95 Spanish Travel Phrases You Need To Learn (Audio Included)

If you’re looking to learn some basic Spanish for a trip to a Spanish-speaking country, going the whole “grammar and word list” route is a bit complex and time-consuming.

Good news: learning Spanish travel phrases instead won’t only help you learn Spanish you can use right away in conversations…

Contrary to what many people think, such phrases aren’t even just a quick “hack” but a valid long-term strategy to learn Spanish and other languages (as I outline in my article about Spanish for beginners).

Anyway, more on that in a bit. First, let’s teach you some Spanish travel phrases!

1. Spanish travel phrases to use upon arrival

First things first. If you’re planning to go to a Spanish-speaking country, learning how to greet people and be polite is a must. Otherwise, starting a Spanish conversation can be difficult.

No matter what kind of transportation you use to get to a Spanish-speaking place, you probably will have to deal with different kinds of workers.

Travel Spanish: Visit a beautiful country!
No matter which Spanish-speaking country you visit, you will need these essential Spanish travel chunks

The best thing you can do if you want to ask for information, or just catch some worker’s attention, is to be polite and show respect.

Keep in mind that if you want to be formal, you’ll say and conjugate verbs using “usted”. If you’re just talking with friends or someone you know, it’s enough to use “”.

Now, let’s see some chunks that will help you be ready on Arrival at your destination.

Spanish phrases for greetings and check-in

Hi/ Hello.
Buenos días.
Good morning. (more ways to say good morning in Spanish)
Buenas tardes.
Good Afternoon.
Buenas noches.
Good Evening / night.
¿Podría decirme donde queda la salida?
Could you tell me where the exit is?
¿Me puede ayudar?
Can you help me?
¿Habla ingles?
Do you speak English?
¿Sabe donde puedo retirar mi equipaje?
Do you know where I can collect my luggage?

Since you’re trying to improve your Spanish, we would recommend not to use “¿Habla ingles?” as the first alternative. If you do it, natives will try to find someone that could speak with you in English.

Yet, if you find that communicating becomes complicated, it may save your day.

On the other hand, using “¿Me puede ayudar?” is among the best alternatives if you need help when arriving at the airport or any place. People will know immediately that you require assistance to do or get something.

If you use transportation like Taxis or Buses, dealing with luggage isn’t a challenge. But, if you take an airplane, and finding your luggage isn’t that easy, you can take advantage of the last phrase above.

No matter what your needs are, you should always use the following chunks if someone helps you or you ask for help.

Ask for help with these chunks

Por favor
Thank you

Saying “Por favor” and “Gracias” will not only help you to show respect. Also, they will indeed help you to “open” doors as people will always be willing to help you one more time.

For more airport Spanish, watch this video by Paulisima from Spring Spanish (a YouTube channel I co-founded):

Travel Spanish: at the airport

2. Spanish travel phrases when you need something

When traveling, Necesitar and Querer are two Spanish verbs that will help you in several situations.

Spanish travel phrases travel signs

There are plenty of Spanish chunks you can learn and use with Necesitar and Querer. However, we will stick to the most important.

Travel vocabulary in Spanish: Necesitar and Querer

Necesito mi equipaje.
I need my luggage.
Necesito un baño.
I need a bathroom.
Necesito un taxi.
I need a taxi.
Necesito ir a un cajero automatico.
I need to go to an ATM.
Necesito un hotel.
I need a hotel.
Necesito una habitación.
I need a room.
Quiero una habitacion doble.
I want a double room.
Quiero un boleto.
I want a ticket.
Quiero comer.
I want to eat.
Quiero salir de fiesta.
I want to go out partying.

With these Spanish travel phrases, you’ll get any problem solved. From your basic needs to things on your bucket list like going partying in a Spanish-speaking country.

3. Spanish travel phrases for partying

Latin American people are among the most cheerful people all over the world, and hanging out with them is an unforgettable activity.

You could learn the following Spanish phrases when you’re out having the best time of your life! 😉

Spanish Phrases for When You’re Partying

Spanish PhraseEnglish
¡Qué bien me lo estoy pasando!
I’m having a great time!
¡Esto es genial!
This is awesome!
¡Vamos a divertirnos!
Let’s have fun!
¡Estoy de fiesta!
I’m partying!
¡La noche está joven!
The night is young!
¡Baila conmigo!
Dance with me!
¡Estoy disfrutando al máximo!
I’m enjoying to the fullest!
¡Qué buen ambiente hay aquí!
What a great atmosphere here!
¡No quiero que esta noche termine!
I don’t want this night to end!

