Easy Spanish Sentences With 83 Basic Spanish Phrases To Learn

Welcome to Easy Spanish Sentences, your beginner’s guide to effortless language learning!

Whether you’re a traveler, student, or someone looking to brush up on Spanish, this article provides simple phrases, basic greetings, and quick-to-learn sentence patterns.

But before you start reading this post, take a quick look at this fantastic video provided to you by Spring Languages (of which I’m a co-founder):

Let’s get started!

1. Basic Spanish greetings and introductions

Learning basic Spanish greetings is important because it allows you to connect with Spanish speakers on a more personal and friendly level.

easy spanish sentences, anonymous businessmen in formal suits shaking hands while standing near blurred fountain during meeting
Use basic Spanish greetings when introducing yourself in Spanish: Mucho gusto !– Nice to meet you!

By knowing simple phrases, you can show respect and appreciation for the Spanish language and culture.

Buenos días
Good morning
Buenas tardes
Good afternoon
Buenas noches
Good evening/Good night
¿Cómo estás?
How are you? (informal)
¿Cómo está usted?
How are you? (formal)
Mucho gusto
Nice to meet you
¿Qué tal?
What’s up?
Hasta luego
See you later

2. Basic Spanish questions

Knowing how to ask questions is a vital part of conversational Spanish.

easy spanish sentences, woman holding a question mark
When you don’t know how to say something in Spanish, use this question: ¿Cómo se dice _ en español? – How do you say _ in Spanish?

Here are the ten of the most important questions you should know when learning easy Spanish sentences:

¿Cuál es tu nombre?
What is your name?
¿De dónde eres?
Where are you from?
¿Hablas inglés?
Do you speak English?
¿Cómo se dice _ en español?
How do you say _ in Spanish?
¿Puedo pagar con tarjeta?
Can I pay with card?
¿Puedo pagar en efectivo?
Can I pay with cash?
¿Cuánto cuesta?
How much does it cost?
¿Cuándo abre/cierra?
When does it open/close?
¿Me puede ayudar?
Can you help me?
¿Qué hora es?
What time is it?

3. Basic sentences in Spanish to express your emotions and opinions

Being able to express your emotions and opinions is an important aspect of communication.

easy spanish sentences, Emotion cartoon on blue graph paper.
Me gusta or No me gusta? Express your emotions in Spanish.

Here are ten significant yet easy Spanish sentences that you can use to express your feelings and opinions:

Me gusta
I like it
No me gusta
I don’t like it
Estoy feliz
I’m happy
Estoy triste
I’m sad
Estoy enojado/a
I’m angry
Me siento bien
I feel good
Me siento mal
I feel bad
Creo que sí
I think so
No creo que sea una buena idea
I don’t think it’s a good idea
En mi opinión…
In my opinion…

4. Essential easy Spanish sentences and questions for everyday situations

Navigating through everyday situations in a Spanish-speaking country requires a basic understanding of useful phrases.

easy spanish sentences, Photo of key bunch and paper tags with EVERY DAY SCHEDULE conceptual words
Use these easy Spanish sentences, so you don’t get lost in busy weekdays

Here are some easy Spanish sentences that can be handy for various everyday circumstances!

Phrases to learn for any conversation

Learning and having some key Spanish phrases in your back pocket will help you navigate any conversation.

¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás?
Hello! How are you?
¿Qué tal ha sido tu día?
How has your day been?
¿Puedes repetir eso, por favor?
Can you repeat that, please?
Muchas gracias por tu ayuda.
Thank you very much for your help.

Talk about yourself taking Spanish lessons

You already started working on your Spanish, so… Why not share some well-known phrases about you taking this exciting challenge?

Estoy aprendiendo español.
I am learning Spanish.
¿Puedes ayudarme a practicar el español?
Can you help me practice Spanish?
¿Cómo se dice ______ en español?
How do you say ______ in Spanish?
Me gustaría mejorar mi pronunciación en español.
I would like to improve my pronunciation in Spanish.
¿Puedes recomendarme algún recurso para aprender español?
Can you recommend me any resources for learning Spanish?

Spanish phrases to talk about your work

Whenever you start a small talk, you’ll inevitable have to mention your work. Here are some phrases you can use in these situations!

¿Cuál es tu puesto de trabajo?
What is your job position?
¿Puede usted programar una reunión para mañana?
Can you schedule a meeting for tomorrow?
¿Dónde están los archivos del proyecto?
Where are the project files located?
Voy a presentar mi informe a la gerencia.
I am going to present my report to the management.
¿Cuáles son las tareas asignadas para hoy?
What are the tasks assigned for today?

Learn the most common Spanish sayings to sound more like a native

The following chunks will help you sound more like a Spanish native speaker, so make sure to use these easy Spanish sentences in context!

Más vale tarde que nunca.
Better late than never.
No hay mal que por bien no venga.
Every cloud has a silver lining.
En boca cerrada no entran moscas.
Silence is golden.
A quien madruga, Dios le ayuda.
The early bird catches the worm.
No hay mal que cien años dure.
This too shall pass.

5. Common easy Spanish sentences for special occasions

Celebrating special occasions in the Spanish-speaking world requires knowing some common phrases.

