understand the story’s essence and underlying messages easily.

A quote from the book:Cuando el misterio es demasiado impresionante no es posible desobedecer.” (When a mystery is too overpowering, one dare not disobey.)

easy spanish books el principito
El Principito / The Little Prince (Spanish Edition)

The Little Prince is a classic tale of equal appeal to children and adults. On one level it is the story of an airman's discovery, in the desert, of a small boy from another planet - the Little Prince of the title - and his stories of intergalactic travel, while on the other hand it is a thought-provoking allegory of the human condition.

El alquimista (The Alchemist) by Paulo Coelho

Santiago, a shepherd boy, embarks on a quest to uncover his personal legend and the treasures of his dreams in El alquimista.

This captivating tale takes us on a spiritual journey, exploring the enigmas of life and emphasizing the significance of pursuing our heart’s desires.

Why It’s Easy to Read in Spanish: Coelho’s writing is clear and relatable. The story is engaging, and the use of everyday language combined with profound wisdom makes it a compelling read for everyone.

A quote from the book: „Si lo que tú has encontrado está formado por materia pura, jamás se pudrirá. Y tú podrás volver un día. Si fue sólo un momento de luz, como la explosión de una estrella, entonces no encontrarás nada cuando regreses.” (If what one finds is made of pure matter, it will never spoil. If what you had found was only a moment of light, like the explosion of a star, you would find nothing on your return)

easy spanish books el alquimista
El Alquimista: Una Fabula Para Seguir Tus Suenos

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho continues to change the lives of its readers forever. With more than two million copies sold around the world, The Alchemist has established itself as a modern classic, universally admired.

Cien años de soledad (One Hundred Years of Solitude) by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Set in the magical town of Macondo, Cien años de soledad chronicles the Buendía family’s seven generations. It’s a blend of magic realism and historical events, creating a rich overview of Latin American culture and history.

Why It’s Easy to Read in Spanish: This novel may be slightly more advanced with its rich language and intricate narrative, but it provides Spanish learners with an immersive experience in Latin American culture and idiomatic expressions. The recurring themes and family stories throughout the book help improve comprehension and reinforce vocabulary.

A quote from the book: „El mundo era tan reciente que muchas cosas carecían de nombre, y para nombrarlas había que señalarlas con el dedo.” (The world was so recent that many things lacked names, and in order to indicate them it was necessary to point.)

easy spanish books cien anos de soledad
Cien años de soledad / One Hundred Years of Solitude (Spanish Edition)

One Hundred Years of Solitude tells the story of the rise and fall, birth and death of the mythical town of Macondo through the history of the Buendiá family. Inventive, amusing, magnetic, sad and alive with unforgettable men and women—brimming with truth, compassion, and a lyrical magic that strikes the soul—this novel is a masterpiece in the art of fiction.

3. Top 3 children’s books for every language learner

Children’s books are always a good option when learning a new language: they are both good for kids and for adults who want to practice the language with simple terms and chunks.

Papelucho (Papelucho) by Marcela Paz

The Papelucho series is a cherished collection of children’s books that chronicle the escapades and musings of Papelucho, an 8-year-old boy from Chile. Through his diary entries, readers are immersed in his everyday experiences, family dynamics, and the joys and obstacles of childhood.

Why It’s Easy to Read in Spanish: Marcela Paz uses simple language that’s typical of a child’s narrative. The short diary entries and familiar everyday situations make it relatable and easily understandable for Spanish learners.

A quote from the book: “La gente grande no se acuerda ya de lo mucho que cuesta estudiar. Creen que uno no tiene nada en la cabeza… Y hay que ver lo difícil que es poner atención y no pensar en otra cosa.
Porque hay tanto en qué pensar.”
(Grown-ups no longer remember how hard it is to study. They think one has nothing in their head… And you have to see how difficult it is to pay attention and not think about something else. Because there is so much to think about.)

easy spanish books papelucho
Papelucho (Spanish Edition)

Papelucho is the main character in a series of children's books created by Chilean writer Marcela Paz. Twelve books were published between 1947 and 1974. The series became a classic among books for children in Chile.

Peter Pan (Peter Pan) by James Matthew Barrie

The story of Peter Pan is a classic narrative about a young boy who refuses to age. Accompanied by his loyal fairy companion, Tinker Bell, Peter leads the Darling children on a remarkable journey to Neverland, where they come face to face with pirates, mermaids, and the clever Captain Hook.

Why It’s Easy to Read in Spanish: The whimsical nature and simple language of the Spanish version make it accessible to young readers and beginners in the language. The story is full of dialogue and action, encouraging active engagement from learners.

A quote from the book: „Nunca digas adiós, porque decir adiós significa irse lejos e irse lejos significa olvidar…” (Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting.)

easy spanish books peter pan
Peter Pan (Spanish Edition)

Peter Pan is a fictional character created by Scottish novelist and playwright J. M. Barrie. A free-spirited and mischievous young boy who can fly and never grows up...

