Y in Spanish: The Ultimate Guide for Meaning & 2 Different Pronunciations (with Examples)

If you’ve heard the letter Y in Spanish more than once and the pronunciation was different every time, don’t freak out!

Effortless Answers

The pronunciation of y in Spanish can be different.
• If it’s at the end of the word or it is a word alone, it’s like the Spanish vowel /i/lei.
• It has a consonant sound /ʝ/, if it’s at the beginning or middle of the word – yerba, rayar.

The meaning of y in Spanish is: “and”.
• It’s used to connect elements or parts of sentences (e.g., “Juan y María“)
• Y in Spanish changes to “e” before words starting with “i” or “hi” to avoid cacophony (e.g., “padre e hijo“).

If you have doubts, watch the following video by Spring Spanish to learn how to pronounce /ll/ and /y/ in the Spanish-speaking world.

Today we will learn all you need to know about the Spanish letter Y, how to use it and how to pronounce it properly. 

1. The Letter Y in the Spanish Alphabet

Y is the 26th letter in the Spanish alphabet.

Take a look at the Spanish Alphabet and find the letter Y!

y in spanish

It is the only letter in Spanish to have two names: ye and i griega; although the Spanish Royal Academy recommends the use of ye over i griega

Y in Spanish can have two different sounds when pronounced: a vowel sound, and a consonant one.

How so?! Let’s see!

2. The Letter Y in Spanish: A Vowel and Consonant Sound

The pronunciation of Y in Spanish depends on two factors:

  1. the placement of the letter in a word or phrase
  2. the variety of Spanish spoken in an area.

3. Pronunciation according to Y placement in a word or phrase

  1. Vowel: Y sounds exactly like the Spanish vowel /i/, when:
  • it occurs at the end of a word, like in:
    • Ley /lei/ – leyes /leʝes/ – law
    • Rey /rei/ – reyes /reʝes/ – king
  • it is a word itself, for example in “Juan y María son hermanos” (Juan and Maria are siblings). 

Here, the Spanish sound of /y/ resembles the English sound for /ee/ in “bee”, but it’s a bit shorter. 

The plural form of Spanish words ending in -y adds -es, and then the letter Y acquires the consonant sound.

  1. Consonant: Y has this sound when it occurs:
  • at the beginning of words, like in:
    • yerba (herb)
    • yodo (iodine)
  • In the middle of a word, like in:
    • rayar (scribble)
    • apoyo (support)

4. How to Pronounce Y according to the Spanish variety

The sound of Y in Spanish also depends on the regional variety of Spanish spoken in a certain area. 

In most of America and Spain, when Y has consonant value, its sound is somewhat similar to that of English “g” in wage, or “j” in jungle, but a bit softer. 

For example:

vaya /’vaʝ.a/ (subjunctive form of ir)

Yate /’ʝate/ (yatch)

In Mexico, Central America and some areas of South America, the Spanish Y sounds like the English Y in yes or you

Take a look!

rayo /raio/ (lightning)

yeso /ieso/ (plaster).

Spanish speakers in Argentina and Uruguay pronounce the Y like the English sound of -sh in shallow or shorts.

yoga /’ʃoga/

yogur /ʃogur/.

In this variety of Spanish, called Rioplatense Spanish, the accent of the double consonant /ll/ is the same as that of /y/. This is called yeísmo.

LL (-sh sound)Y (-sh sound)
valla [vaʃa]fencevaya [vaʃa]subjunctive form of ir
callo [kaʃo]calluscayo [kaʃo]cay
hulla [uʃa]coalhuya [uʃa]subjunctive form of huir
Arrollo [arroʃo]I roll uparroyo [arroʃo]stream

5. Learn How to Pronounce Y in Spanish Words

The best way to learn how to pronounce a sound is pronouncing it!

Let’s compare the letter Y in examples:

Examples of Y in Spanish Pronunciation (Vowel sound)

Pronounce LikeY PlacementExample
End of wordRey (king)
Ley (law)
Soy (I am)
Vowel soundMuy (very)
(ee) /i/Conjunction “y”Pedro y Pablo. (Pedro and Pablo.)
Agua y aceite. (Water and oil.)
Día y noche. (Day and night.)
Blanco y negro. (White and black.)

Examples of Y in Spanish Pronunciation (Consonant sound)

Pronounce LikeY PlacementSpanish
Plural of nounsReyes (kings)
ending in “y”Leyes (laws)
Beginning of wordYate (Yatch)
Yerba (Herb)
Consonant soundYuyo (Weeds)
Like Eng. J /ʝ/, Y /i/or sh- /ʃ/Yerno (Son-in-law)
Middle of wordArroyo (Stream)
Cobayo (Guinea pig)
Inyección (Injection)
Payaso (Clown)

6. Y in Spanish Language: Learn the Meaning as ‘And’

The Spanish Y is a word in itself.

It means “and” in English. It is used to add an element to another or to others. 

  • Niños y niñas. (Boys and girls)
  • Ricos y pobres. (Rich and poor)
  • Grandes, medianos y pequeños. (Large, medium, and small)


When the word right after “y” begins with “-i” or “-hi”, then “y” is replaced by “e” to avoid the clash of sounds (cacophony).

  • Verano e invierno. (Summer and Winter)
  • Madre e hijo. (Mother and son)

7. Other meanings of Y in Spanish + Translation

  1. It is used to emphasize an idea in a sentence, meaning “What if…?” in English.
  • ¿Y si no vuelve nunca más? – What if she never returns?
  • ¿Y si llegamos tarde a la reunión? – What if we arrive late to the meeting?
  • ¿Y si no apruebo el examen? – What if I don’t pass the exam?
  • ¿Y si llueve durante el viaje? – What if it rains during the trip?
  1. It can denote the idea of indefinite repetition, just like “and” does in English.
  • Pasé horas y horas estudiando para este examen. – I spent hours and hours studying for this exam.
  • Corrí kilómetros y kilómetros en la maratón. – I ran kilometers and kilometers in the marathon.
  1. It can start a follow-up question in a conversation, meaning “What about…?” In English.
  • A: En un rato llega Iván. – Iván is arriving in a little while.
  • B: ¿Y su novia? – What about his girlfriend?
  • A: Voy a la tienda a comprar leche. – I’m going to the store to buy milk.
  • B: ¿Y pan? – And bread?

Spanish Words with the Letter ‘y’

Spanish WordEnglish Translation
Pollo y arrozChicken and Rice

8. A Tip for Learners: Use This Guide with Conversation Based Chunking

You have learned how to pronounce Y in Spanish with this ultimate guide.

Now you can practice your pronunciation skills with the Conversation Based Chunking Method and you can also check out other pronunciation articles like G in Spanish, LL in Spanish or How to Roll Your Rs.

This method will help you speak Spanish more fluently and naturally.

Try it out and see the difference!

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