Spanish Numbers: From 1-1000 With Example Sentences
If you’re looking to learn some Spanish it’s important to add the numbers to your vocabulary. Numbers in Spanish are quite easy to learn, understand, and use. No matter if you’re learning Spanish to study in a Spanish-speaking country, travel, or just because you want to know another language, numbers are indeed essential.
In this brief article, you’ll learn everything you need about numbers in Spanish. You’ll see some examples and everyday phrases to help you use them right away.
By the way, if you want to see all the numbers pronounced, check out this video from teacher María Fernanda from Spring Spanish (a Spanish YouTube channel I co-founded):
Uno, dos tres… ¡Vamos!
1. Spanish numbers 1-10
Learning how to count from 1 to 10 is the first step.
Spanish numbers are quite different from their English counterpart. But, they are very easy to understand and add to your vocabulary.
Spanish numbers from 1 to 10
# | Spanish | English |
1 | Uno | One |
2 | Dos | Two |
3 | Tres | Three |
4 | Cuatro | Four |
5 | Cinco | Five |
6 | Seis | Six |
7 | Siete | Seven |
8 | Ocho | Eight |
9 | Nueve | Nine |
10 | Diez | Ten |
When building sentences, the way the actual number is written might change. Let’s take for example the Spanish “1”. When you’re talking about the actual number you would say “uno”. For example, saying “Soy el 1” is correct. But, native speakers probably would say “soy el primero” instead.
When combining the Spanish number 1 with nouns, it would change depending on the gender. Let’s have a look at the examples below.
Spanish number 1 + nouns
Spanish | English |
Quiero un par de zapatos. | I want a pair of shoes. |
¿Me puede traer un café? | Can you bring me a coffee? |
Quiero comprar una casa con María pero aun debemos ahorrar un poco más. | I want to buy a house with María but we still have to save a bit more. |
See? In the first two sentences, we are using masculine nouns and, in that case, we say “un”. When you have a feminine noun like “casa” you should use “una” instead. (By the way, struggling with word gender in Spanish? Read this article with my best tips for learning Spanish.
One good way to learn this is by memorizing entire word combinations where the numbers are used correctly. At Effortless Conversations, we call them chunks and consider them the key to fluency in Spanish (not just when it comes to numbers; also in full-on conversations with native speakers). If you want to learn more about learning Spanish through chunks requesting your Spanish Chunking Starter Pack is one of the best things you can do.
2. Counting to 100 in Spanish
Learning how to count to 100 in Spanish is a piece of cake. It’s all about making the right combinations. After 10, Spanish numbers even have sort of a “pattern” which after learning it, making the right combinations isn’t difficult. Let’s see in the following sections how to do it… starting with the “diecis”
3. Spanish numbers: the “diecis”
Numbers in Spanish 10-19 are quite easy. All you need to know is how to build the right word using the “dieci”. Let’s have a look at them to help you get a better idea:
Spanish numbers for 11 to 19
# | Spanish |
11 | Once |
12 | Doce |
13 | Trece |
14 | Catorce |
15 | Quince |
16 | Dieciséis |
17 | Diecisiete |
18 | Dieciocho |
19 | Diecinueve |
As you may see, the numbers from 11 to 15 have the same ending or suffix which is -ce. Most Spanish students say that Spanish 11 is familiar with the English word “once” but the pronunciation is quite different. So be careful with that. More pronunciation tips in my article on Spanish for Beginners.
With numbers like 12 and 13, it’s basically saying 2 or 3 in Spanish but changing the last S with the -ce ending.

Understanding the Numbers in Spanish 16-19 is just a matter of pattern recognition, just like with their English counterparts. With these numbers in Spanish, you can follow the formula below.
Dieci + number from 6 to 9
Dieci would mean “10” and the following number would add the rest of the meaning. For example, Dieciocho is written as a single word number, but if we try to divide it, it would be “Dieci + Ocho”. In other words, would be “10 + 8”. If you’re a teenager, these will be your favorites since they’ll help you tell how old are you. Let’s say you’re 19 years old.
If you want to say how old are you, in Spanish would be:
How old are you in Spanish?
Spanish | English |
Tengo diecinueve años. | I’m nineteen years old. |
4. Spanish numbers: the “veintis”
The numbers from 20 to 29 are just as simple as the “diecis”. The Spanish “veintis” also follow a formula or pattern. Let’s see them below.