Cuentos de la selva (Jungle Tales) by Horacio Quiroga

Cuentos de la selva comprises a series of short stories that portray the lives and hardships of animals in the South American rainforest. Quiroga skillfully gives these creatures human-like qualities, imparting valuable life lessons and providing a glimpse into the rich ecosystem of the jungle.

Why It’s Easy to Read in Spanish: Quiroga’s descriptive yet straightforward writing style creates vivid imagery of the jungle and its inhabitants. Each short story has a clear central theme, making it easier for Spanish learners to comprehend the narrative’s main message.

A quote from the book: „No es nuestra inteligencia, sino nuestro trabajo quien nos hace tan fuertes.” (It is not our intelligence, but our hard work that makes us so strong.)

easy spanish books cuento de la selva
Cuentos de la selva (Spanish Edition)

Collection of eight short stories in which Quiroga captures the magic of the jungle, which is the scene of exciting adventures illuminated by nature in all its splendor.

4. Learn Spanish with bilingual books in English and Spanish

Bilingual books are amazing when you’re already familiar with another language and the story of the book.

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll – Las aventuras de Alicia en el país de las maravillas

Join Alice on a captivating adventure in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland as she tumbles down a rabbit hole into a whimsical world full of extraordinary characters such as the Mad Hatter, the Cheshire Cat, and the Queen of Hearts. This bilingual edition presents the dreamlike landscape in both English and Spanish, allowing readers to explore both languages simultaneously.

Why It’s Easy to Read: The immediate context and translation provided by the side-by-side presentation of English and Spanish texts offer benefits. This format helps readers who are already familiar with the story in their native language to intuitively understand the Spanish content, reinforcing vocabulary and sentence structure through familiar context.

A quote from the book: „Creo que sí, que has perdido la cabeza, estás completamente loco. Pero te diré un secreto: las mejores personas lo están.” (I’m afraid so. You’re entirely Bonkers. But I will tell you a secret, All the best people are.)

easy spanish books alice in wonderland
Alice in Wonderland / Alicia en el País de las Maravillas: Alice's classic adventures in a bilingual parallel English/Spanish edition - Las aventuras ... Alicia, una edición bilingüe Inglés/Español

Join Alice in the definitive Lewis Carroll classic masterpiece, as she follows a White Rabbit down a rabbit-hole to arrive in Wonderland where nothing is at it seems.

Martita, I Remember You / Martita, te recuerdo by Sandra Cisneros

Sandra Cisneros’ story centers on Corina, who rediscovers her past while reading old letters from her youth. The letters transport her back to her time in Paris and her friendship with Martita. As memories of love, longing, and the trials of youth and being in a foreign land resurface, Corina reconnects with her past. The narrative seamlessly transitions between English and Spanish, reflecting Corina’s bicultural heritage.

Why It’s Easy to Read: Sandra Cisneros incorporates both English and Spanish in her writing, creating a seamless bilingual style that appeals to bilingual readers and language learners alike. The combination of these languages adds context, helping to decipher the meaning of unfamiliar words or phrases.

A quote from the book: „Tener a la persona a quien amas viva y sana, viviendo en el planeta al mismo tiempo que tú, pero eligiendo no estar contigo. Eso es peor que la muerte, creo yo.” (To have the person you love alive and well, living on the planet at the same time as you, but choosing not to be with you. That is worse than death, I believe.)

easy spanish books martita
Martita, I Remember You/Martita, te recuerdo: A Story in English and Spanish

MartitaI Remember You is a rare bottle from Sandra Cisneros’s own special reserve, preserving the smoke and the sparkle of an exceptional year.

5. Easy Spanish books for beginners from polyglots

This section is useful because… well, we’ve all been there. The polyglots, too!

They started out just like you: they were lost in all the vocabulary and grammar, they went through the same challenges you are in right now. And maybe, that’s a huge pro in this case, because who else would know it better how to learn Spanish than the ones who already mastered it?

Check out these books to make our list of easy Spanish books for beginners complete:

Short stories in Spanish for beginners by Olly Richards

This book from Olly Richards is a work of art for Spanish learners. Olly (a friend of mine) has designed this book to give a sense of achievement and, even more important, enjoyment.

This is indeed in the top list for easy Spanish books for beginners. If you’re looking to improve your skills and learn more about European culture, you can’t hesitate to buy it.

You can also get the audiobook to practice your listening comprehension.

Short Stories in Spanish for Beginners (Teach Yourself, 1)
  • Author: Olly Richards
  • Book Length: 238 pages
  • Suitable for: Beginners

Spanish short stories for beginners: 20 Captivating Short Stories to Learn Spanish & Grow Your Vocabulary the Fun Way! by Lingo Mastery

What makes this Lingo Mastery book different from the others is that it doesn’t only offer 20 engaging stories, but also quizzes to test your reading comprehension, everyday Spanish phrases, and useful dialogues.

(We love dialogues. They’re full of useful chunks.)

At the end of each story, you can read the summary either in English or Spanish to help you get a better understanding of everything. If you want to start your Spanish learning journey in a fun way, get this book.

