Spanish Sentences: 50 Vital Spanish Conversation Kickstarters + Audio

You can never know enough Spanish sentences and phrases. Because more than words and grammar rules, it’s the word combinations (we call them chunks) you have readily available in your brain that makes you speak any language fluently. That applies for your mother tongue, Spanish and any other language.

If you want to practice building some sentences in Spanish, check out this Spring Spanish video (with 50 example sentences):

Learn to use 50 important Spanish words in sentences

Added bonus:  it’ll allow you to start speaking Spanish in conversations right away!

Out of all the methods I’ve seen and tried so far (while studying linguistics, learning 6 languages, and creating language courses), this is by far the best way to learn Spanish.

In this article, you’ll find essential Spanish sentences, phrases and chunks to keep up your sleeve when you find yourself in a Spanish conversation. They will help you in situations like when meeting someone new, dealing with airport/traveling things, and even when it’s time to eat.

So, if you’re about to buy your airplane tickets, you can’t miss reading this explanation and learn new life-saving Spanish sentences.

1. Spanish Sentences to Use When Meeting Someone New

If you’re a friendly individual, probably making new friends isn’t a challenge. But, when it’s time to meet someone that doesn’t speak your native language, there are a few things you have to keep in mind.

Every conversation generally has 4 stages:

  • The introduction / Greetings stage
  • The questions stage
  • Answering questions
  • Saying goodbye

You will need chunks for each of these stages. Below, let’s see a couple of easy Spanish sentences so you can get a better idea of what it’s like to hold a quick conversation in Spanish.

Spanish sentences for meeting someone new

¿Cómo vas?
How is it going?
¿Qué cuentas?
What’s new?
Yo ando bien/ mal/ mas o menos.
I’m doing good/ bad/ more or less.
¿Vamos por un café/ té?
Shall we go for a coffee?
¿Me das tu número?
Can I have your number?.
¿Tienes Whatsapp / Telegram / Instagram?
Do you have Whatsapp / Telegram / Instagram?
¿Nos vemos el fin de semana?
See you this weekend?
¿Que te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre?
What do you like to do in your free time?
Me gusta leer/ salir con mis amigos/ hacer deporte.
I like to read / go out with my friends / do sports.
¿Que me recomiendas hacer?
What do you recommend I do?
¡Nos vemos pronto / luego!

See you soon/ later!
Hasta pronto/ luego.
See you soon/ later.

Please note that all of these chunks are frequently used by native speakers but, as they are, they are just good enough for traditional/ informal conversations. If you want to be formal, you must conjugate verbs using “usted” or “ustedes” depending on the case.

Let’s see some other chunks you can use if you are in the middle of a formal Spanish conversation.

Formal Spanish chunks to use during a conversation

¿Cómo le va?
How is it going?
¿Le gustaría ir por un café?
Would you like to go for a coffee?
¿Me da su número?
Can you give me your phone number?
¿Le veo el fin de semana?
See you on the weekend?
¿ Qué le gusta hacer en su tiempo libre?
What do you like to do in your free time?
¿Tiene Whatsapp / Telegram / Instagram?
Do you have Whatsapp / Telegram / Instagram?
¿Qué me recomienda hacer?
What do you recommend I do?
Le veo pronto/ luego.
See you soon/ later.

As you may see, the Spanish article “Le” will play an important role in these situations. Also, when asking for someone else’s phone number, you need to change “das” to “da” and “” to “su” if you want to be formal and show respect. (Also, here’s an article that’ll teach you all about Spanish numbers.)

These basic Spanish sentences will definitely save your day if need to show respect and be formal. They are good if you’re in a business meeting, you speak to someone you don’t know yet, or just someone older than you.

Spanish sentences: Once you learn Spanish you can easily read this book
Basic Spanish sentences will definitely save your day

As explained in my Spanish for Beginners Guide, learning such chunks and easy sentences in Spanish will help you speak more effortlessly in any situation, even if your Spanish isn’t that good yet.

English translations of Spanish formal and informal are the same. But, in Spanish, things are different as conjugating verbs using “usted” will help you sound more polite, respectful, and well-educated.

2. Spanish Sentences to Use at Airports

Dealing with airport things is difficult not only because of the language barrier. Also, because of how busy they are and the number of people with different cultures you can find there. For example, El Dorado is one of the most important airports in Latin America.

It’s quite impressive as its architectural design is delightful. For that reason, many tourists visit Bogota and it’s a very crowded place.

Being culturally aware is the first thing you must do. Then, learning and remembering the Spanish chunks below is the second step you should take.

Spanish chunks to use at airports

¿Me puede ayudar?
Can you help me?
Necesito imprimir mi pase de abordar.
I need to print my boarding pass.
¿Dónde debo recoger mi equipaje?
Where should I collect my luggage?
¿Me podría dar su/mi pasaporte?
Could you give me your/my passport?
Aquí tiene mis documentos.
Here are my documents.
Voy a documentar dos maletas.
I will check two bags.
¿A qué hora sale el vuelo?
What time does the flight leave?
El vuelo está demorado.
The flight is delayed.
¿Algún lugar para comer algo rápido por aquí?
Anywhere for a quick bite to eat around here?
¿Donde está la sala de abordaje?
Where is the boarding room?

While traveling, these chunks will indeed help you save the day, especially when doing the checking process and dealing with your luggage. You should also keep in mind that, at airports, being polite is mandatory as you don’t want to sound rude or something similar.

So, using these chunks using a formal tone and conjugating verbs using “usted” is a good choice to make… Because that’s what native speakers would do.