Spanish numbers from 20 to 29
# | Spanish |
20 | Veinte |
21 | Veintiuno |
22 | Veintidos |
23 | Veintitres |
24 | Veinticuatro |
25 | Veinticinco |
26 | Veintiséis |
27 | Veintisiete |
28 | Veintiocho |
29 | Veintinueve |
If you paid attention it will not be a surprise that the formula to build these single-word numbers is:
Veinti + Spanish Number 1-9
The word “veinti” comes from the Spanish number “Veinte”. The only thing you need to do with the rest of the 20s is to remove the last -e of 20 and put an -i. Then, add the right number from 1-9. Let’s see some examples below.
Spanish 20s in sentences
Spanish | English |
Estuve veintisiete minutos esperando a Thomas y nunca llegó. | I waited twenty-seven minutes for Thomas and he never came. |
Nos vemos en el restaurante argentino a las seis y veinte. | See you at the Argentinean restaurant at six twenty. |
El estacionamiento tiene costo de veinticinco centavos. | Parking is twenty-five cents. |
Please note that the Spanish “Veintis” may help you not only to say how old are you but to tell time, for example. It’s pretty common to hear these Spanish numbers together with the word “Minutos”.
5. Spanish numbers 30-99
As you may see, learning the numbers in Spanish isn’t a hill hard to climb. From now on, they all follow a “pattern” which will help you learn them with ease. Let’s see and take for example the Spanish 30s.
Spanish numbers from 30 to 39
# | Spanish |
30 | Treinta |
31 | Treinta y uno |
32 | Treinta y dos |
33 | Treinta y tres |
34 | Treinta y cuatro |
35 | Treinta y cinco |
36 | Treinta y seis |
37 | Treinta y siete |
38 | Treinta y ocho |
39 | Treinta y nueva |
As you may see, they are no longer single-word numbers and you have to write them separately. It’s like saying “thirty and one” in English. Now, let’s see the rest of the numbers in Spanish from 40 to 99.
Spanish numbers from 40 to 99
# | Spanish |
40 | Cuarenta |
41 | Cuarenta y uno |
42 | Cuarenta y dos |
43 | Cuarenta y tres |
44 | Cuarenta y cuatro |
45 | Cuarenta y cinco |
46 | Cuarenta y seis |
47 | Cuarenta y siete |
48 | Cuarenta y ocho |
49 | Cuarenta y nueve |
50 | Cincuenta |
51 | Cincuenta y uno |
52 | Cincuenta y dos |
53 | Cincuenta y tres |
54 | Cincuenta y cuatro |
55 | Cincuenta y cinco |
56 | Cincuenta y seis |
57 | Cincuenta y siete |
58 | Cincuenta y ocho |
59 | Cincuenta y nueve |
60 | Sesenta |
61 | Sesenta y uno |
62 | Sesenta y dos |
63 | Sesenta y tres |
64 | Sesenta y cuatro |
65 | Sesenta y cinco |
66 | Sesenta y seis |
67 | Sesenta y siete |
68 | Sesenta y ocho |
69 | Sesenta y nueve |
70 | Setenta |
71 | Setenta y uno |
72 | Setenta y dos |
73 | Setenta y tres |
74 | Setenta y cuatro |
75 | Setenta y cinco |
76 | Setenta y seis |
77 | Setenta y siete |
78 | Setenta y ocho |
79 | Setenta y nueve |
80 | Ochenta |
81 | Ochenta y uno |
82 | Ochenta y dos |
83 | Ochenta y tres |
84 | Ochenta y cuatro |
85 | Ochenta y cinco |
86 | Ochenta y seis |
87 | Ochenta y siete |
88 | Ochenta y ocho |
89 | Ochenta y nueve |
90 | Noventa |
91 | Noventa y uno |
92 | Noventa y dos |
93 | Noventa y tres |
94 | Noventa y cuatro |
95 | Noventa y cinco |
96 | Noventa y seis |
97 | Noventa y siete |
98 | Noventa y ocho |
99 | Noventa y nueve |
When combining any of these numbers with noun, they will all remain unchanged except from the ones with “1”. For example, 41, 51, 61 and others. The word “uno” will change to “un”. So, if you want to say 81 it would be “ochenta y un” instead.
Let’s see some examples to give you a better picture of this.
