100+ Abbreviations In Spanish And How To Use Them In Writing & Texting
Are you trying to save some space in written Spanish? Texting your friend and want to be quick?
Use abbreviations in Spanish! Spring Spanish (a project I co-founded) made a lesson on 23 abbreviations native Spanish speakers use all the time:
But in this blog post, we’re going to cover even more. First, we’ll explain what Spanish abbreviations are , then share some of the most common ones with you – all put into different categories, so you don’t have to search for them for long.
Without further ado: the abbreviations in Spanish!
1. What are abbreviations in Spanish?
Abbreviations in Spanish serve no different purpose than in other languages.
Effortless Answers
Spanish abbreviations are shortened forms of words and phrases. They are similar to abbreviations in English, like “etc.” for “et cetera” or “Dr.” for “Doctor“.
You can use abbreviations in Spanish to save space, especially in written Spanish when the text space is limited. You can use them for note-taking, emails or messages.
Saving time is another important aspect of these shortened forms: if you’re in a hurry, you can just scribble down some abbreviations, and you’ll still understand it later!
Abbreviations make communication faster and concise. There are even some cases when you have to use them in formal situations, like when addressing someone “Sr.” for “Señor” (Mr.), “Sra.” for “Señora” (Mrs.), or “Dr.” for “Doctor“. They are easier to write or type on a keyboard, and some of the most common ones are universally recognized, so everyone can understand them – no matter the language!
2. Spanish abbreviations for titles and professions
When you have to address someone in Spanish, use these abbreviations. These are especially useful in written communication, like emails, letters, or official documents.
Spanish | English |
Sr. (Señor) | Mr. |
Sra. (Señora) | Mrs. |
Srta. (Señorita) | Miss |
Dr. (Doctor) | Doctor |
Dra. (Doctora) | Female Doctor |
Prof. (Profesor) | Professor (male) |
Profa. (Profesora) | Professor (female) |
Abg. (Abogado/Abogada) | Lawyer |
Lic. (Licenciado/Licenciada) | Graduate |
Ing. (Ingeniero/Ingeniera) | Engineer |
Arq. (Arquitecto/Arquitecta) | Architect |
3. Use abbreviations for time and dates: days of the week, hours
These ones are handy when writing schedules, timetables, or even diary entries.
Spanish | English |
a.C. (antes de Cristo) | BC (Before Christ) |
d.C. (después de Cristo) | AD (Anno Domini) |
a.m. (antes merídiem) | AM (before noon) |
p.m. (post merídiem) | PM (after noon) |
hrs. (horas) | hours |
h (hora) | hour |
min. (minuto) | minute |
seg. (segundo) | second |
lun. (lunes) | Monday |
mar. (martes) | Tuesday |
mié. (miércoles) | Wednesday |
jue. (jueves) | Thursday |
vie. (viernes) | Friday |
sab. (sábado) | Saturday |
dom. (domingo) | Sunday |
4. Abbreviations for measurements and units
For recipes, construction, or scientific data, these abbreviations are life-saving.
Spanish | English |
cm (centímetro) | centimeter |
kg (kilogramo) | kilogram |
km (kilómetro) | kilometer |
m (metro) | meter |
l (litro) | liter |
g (gramo) | gram |
ml (mililitro) | milliliter |
mm (milímetro) | millimeter |
km/h (kilómetros por hora) | km/h (kilometers per hour) |
m2 (metros cuadrados) | m² (square meters) |
m3 (metros cúbicos) | m³ (cubic meters) |
5. Common Spanish abbreviations
These are useful in everyday writing and formal correspondence. They help keep your writing concise and clear.
Spanish | English |
etc. (etcétera) | etcetera |
p.ej. (por ejemplo) | e.g. (for example) |
q.e.p.d. (que en paz descanse) | RIP (Rest In Peace) |
pd. (postdata) | PS (postscript) |
c/u (cada uno) | each |
att. (atentamente) | sincerely |
por fa (por favor) | please |
a/c (a cuenta) | on account |
sin más (sin más preámbulos) | without further ado |
S/N (Sin Número) | No Number |
6. Abbreviations and acronyms for geography and institutions
You can use these when referring to countries, organizations, or institutions.