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Use Feliz … when you’re celebrating something

Here are ten easy Spanish sentences that are useful for various special occasions:

¡Feliz Cumpleaños!
Happy Birthday!
¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
Happy New Year!
¡Feliz Navidad!
Merry Christmas!
¿Quieres bailar conmigo?
Would you like to dance with me?
¡Que lo pases bien!
Have a good time!
¡Buena suerte!
Good luck!
¡Te deseo lo mejor!
I wish you the best!
¡Feliz Aniversario!
Happy Anniversary!

6. Basic Spanish sentences for travelers

Traveling to a Spanish-speaking country can be intimidating for language learners, but it doesn’t have to be!

With the right knowledge and practice, you can easily pick up essential Spanish travel phrases.

easy spanish sentences, Travel letter on the world map isolated.
Travel to any Spanish-speaking country to practice Spanish

Check out these easy Spanish sentences and start communicating with ease!

Spanish phrases to use at the airport

After you leave your home, the airport is the next stop. It’s good to have these phrases when you’re starting a new journey!

¿Dónde está la sala de embarque?
Where is the boarding gate?
¿Dónde puedo facturar mi equipaje?
Where can I check in my luggage?
Necesito una tarjeta de embarque.
I need a boarding pass.
¿Cuál es la puerta de salida para el vuelo a _______?
What is the departure gate for the flight to _______?
¿Dónde puedo encontrar un carrito para el equipaje?
Where can I find a luggage cart?

Common Spanish phrases for hotels

After you arrived at your destination, you need to find some accomodation.

Don’t let yourself get into an uncomfortable situation, make sure you know these easy Spanish sentences!

Me gustaría reservar una habitación.
I would like to book a room.
¿Tienen habitaciones disponibles para esta fecha?
Do you have any rooms available for this date?
¿A qué hora es el check-in/check-out?
What time is the check-in/check-out?
¿Hay acceso a internet en las habitaciones?
Is there internet access in the rooms?
¿Puede usted recomendarme algún restaurante cercano?
Can you recommend me any nearby restaurant?

Useful Spanish phrases in restaurants

These are some of the most important expressions you can use in a restaurant.

¿Hay una mesa disponible?
Is there a table available?
Quisiera hacer una reserva.
I would like to make a reservation.
¿Cuál es el menú del día?
What is the menu of the day?
¿Tiene algún postre?
Do you have dessert?
¿Puede recomendarme un buen vino?
Can you recommend a good wine?

Essential Spanish phrases for sightseeing

When you’re taking a tour in any city, these phrases will come handy!

Me gustaría visitar el __________.
I would like to visit __________.
¿Dónde puedo encontrar un mapa turístico de la ciudad?
Where can I find a tourist map of the city?
¿A qué hora abre el monumento?
What time does the monument open?
Quisiera hacer un recorrido por el centro histórico.
I would like to take a tour of the historic center.
¿Hay alguna visita guiada disponible en mi idioma?
Is there any guided tour available in my language?

Spanish expressions when in emergency

It’s essential to prepare for emergencies. More than anything, you need easy Spanish sentences and a calm approach when you find yourself in a hard situation.

¡Ayuda! ¡Necesito ayuda!
Help! I need help!
Llame a una ambulancia, por favor.
Call an ambulance, please.
¡Fuego! ¡Necesitamos apagar el fuego!
Fire! We need to put out the fire!
¿Dónde está la estación de policía más cercana?
Where is the nearest police station?
¿Dónde está la embajada?
Where is the embassy?

7. How to use Spanish sentence structure

All the Spanish sentences above will help you in conversations, and we recommend you learn them by heart so they roll off the tongue in conversations and you don’t even have to think about grammar.

Regardless, you might feel like you need a bit more explanation about Spanish sentence structure.

If that’s the case, we got you covered; watch this video about Spanish sentence structure, brought to you by the Spring Spanish YouTube Channel (a language learning platform I co-founded):

8. Follow up on Spanish conversations after easy sentences

After the basic Spanish greetings, it is important to follow up with further conversation!

This could mean asking questions about someone’s day, discussing local news or sharing stories about past experiences.

For more tips, you can read more about Spanish conversations or learn the best Spanish conversation practice tips on Effortless Conversations.

Engaging in conversations in Spanish allows you to practice and gain confidence in your fluency and vocabulary, so make sure to talk as much as you can!

9. Practice Section – Learn easy Spanish sentences with flashcards

I. Practice the following easy Spanish sentences. Translate the English expressions to Spanish!

If you want to practice more, click the button below to get access to all of our Practice Worksheets!

10. Learn more easy Spanish sentences with Conversation Based Chunking

Learning these simple Spanish sentences can greatly improve your experience in Spanish-speaking countries.

The key to learning Spanish (or any language) effectively is using the Conversation Based Chunking method.

This approach focuses on learning ‘lexical chunks’ instead of individual words, which helps develop natural and fluent speaking patterns.

Understanding and practicing these phrases in context lays the foundation for meaningful communication and speeds up language learning.

With these simple Spanish sentences in your language toolkit, you’ll become a confident Spanish speaker in no time.

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