This is the basis of Conversation Based Chunking™: you listen to the exact word combinations (or phrases, or chunks as linguists call them) native speakers use in conversations (or in podcasts, interviews, or courses)… and then you use the exact same phrases while speaking Spanish yourself.

To learn more about the exact process to identify these chunks and memorize them, I recommend you request your free Spanish Chunking Starter Pack. You’ll kickstart your learning process with walkthrough videos, recommended resources by native speakers, and even some flashcard decks to keep learning every day.

3. Spanish Sentences to Use at Restaurants

Most people love Latin America and Spain because of their food and how tasty it is. No matter what country you’re planning to visit, there’s a wide range of alternatives to choose from when it’s time to eat. Visiting restaurants is a common thing most travelers do.

And, if you’re one of those, below are 10 Spanish sentences that will undoubtedly help you ask for food and get the right thing to eat.

Spanish chunks to use at restaurants

¿Me podría permitir el menú/ la carta?
Could I have the menu/ a la carte?
¿Qué platillos me recomienda?
What dishes do you recommend?
¿Cual es el platillo del día?
What is the dish of the day?
¿Me lo podría poner para llevar?
Could you put it for me to take away?
¿Acepta pagos con tarjeta de credito?
Do you accept credit card payments?
¿Me podría traer agua/ café?
Could you bring me water/coffee?
De postre quisiera el pie de limón, por favor.
I’d like the lemon pie for dessert, please.
No quiero nada más, gracias
I don’t want anything else, thank you
¿Podría retirar los platos de la mesa, por favor?
Could you clear the plates from the table, please?
¿Me puede traer la cuenta?
Can I have the check?

Just like the Spanish chunks we use at the airport, all of the Spanish phrases are formal. After all, we want to show respect when speaking to other people like waiters, for example.

The phrase “¿Cual es el platillo del día?” will be helpful if you want to taste local food and have a whole new experience.

You can use Spanish Sentences in a restaurant to order a served table
You can use Spanish Sentences in a restaurant, too

On the other hand, you can’t forget to use “¿Me puede traer la cuenta?” before leaving the restaurant. Otherwise, they won’t bring you the check and they might get upset as they will think you’ll leave without paying.

When you order something, always try to use “por favor” at the end of the sentences. Por favor is the Spanish equivalent to “please”. It helps you show respect to others and they won’t feel you’re giving them commands.

Tip: Learn some Spanish connectors to sound even more fluent when ordering in a Spanish restaurant. For example: Quisiera un té sin azucar. Más bien, con Splenda. (I would like tea without sugar. Rather, with Splenda.) There are many more useful Spanish connectors in this article.

4. Spanish Sentences When Meeting Friends at the Bar

Everybody loves Spanish-speaking countries because of their cheerful people and relaxing vibes. In special, people from Latin America are way more cheerful than many other individuals around the globe.

They love not only partying but going to bars and having a few drinks. If you plan to go to a country in Latin America like Mexico or Colombia, you indeed need these chunks listed below.

These Spanish sentences will come in handy when hanging out with friends and having a great time at the bar.

Meet friends at a bar with these Spanish sentences

¿Qué quieres de tomar?
¿What would you like to drink?
A mi me gustaría una chela / pola / cerveza, ¿Y a ti?
I would like a beer, and you?
¿Pedimos unas botanas?
Shall we order some snacks?
Tengo hambre. ¿Y si pedimos algo para compartir?
I’m hungry. What about ordering something to share?
¿Prefieres una botella o por copeo?
Would you like a bottle or by the glass?
Tengo libre este fin de semana. ¿Quiere ir al cine o hacer algo juntos?
I’m free this weekend. Would you like to go to the movies or do something together?
Oigan, cuenten bien el chisme, hace mucho que no los veía.
Listen, tell the gossip well, I haven’t seen you in a while.
Ahora sí, con chela / pola / cerveza / trago en mano, vamos a brindar.
Now, with beer/ drink in hand, let’s toast
¿Pedimos otra ronda?
Shall we get another round?

It’s not a surprise that when going to the bar, Spanish people like to keep drinking. So, if you feel in a good mood and want to keep the party going, don’t hesitate to make use of “¿Pedimos otra ronda?”. We can assure you that you won’t get a “no” for an answer.

Also, you should know that “chelas” are beers in Mexico while “polas” are beers in Colombia. In other countries like Venezuela, some people call them “frías” because they drink cold beers.

Since you will use these chunks when going out with friends, you can keep a non-formal speaking tone.

5. Spanish Sentence Structure

All the Spanish sentences above will help you in conversations, and I recommend you learn them by heart so they roll off the tongue in conversations and you don’t even have to think about grammar.

Regardless, you might feel like you need a bit more explanation about Spanish sentence structure. If that’s the case, I got you covered; watch this video about Spanish sentence structure, brought to you by the Spring Spanish YouTube Channel (a language learning platform I co-founded):

Learn about Spanish Sentence Structure with this lesson

6. Maximizing your Spanish Learning with Conversation Based Chunking

I might not be able to tell you exactly how long it takes to learn Spanish, but I can tell you it’ll be much faster when you learn Spanish through Conversation Based Chunking™ and you start with these sentences.

Spanish speakers are pretty talkative individuals and learning a few more phrases will help you learn more about their culture and help you hold even more pleasant conversations.

So to continue learning Spanish through Conversation Based Chunking™, I recommend you request your free Spanish Chunking Starter Pack. It will help you build your confidence and learn even more chunks that’ll roll off the tongue in conversations.

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