Spanish Words That Start With Z: 70 Examples in Real Spanish Conversations
You can learn a lot about the Spanish alphabet on our website, but in this post, we go deeper.
Spanish words that start with Z are less common in the language, but they can be pretty interesting 🤔
Just think about the rare Spanish adverbs that are made of Spanish adjectives.
Spanish for Your Job made a short explanatory video on how Z sounds in words:
The video has only a few examples so let’s explore more in the post.
Read on!
1. Spanish Nouns that start with Z
Let’s start immediately with the nouns that start with Z.
Spanish | English |
zapato | shoe |
zorro | fox |
zanahoria | carrot |
zona | zone |
zumo | juice |
zumbido | buzz |
zarza | bramble |
zócalo | baseboard |
zaguán | entrance hall |
zambomba | friction drum |
zapatilla | slipper |
zángano | drone (bee) |
zarzuela | Spanish operetta |
zigzag | zigzag |
zodiaco | zodiac |
zombi | zombie |
zozobra | anxiety |
zurrón | pouch |
zarcillo | tendril |
zeta | letter Z |
Let’s see how this works in a real-life setting:
Carmen: Hola Javier, ¿has visto mi zapato nuevo? [Have you seen my new shoe?]
Javier: Sí, es muy bonito. ¿Lo compraste en la zona comercial? [Yes, it’s very nice. Did you buy it in the shopping area?]
Carmen: Exactamente. También compré un zurrón para mis excursiones. [Exactly. I also bought a pouch for my hikes.]
Javier: ¡Qué buena idea! Yo necesito uno nuevo para guardar mi zumo cuando voy de caminata. [What a good idea! I need a new one to store my juice when I go hiking.]
2. Spanish Verbs that start with Z
There are a few Spanish words that start with Z, too.
Spanish | English |
zambullir | to dive |
zafar | to escape |
zanjar | to settle |
zigzaguear | to zigzag |
zumbar | to buzz |
zarandear | to shake |
zurrar | to tan (leather) |
zarpar | to set sail |
zambullirse | to plunge |
zapatear | to tap dance |
zozobrar | to capsize |
zurrar | to beat |
zafarse | to get away |
zampar | to gobble |
zatear | to chop |
zonificar | to zone |
zoomar | to zoom |
zurriar | to buzz |
zaherir | to offend |
zanquear | to walk with long strides |
Here’s how you can use Spanish verbs in dialogues:
Elena: ¿Qué vas a hacer este fin de semana, Miguel? [What are you going to do this weekend, Miguel?]
Miguel: Pienso zambullirme en la piscina y luego zanjar ese problema con mi vecino. [I plan to dive into the pool and then settle that problem with my neighbor.]
Elena: Suena bien. Yo voy a zapatear en mi clase de baile y luego zonificar mi jardín. [Sounds good. I’m going to tap dance in my dance class and then zone my garden.]
Miguel: ¡Qué interesante! Espero que no te zafes del compromiso. [How interesting! I hope you don’t get away from the commitment.]
3. Spanish Adjectives that start with Z
You can make your Spanish sentences more colorful with these adjectives!
Spanish | English |
zambullido | submerged |
zalamero | flattering |
zafio | coarse |
zurdo | left-handed |
zoológico | zoological |
zancudo | long-legged |
zaragozano | from Zaragoza |
zigzagueante | zigzagging |
zonzo | foolish |
zahareño | wild, untamed |
zaino | dark-colored |
zampón | gluttonous |
zarrapastroso | scruffy |
zumbón | mocking |
zodiacal | zodiacal |
zurcido | mended |
zumbador | buzzing |
zamarro | boorish |
zapateado | tapped (dance) |
zorruno | fox-like |
Make sure to use the Spanish words that start with Z as adjectives:
Lucía: ¿Cómo estuvo tu cita con ese chico zaragozano? [How was your date with that guy from Zaragoza?]
Pablo: Fue un poco rara. Es muy zalamero, pero también bastante zonzo. [It was a bit weird. He’s very flattering, but also quite foolish.]
Lucía: ¡Vaya! ¿Y cómo iba vestido? ¿Elegante o zarrapastroso? [Wow! And how was he dressed? Elegant or scruffy?]
Pablo: Ni lo uno ni lo otro. Llevaba una camisa con un estampado zigzagueante muy peculiar. [Neither. He wore a shirt with a very peculiar zigzagging pattern.]
4. Spanish Adverbs that start with Z
To be honest, adverbs in Spanish are quite rare.
Spanish | English |
zigzagueantemente | zigzaggingly |
zurdamente | clumsily |
zafiamente | coarsely |
zombiescamente | zombie-like |
zalameramente | flatteringly |
zampadamente | gluttonously |
zumbonamente | mockingly |
zorrunamente | cunningly |
zarandeadamente | shakily |
zozobradamente | anxiously |
Some of these that we just listed in the table are constructions based on adjectives.
And although these adverbs exist, they rarely get mentioned in conversations.
5. Learn Spanish words that start with Z with Conversation Based Chunking
Spanish words that start with Z are less common in Spanish.
If you’re thinking about everyday nouns like “zapato“, or the expressive verb “zigzaguear“, you’re in the right place.
But here, on Effortless Conversations, we don’t advocate for solo vocabulary learning.
Instead, use the Conversation Based Chunking method.
This approach focuses on the natural building blocks of the language – lexical chunks. You use them all the time in your native tongue, but you don’t even realize it!
To truly, effectively learn these Z-words and other Spanish expressions, use this method.
We’ll give you the first help: just sign up for our email list and we’ll send a FREE Spanish Chunking Starter Pack your way!