Spanish numbers + nouns
Spanish | English |
Mi mamá compró cincuenta y un manzanas para hacer un pastel. | My mom bought fifty-one apples to make a cake. |
María tiene sesenta y un años. Ya es una persona de la tercera edad. | Maria is sixty-one years old. He is already an elderly person. |
Hay cuarenta y un formas de resolver el problema. | There are forty-one ways to solve the problem. |
6. The Spanish “hundreds”
Finally, let’s meet the Spanish “Hundreds”. Native speakers actually call them “cientos” and using as well as learning them is just as simple as the previous ones. Los “cientos” also follow a patter easy to understand. Let’s see them below
The Spanish “Hundreds”
# | Spanish |
100 | Cien |
200 | Doscientos |
300 | Trecientos |
400 | Cuatrocientos |
500 | Quinientos |
600 | Seiscientos |
700 | Setecientos |
800 | Ochocientos |
900 | Novecientos |
As you may see, most of them have the ending -cientos. Although 100 does not have “cientos” and it’s just “cien” when combined with other numbers it changes. Let’s have a look at the examples below.
The Spanish “One Hundred” + other numbers
Spanish | English |
La pelicula ciento un dalmatas es mi favorita. | The movie One Hundred and One Dalmatians is my favorite. |
Al año, hay ciento tres dias de lluvia en mi ciudad. | Every year, there are one hundred and three days of rain in my city. |
In this case we have the structure ciento + number. It’s similar to building 60s, 70s, or 80s. However we don’t use the Spanish connector “y”.
Let’s see a few more examples.
Other Spanish “Hundreds” + numbers
Spanish | English |
Esos zapatos cuestan doscientos cincuenta dolares. | Those shoes cost two hundred and fifty dollars. |
Hay ochocientas personas en la conferencia. | There are eight hundred people at the conference |
Colombia es un país increible con más de doscientos platos diferentes de comida. | Colombia is an incredible country with more than two hundred different dishes. |
Please note that when using a feminine noun, the ending -cientos would change to -cientas like in the second sentence above.
7. Useful phrases with numbers in Spanish
Learning Spanish becomes much easier if you focus on internalizing Spanish phrases (or chunks, as we call them at Effortless Conversations). In fact, I believe focusing 90% of your studies on learning chunks is the best way to learn Spanish.
When it comes to Spanish numbers, the most useful phrases are the ones concerning date and times. Let’s see some useful structures and examples you can use to express dates or times.
If you want to say when is your birthday, you could say:
Mi cumplaños es + date.
Spanish | English |
Mi cumpleaños es el veinte de noviembre. | My birthday is the twentieth of November. |

When telling the time to someone, there’s no easier way to do it than using the structure:
Son las + time.
Spanish | English |
Son las tres de la tarde. | It’s 3 PM. |
If you travel and need to check into your hotel, telling the receptionist when is your reservation may come in handy. In that case, you can use the structure:
Mi reserva de hotel es desde + date + hasta + date.
Spanish | English |
Mi reserva de hotel es desde el quince de agosto al veinticinco de septiembre. | My hotel reservation is from the fifteenth of August until the twenty-fifth of September. |
When traveling or during your daily life, you will probably deal with medical things. If you need to visit the doctor and you have an appointment, you could use the structure:
Tengo una cita con el doctor el + day + time.
Spanish | English |
Tengo una cita con el doctor el cuatro de febrero a las dos y quince de la tarde. | I have an appointment with the doctor on the fourth of February at 2.15 PM. |
8. What are ordinal numbers in Spanish?
Ordinal numbers in Spanish are a whole different story. The quickest way to master them is this video from Spring Spanish teacher María Fernanda:
9. Practice Section – Practice the Numbers in Spanish
I. Translate the following numbers from English to Spanish.
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10. Mastering Spanish Numbers: Your Key to Effortless Communication in Everyday Situations
Generally speaking, most of the Numbers in Spanish follow a pattern that’s easy to understand. Mastering how to use Spanish numbers will help you in several situations as you have seen. So, no matter if you want to express how old are you, date, time, or just tell how much something costs, with these numbers in your vocabulary you’ll face no challenges.
Keep in mind that some of them may change depending on the following word gender. If you want to learn other useful phrases and expressions with numbers, just request your free Spanish Chunking Starter Pack at Effortless Conversations. It offers great resources like walkthrough videos to help you speak like a native.