There are plenty of other Spanish phrases for travel you could learn… and in general, learning as many fixed phrases as possible (or chunks, as we call them) will help you speak Spanish more effortlessly in all kinds of situations.

You can learn them through actual conversation, but also through Spanish podcasts, Spanish YouTube channels, or check out the best Spanish shows on Netflix.

If you’d like to learn more about learning Spanish through chunks, go ahead and request your free Spanish Chunking Starter Pack.

4. Spanish travel phrases when asking for directions

Although most Spanish speakers are quite friendly because of their culture and way of living, getting along with them on the streets may not be as simple as that. It’s because some people feel that talking to strangers isn’t appropriate or just “not safe”.

When approaching someone you don’t know on the streets, you must keep your distance and use some of the following Spanish phrases.

Approach someone with these chunks

Hola, disculpe…
Hi, excuse me…
Disculpe señor/señora
Excuse me, Mister/ Miss
¡Hola! Buenos días/ tardes/ noches, disculpe…
Hello! Good morning/afternoon/night, excuse me…

The approach is the most important step. After, it’s time to ask or request what you need. If you’re lost and you need an address or need help, the following chunks will help you get the job done.

Travel tips: Get help with these Spanish chunks

¿Dónde puedo tomar un taxi?
Where can I take a taxi?
¿Dónde esta la parada de autobús mas cercana?
Where is the nearest bus stop?
¿Donde está la estación de ferrocarril más cercana?
Where is the nearest railway station?
¿Hay algún cajero automatico cerca?
Is there an ATM nearby?
¿Cuanto cuesta un boleto para…?
¿Cuanto cuesta un boleto para…?
¿Hay algún centro comercial cerca?
Is there any shopping center nearby?
¿Sabe como puedo llegar a esta dirección?
Do you know how I can get to this address?

After you get all you need and it’s time to move forward, saying “Gracias” to the ones who helped you is essential.

It’s always important to say thanks. It will help you end the conversation and leave an “open door” to ask for help again if necessary.

Time to see some of these phrases/chunks in action! Here’s Maria Fernanda, one of the Spring Spanish teachers:

5. Spanish travel phrases for the hotel

If you’re a traveler there’s no doubt that you’ll face some challenges when looking for accommodation. Let’s imagine you need to get a room and you have to talk to the staff of a hotel.

Depending on your needs, there are several things you’ll have to ask.

spanish travel phrases hotel sign

For example, room type, if the price includes breakfast, or other things like if you have access to the pool.

Solve challenges at a hotel with these Spanish phrases

Tengo una reserva a nombre de…
I have a reservation under the name of…
Necesito una habitación para dos/tres personas
I need a room for two/three people
¿La tarifa incluye desayuno?
Does room cost include breakfast?
¿A qué hora es el desayuno?
What time is breakfast?
¿Tiene servicio de habitaciones?
Do you have room service?
Vista del mar
Ocean view
Vista de la ciudad
City view
¿Cuál es la contraseña del Wi-Fi?
What is the wifi password?
¿Puedo solicitar una salida tardía?
Can I request a late checkout?
¿Donde está la piscina?
Where is the pool?

Please note that if you have made a reservation, you’ll need either your name or a reservation number. If you get a reservation number, you would say “Hice una reserva con número….” instead of “Tengo una reserva a nombre de…”. Learn all the Spanish numbers.

Getting a room with breakfast included is generally a great option. In that scenario, you could say “Quiero el servicio de desayuno incluido” (I want breakfast included). No matter what you ask or need, remember to use formal language and make use of “usted”.

Here’s a good video about checking into a hotel, brought to you by Paulisima from Spring Spanish:


6. Spanish travel phrases for the restaurant

After you managed to pack out everything in your hotel, you might want to grab something at the restaurant. Learning the basic travel phrases to order food will definitely help you when you’re hungry!

Spanish travel phrases paella in a pan in a restaurant

Useful travel phrases in a restaurant

¿Tiene una mesa para dos personas?
Do you have a table for dos people?
Quisiera una carta, por favor.
Can I have a menu, please?
¿Qué recomienda usted?
What do you recommend?
¿Cuál es el plato del día?
What is the dish of the day?
Quisiera pedir…
I would like to order…
¿Tiene opciones vegetarianas/veganas?
Do you have vegetarian/vegan options?
¿Puede hacerlo sin alérgeno?
Can you make it without allergen?
¿Cuánto tiempo se tarda en preparar?
How long does it take to prepare?
La cuenta, por favor.
The bill, please.
¿Aceptan tarjetas de crédito?
Do you accept credit cards?
¿Dónde están los baños?
Where are the restrooms?
¿Puedo tener la cuenta?
Can I have the check?
Gracias por la comida.
Thank you for the meal.
¿Cuánto es la propina habitual?
What’s the usual tip?