Spanish Short Stories for Beginners: 20 Captivating Short Stories to Learn Spanish & Grow Your Vocabulary the Fun Way! (Easy Spanish Stories)
  • Author: Lingo Mastery
  • Book Length: 210 pages
  • Suitable for: Beginners

Spanish Short Stories for Beginners: 25 Engaging Tales to Build Your Vocabulary and Learn the Fast & Fun Way! by Fluency Faster

Learning Spanish by reading a book has never been so easy.

This book offers 25 outstanding and easy-to-read stories you can use to develop your skills.

They are pretty engaging and you’ll want to read them all at once. This book even offers a list of vocabulary that will help you expand yours and help you communicate better.

And the more words you learn (in context), the better you can express your thoughts. This Spanish book is definitely a must-have if you’re starting to learn Spanish.

Spanish Short Stories for Beginners: 25 Engaging Tales to Build Your Vocabulary and Learn the Fast & Fun Way! (Spanish Made Easy)
  • Author: Fluency Faster
  • Book Length: 148 pages
  • Suitable for: Beginners

Bonus: The Effortless Conversations Book by Lukas Van Vyve

We can’t really compile a list of books on the website without mentioning the own Effortless Conversations book.

It’s not only about learning Spanish, but gives you a methodology to learn any language fluently without having to memorize word lists and grammar rules.

Thousands of students have read the book and transformed the way they learn Spanish and other languages.

You can be next 🙂

Effortless Conversations: A Method to Understand Native Speakers and Have Fluent Sentences Roll off the Tongue in Any Language
  • Author: Lukas Van Vyve
  • How to learn any language without memorizing word lists and grammar rules
  • A 4-step method to identify common word combinations (chunks) and imprint them on your brain so they roll off the tongue in conversations
  • Set up a study plan to make more progress in the next 12 weeks than all of last year

6. Easy Spanish stories and reading materials

Beside books, there are other easy-to-understand Spanish stories and materials to practice the language.

Hola Qué Pasa website

Hola Qué Pasa is a well-known Spanish-language website that provides a wide range of articles covering culture, travel, and language learning tips. It aims to serve Spanish learners and is a valuable resource worth exploring.

easy spanish books hola que pasa website

Why It’s Good to Read: The website simplifies ideas in Spanish and offers explanations for unfamiliar words, empowering readers to develop their language skills in a practical setting without feeling overwhelmed.

El País newspaper

El País is a highly esteemed newspaper in the Spanish-speaking world. It offers a diverse array of content, consisting of in-depth news, political analyses, as well as culture and entertainment articles.

easy spanish books el pais website

Why It’s Good to Read: By reading El País, Learners can introduce themselves in formal, journalistic Spanish, which aids in their familiarity with current events in the Spanish-speaking world. The wide array of topics might be a little harder to understand at first but you will always have what to talk about with your Spanish acquaintances.

BBC in Spanish (BBC Mundo)

BBC Mundo is the Spanish-language arm of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), providing news, articles, and analyses on global events from a Spanish-speaking perspective.

easy spanish books bbc spanish website

Why It’s Good to Read: BBC Mundo provides balanced and well-researched content in clear and concise Spanish. With its international perspective, learners can gain a unique cultural lens to view global events, enhancing both linguistic and cultural comprehension.

7. Practice worksheet – Pair the quotes!

I. Pair the following quotes with their corresponding books. Pay attention to the style and narrative of the quote as it can help you decide which book it is from!

Quote: „Creo que sí, que has perdido la cabeza, estás completamente loco. Pero te diré un secreto: las mejores personas lo están.” (I’m afraid so. You’re entirely Bonkers. But I will tell you a secret, All the best people are.)

  1. Divergente
  2. Winnetou
  3. Las aventuras de Alicia en el país de las maravillas

3. Las aventuras de Alicia en el país de las maravillas

Quote: „Si lo que tú has encontrado está formado por materia pura, jamás se pudrirá. Y tú podrás volver un día. Si fue sólo un momento de luz, como la explosión de una estrella, entonces no encontrarás nada cuando regreses.” (If what one finds is made of pure matter, it will never spoil. If what you had found was only a moment of light, like the explosion of a star, you would find nothing on your return)

  1. El alquimista
  2. Peter Pan
  3. El Señor de los Anillos
  1. El alquimista

Quote: „Cuando el misterio es demasiado impresionante no es posible desobedecer.” (When a mystery is too overpowering, one dare not disobey.)

  1. Papelucho
  2. El Guardian Entre El Centeno
  3. El Principito

3. El Principito

8. Combine easy Spanish book reading with Conversation Based Chunking

Spanish is a language that comes from every continent, and it’s natural to want to learn it! The available resources for learners of all levels are incredible.

If you’re a beginner, you can try online or paper versions of easy Spanish books, education websites, or even YouTube videos! These resources expand your vocabulary and boost your confidence.

As we mentioned before, Conversation Based Chunking could be a great solution to all your questions about language learning. Read books and websites and learn chunks while entertaining yourself!

Try our Conversation Based Chunking Starter Pack to master your skills today!

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