40 Spanish Adjectives To Describe A Person By Appearance & Personality

After you learned the basics of Spanish adjectives, you can go deeper! There are different types of adjectives, for example, Spanish adjectives to describe a person. In this blog post, we’ll share 40 examples to help you describe people in Spanish.

Before we get into the details, you can take a look at this video. It’s brought to you by Spring Spanish (a project I co-founded):

Following these 38 essential chunks from the video, we’ll give you 40 Spanish adjectives to describe a person on Effortless Conversations.

1. Use Spanish adjectives to describe physical appearance

You can use the following adjectives to describe someone’s physical appearance. After the table, we’ll share some example Spanish sentences.


Alto/Alta (Tall)

  • Él es muy alto. (He is very tall.)

Bajo/Baja (Short)

  • Ella es bastante baja. (She is quite short.)
spanish adjectives to describe a person, a tall person and a small child holding hands with their backs to the camera

Delgado/Delgada (Thin)

  • Él tiene una figura delgada. (He has a thin figure.)

Gordo/Gorda (Fat)

  • El gato está un poco gordo. (The cat is a little fat.)

Guapo/Guapa (Handsome/Beautiful)

  • Ella es muy guapa. (She is very beautiful.)

Feo/Fea (Ugly)

  • El cuadro es muy feo. (The painting is very ugly.)

Moreno/Morena (Brunette)

  • Él tiene el pelo moreno. (He has dark hair.)

Rubia/Rubio (Blonde)

  • Ella es rubia. (She is blonde.)

2. Adjectives to describe personality traits in Spanish

If we’re not just talking about the physical appearances, we can talk about personality traits, too.


Amable (Kind)

  • Él es muy amable con todos. (He is very kind to everyone.)

Simpático/Simpática (Nice)

  • Ella es simpática y siempre sonríe. (She is nice and always smiles.)

Antipático/Antipática (Unfriendly)

  • Él puede ser antipático a veces. (He can be unfriendly sometimes.)

Inteligente (Intelligent)

  • Ella es muy inteligente y estudiosa. (She is very intelligent and studious.)

Tonto/Tonta (Silly)

  • A veces él actúa como un tonto. (Sometimes he acts silly.)

Trabajador/Trabajadora (Hardworking)

  • Ella es muy trabajadora y nunca se rinde. (She is very hardworking and never gives up.)

Perezoso/Perezosa (Lazy)

  • Él es perezoso y no le gusta trabajar. (He is lazy and doesn’t like to work.)

Generoso/Generosa (Generous)

  • Ella es generosa y siempre ayuda a los demás. (She is generous and always helps others.)

3. Adjectives to describe emotions

The next table is all about describing emotions in Spanish. After it, you can see how all of these chunks work in real-life Spanish conversations.


Feliz (Happy)

  • Él se siente muy feliz hoy. (He feels very happy today.)

Triste (Sad)

  • Ella está triste porque perdió su libro. (She is sad because she lost her book.)

Enojado/Enojada (Angry)

  • Él está enojado con su hermano. (He is angry with his brother.)

Asustado/Asustada (Scared)

  • Ella está asustada por la tormenta. (She is scared because of the storm.)

Nervioso/Nerviosa (Nervous)

  • Él está nervioso por el examen. (He is nervous about the exam.)

Relajado/Relajada (Relaxed)

  • Ella se siente relajada después del yoga. (She feels relaxed after yoga.)

4. Common Spanish adjective words to describe intellect

Being creative is a great personality trait. Explore how you can describe intellect with these words.


Creativo/Creativa (Creative)

  • Él es muy creativo y le gusta pintar. (He is very creative and likes to paint.)

Ingenioso/Ingeniosa (Ingenious)

  • Ella es ingeniosa y siempre encuentra soluciones. (She is ingenious and always finds solutions.)

Listo/Lista (Clever)

  • Él es muy listo para su edad. (He is very clever for his age.)

Sabio/Sabia (Wise)

  • Ella es sabia y da buenos consejos. (She is wise and gives good advice.)

Curioso/Curiosa (Curious)

  • Él es curioso y le encanta aprender. (He is curious and loves to learn.)

Razonable (Reasonable)

  • Ella es razonable y justa en sus decisiones. (She is reasonable and fair in her decisions.)

5. Use adjectives in Spanish to talk about social behaviors

Are you extroverted? Or more of an introvert?

It doesn’t matter, because in this section, you can learn all about these adjectives in Spanish.


Extrovertido/Extrovertida (Extroverted)

  • Él es muy extrovertido y le gusta hablar con todos. (He is very extroverted and likes to talk to everyone.)

Introvertido/Introvertida (Introverted)

  • Ella es introvertida y prefiere estar sola. (She is introverted and prefers to be alone.)
spanish adjectives to describe a person, happy kids running in a park with a kite

Sociable (Sociable)

  • Él es sociable y tiene muchos amigos. (He is sociable and has many friends.)

Reservado/Reservada (Reserved)

  • Ella es reservada y no habla mucho. (She is reserved and doesn’t talk much.)

Carismático/Carismática (Charismatic)

  • Él es carismático y todos lo admiran. (He is charismatic and everyone admires him.)

Callado/Callada (Quiet)

  • Ella es callada y no le gusta el ruido. (She is quiet and doesn’t like noise.)

6. Descriptive adjectives for moral or ethical qualities

On a more serious note, here are some Spanish adjectives to talk about moral or ethical qualities.


Honesto/Honesta (Honest)

  • Él es muy honesto y siempre dice la verdad. (He is very honest and always tells the truth.)

Justo/Justa (Fair)

  • Ella es justa y trata a todos por igual. (She is fair and treats everyone equally.)

Leal (Loyal)

  • Él es leal a sus amigos. (He is loyal to his friends.)

Mentiroso/Mentirosa (Liar)

  • Ella es mentirosa y no se puede confiar en ella. (She is a liar and cannot be trusted.)

Hipócrita (Hypocrite)

  • Él es hipócrita y dice una cosa pero hace otra. (He is a hypocrite and says one thing but does another.)

Compasivo/Compasiva (Compassionate)

  • Ella es compasiva y siempre ayuda a los necesitados. (She is compassionate and always helps those in need.)

7. Practice descriptive adjectives in Spanish with our worksheet

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8. Learn Spanish adjectives to describe a person with Conversation Based Chunking

Learning these Spanish adjectives to describe people can really help you speak more naturally.

A great way to do this is by using the Conversation Based Chunking method.

This method breaks down learning into small, easy-to-use parts that you can practice in real Spanish conversations.

If you focus on these chunks, you’ll remember the adjectives better and use them more easily in everyday life.

So next time you talk about a friend or meet someone new in Spanish, you’ll have the right words to describe them. If you click the button below, you can immediately receive your first FREE Spanish Conversation Based Chunking Starter Pack.

In this pack, you’ll find an essential Spanish chunking list, my favourite resources to learn Spanish, and you will see our Full Practice Worksheet Library, too!

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