7. Spanish travel phrases for the hospital

Smart travelers always keep some medical supplies in their bags to face any kind of emergency. However, sometimes taking some pills won’t solve the problem, and learning Spanish travel phrases to deal with these situations is essential.

Spanish travel phrases ambulance in madrid

The following Spanish travel phrases will help you with your health-related concerns.

Spanish travel phrases: Health-related concerns

¿Dónde esta la farmacia?
Where’s the pharmacy/ drug store?
¿Dónde hay un hospital cerca?
Is there a hospital nearby?
No me siento bien.
I don’t feel well / I feel sick.
¿El doctor habla inglés?
Does the doctor speak English?
¿Qué medicina necesito?
What medicine do I need?
Seguro de salud internacional
International health insurance
¿Necesito una receta?
Do I need a prescription?
¿Cuando es la cita médica?
When is the doctor’s appointment?
Cita médica
Doctor’s appointment
Cita de seguimiento
Follow-up appointment

Although the Spanish chunks above will help you deal with most medical situations, sometimes, it’s necessary to explain any symptoms you might have. You can use “Yo tengo” before any of the Spanish words for travel shown below.

They’ll help you explain your symptoms and any Spanish-speaking doctor will have no problem at the moment of giving you the right prescription.

Explain symptoms with Spanish chunks

Un resfriado
A cold
Dolor de garganta
Sore throat
Dolor de cabeza
Dolor de estómago
Dolor de espalda
Me gotea la nariz.
I have a runny nose.

Tip: To make yourself understood to native speakers, especially in more complex situations like this, this article on Spanish connectors will come in handy. It’s an often-overlooked part of language learning but it can help you a lot.

Another tip: Want to see (and hear) all those phrases in action? Watch this video by Spring Spanish teacher Maura:

Travel Spanish: Spring Spanish teacher Maura helps you out

8. Spanish travel phrases for everyday situations

Although we provided you with the most important phrases for every possible situation, there are still some useful phrases left. Check out the following table to learn some of the most used Spanish travel phrases for everyday situations.

Spanish travel phrases, a traditional Andalusian street with flowers

Use these phrases in everyday situations

¿Cómo estás?
How are you?
¿Cuál es tu nombre?
What is your name?
¿Cuánto cuesta esto?
How much does this cost?
¿Puede recomendar un buen restaurante?
Can you recommend a good restaurant?
¿Qué hora es?
What time is it?
¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy?
What is today’s date?
¿Dónde puedo conseguir un mapa?
Where can I get a map?
Estoy aquí de vacaciones
I am here on vacation
¿Cuál es la mejor manera de llegar?
What’s the best way to get there?
Me encanta este lugar
I love this place
Estoy disfrutando mucho
I’m enjoying it a lot
¿Puede tomar una foto de nosotros?
Can you take a photo of us?

9. Spanish travel phrases: your key to Effortless Conversations in any Spanish-speaking country

No matter what Spanish-speaking country you visit, keeping these Spanish phrases for travel will indeed help you deal with any scenario.

Let’s check out a Spanish conversation with some basic Spanish travel phrases:

Ana: Hola, disculpe…
(Hello, excuse me…)

Berta: ¡Hola! ¿En qué puedo ayudarte?
(Hello! How can I help you?)

Ana: ¿Sabe cómo llegar a esta dirección?
(Do you know how to get to this address?)

Berta: Sí, claro. ¿A qué dirección necesitas ir?
(Yes, of course. What address do you need to go to?)

Ana: Un hotel en la Calle Principal.
(A hotel on Main Street.)

Berta: Está cerca. Camina dos cuadras hacia el oeste.
(It’s nearby. Walk two blocks west.)

Ana: Hice una reserva con número 16.
(I made a reservation with the number 16.)

Berta: Perfecto. Disfruta tu estadía.
(Perfect. Enjoy your stay.)

Ana: ¡Gracias!
(Thank you!)

Berta: De nada. ¡Que tengas un buen día!
(You’re welcome. Have a nice day!)


Of course, if communicating becomes too complex, don’t hesitate to use the old life-saving phrase “¿Habla ingles?”.

Want more?

Requesting your free Spanish Chunking Starter Pack from Effortless Conversation is the best you can do if you’re planning to visit a Spanish-speaking destination. You’ll build your confidence and will feel much more comfortable when speaking Spanish.

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