The acronyms make the lengthy names easier to manage.
Spanish | English |
EE.UU. (Estados Unidos) | USA (United States) |
UE (Unión Europea) | EU (European Union) |
ONU (Organización de las Naciones Unidas) | UN (United Nations) |
OMS (Organización Mundial de la Salud) | WHO (World Health Organization) |
OEA (Organización de los Estados Americanos) | OAS (Organization of American States) |
GB (Gran Bretaña) | UK (United Kingdom) |
OCDE (Organización para la Cooperación y Desarrollo Económico) | OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) |
NATO (Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte) | NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) |
FMI (Fondo Monetario Internacional) | IMF (International Monetary Fund) |
BID (Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo) | IDB (Inter-American Development Bank) |
7. Spanish language abbreviations for education
Abbreviations and acronyms are also common in academic contexts when talking about diplomas, resumes, or academic papers.
Spanish | English |
Lic. (Licenciado/Licenciada) | Graduate (Bachelor’s degree) |
Ing. (Ingeniero/Ingeniera) | Engineer |
Arq. (Arquitecto/Arquitecta) | Architect |
Mtro. (Maestro/Maestra) | Master (title for teachers or master’s degree holders) |
Ph.D. (Doctor en Filosofía) | Ph.D. |
Bach. (Bachiller) | High School Graduate |
Est. (Estudiante) | Student |
Téc. (Técnico) | Technician |
M.Sc. (Maestría en Ciencias) | M.Sc. (Master of Science) |
Ph.D. (Doctorado) | Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) |
8. Write about Spanish business with these abbreviations
Business documents also use abbreviations for clarity and brevity. Efficient communication can’t be neglected in serious matters!
Spanish | English |
Cía. (Compañía) | Company |
S.A. (Sociedad Anónima) | Corporation |
NIF (Número de Identificación Fiscal) | Tax Identification Number |
PVP (Precio de Venta al Público) | RRP (Recommended Retail Price) |
IVA (Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido) | VAT (Value Added Tax) |
Dpto. (Departamento) | Department |
RIF (Registro de Información Fiscal) | Tax Registration Number |
S.L. (Sociedad Limitada) | Limited Company |
B2B (Negocio a Negocio) | B2B (Business to Business) |
B2C (Negocio a Consumidor) | B2C (Business to Consumer) |
9. Spanish abbreviations for texting
In contrast to the serious business, texting and messaging is an informal activity.
With these abbreviations, you can speed up texting and make your messages informal. Use them with friend and in casual conversations.
Spanish | English |
xq (por qué) | why |
k (que) | that |
tmb (también) | also |
ntp (no te preocupes) | don’t worry |
tqm (te quiero mucho) | I love you a lot |
f (Facebook) | |
g (Google) | |
dnd (dónde) | where |
q (qué) | what |
dnd (dónde) | where |
msj (mensaje) | message |
10. Miscellaneous abbreviations
Everything else that’s not included in the previous sections is listed here.
Use these from administrative forms to casual notes. They help you reduce the length of the text while still expressing the information.
Spanish | English |
dpto. (departamento) | department |
pág. (página) | page |
tel. (teléfono) | phone |
Ud. (Usted) | You (formal) |
S/N (Sin Número) | No Number |
N/E (No Especificado) | Not Specified |
PDT (Posdata) | P.S. (Postscript) |
APV (Antes de la Presente Vida) | Before the Present Life |
R/C (Recibido conforme) | Received as Agreed |
IQ (Inteligencia Quociente) | IQ (Intelligence Quotient) |
11. Practice abbreviations with flashcards!
Solve these flashcard exercises!
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12. Learn abbreviations without Spanish grammar
Some abbreviations are universal and don’t follow strict grammatical rules in Spanish.
The more you practice and write in Spanish, the easier it will be to use them. We, on Effortless Conversation think that if you use Conversation Based Chunking, you’ll be faster to remember and learn these abbreviations, and many more!
It’s all about focusing on the natural building blocks of the language, while immersing yourself in Spanish context.
Sign up now and you’ll get access to our Full Practice Worksheet Library, you’ll se my favorite resources to learn Spanish, and you’ll even get an essential chunking list for FREE!