Flirting in German Like a Pro: 74 Useful Phrases to Flirt and Date in German
You planned a short trip to a German-speaking country but had other plans and held you there. Love!
Or maybe just a beautiful and handsome German person, and you want to know how fliritin in German works. Spring German (a project I co-founded) created an entertaining video about how you can flirt in German:
In this article, we’re going to go step-by-step to uncover every hidden secret about flirting in German.
1. The German flirting culture
Flirting and dating in Germany and other German-speaking countries can be quite different from what you might be used to in other countries. For example, it can be completely different than having a little bit of flirt in Spanish.
German locals are known for their directness. So, in these early stages of flirting, you might be surprised that Germans are less likely to engage in small talk. They are straightforward and sincere. But this doesn’t mean that they lack interest: they value honesty and transparency.

Just like in other areas of life, punctuality is very important for locals. If you’re late – that’s rude. And you’re starting with a bad impression. On the first few dates, you can split the bill – it’s a sign of independence and equality in relationships, but it’s also important to talk about it beforehand.
Physical contact and public displays of affection are typically more reserved compared to some other cultures. Hand-holding and light kisses are acceptable, but anything more intimate might be considered inappropriate in public settings.
Germans value their personal space. It may take longer to move from flirting to dating and to a more serious relationship.
2. The first step: walking up to someone
Yes, the first step is up to you. You have to be brave enough to approach someone, because without this, you won’t stand a chance.
However, if you do it, you have to be confident. If you know the most important German phrases for introduction and keeping the conversation going, you’re set!
When meeting someone for the first time, you could start with a friendly greeting such as “Hallo” (Hello) or “Guten Tag” (Good day). Then, you could follow it with your name, using the phrase “Ich heiße [Your Name]” (My name is [Your Name]) or “Mein Name ist [Your Name]” (My name is [Your Name]).
Pretty simple, right?
You could then add information about where you are from: “Ich komme aus [Your Country/City]” (I’m from [Your Country/City]). To keep the conversation flowing, you might ask a German question like “Und du?” (And you?) or “Wie heißt du?” (What’s your name?).
So, let’s see what phrases and chunk you might use in this situation:
German | English |
Ich heiße [Dein Name]. | My name is [Your Name]. |
Mein Name ist [Dein Name]. | My name is [Your Name]. |
Ich komme aus [Dein Land/Stadt]. | I’m from [Your Country/City]. |
Und du? | And you? |
Wie heißt du? | What’s your name? |
Ich bin [Dein Beruf]. | I am a [Your Profession]. |
Ich interessiere mich für [Dein Interesse]. | I am interested in [Your Interest]. |
Schön, dich kennenzulernen. | Nice to meet you. |
3. Flirting in German: a couple ice-breakers
We wrote about the German flirting and dating culture, and there we already mentioned that sometimes, Germans are a little hard to reach. In this case, you can use some common ice breakers. Although they don’t do small talks like people do small talks in Spanish, you can still get someone talking.
Take a look at these:
German | English |
Was machst du gerne in deiner Freizeit? | What do you like to do in your free time? |
Hast du einen Lieblingsfilm oder eine Lieblingsserie? | Do you have a favorite movie or TV show? |
Bist du schon mal ins Ausland gereist? | Have you ever traveled abroad? |
Hast du ein Lieblingsbuch? | Do you have a favorite book? |
Kennst du gute Restaurants in der Gegend? | Do you know any good restaurants around here? |
Welches Hobby würdest du gerne ausprobieren? | Which hobby would you like to try? |
Bist du ein Frühaufsteher oder eine Nachtmensch? | Are you an early bird or a night owl? |
Wie war dein Wochenende? | How was your weekend? |
Was ist dein Lieblingsessen? | What is your favorite food? |
Hörst du gerne Musik? Welche Bands magst du? | Do you like listening to music? Which bands do you like? |
Was hat dich nach [Stadt/Veranstaltung] gebracht? | What brought you to [city/event]? |
Hast du Haustiere? | Do you have pets? |
Welche Sprachen sprichst du? | Which languages do you speak? |
Was würdest du tun, wenn du einen Tag lang unsichtbar wärst? | What would you do if you were invisible for a day? |
4. German pick-up lines
If you’re still not engaging in a German conversation, you’re in a tough spot. Maybe a German pick-up line will help – either in a serious or in a humorous tone.
Just a little note: we don’t guarantee results with these German pick-up lines:
German | English |
Hast du eine Landkarte? Ich habe mich in deinen Augen verloren. | Do you have a map? I got lost in your eyes. |
Glaubst du an Liebe auf den ersten Blick, oder soll ich nochmal vorbeigehen? | Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again? |
Entschuldigung, aber ich glaube, du bist mir aus dem Himmel gefallen. | Excuse me, but I think you fell out of heaven. |
Wenn du eine Frucht wärst, wärst du eine süße Erdbeere. | If you were a fruit, you’d be a sweet strawberry. |
Deine Augen funkeln mehr als die Sterne am Himmel. | Your eyes sparkle more than the stars in the sky. |
Gibt es hier in der Nähe eine Steckdose? Ich muss mein Herz wieder aufladen, nachdem ich dich gesehen habe. | Is there an outlet nearby? I need to recharge my heart after seeing you. |
Hast du einen Spiegel in deiner Tasche? Ich sehe mich die ganze Zeit in deinen Augen. | Do you have a mirror in your pocket? I see myself in your eyes all the time. |
Ich muss ein Schneeflocke sein, denn ich bin in dich gefallen. | I must be a snowflake because I’ve fallen for you. |
Ich habe meine Telefonnummer verloren. Kann ich deine haben? | I lost my phone number. Can I have yours? |
Kannst du mir deine Hand leihen? Ich möchte meinen Freunden erzählen, dass ich einen Engel berührt habe. | Can you lend me your hand? I want to tell my friends I touched an angel. |
Okay, let’s not joke here: the previous tables included some common chunks. What are chunks? Chunks are basic building blocks of the language, and you can use these chunks in real conversations. One method that really focuses on these chunks is the Conversation Based Chunking. If you click this button now, you’ll get access to our essential German Conversation Chunking Based Guide + access our Full Practice Worksheet Library.
5. Keep the German conversation going
By now, you’re 100% in the middle of a German conversation. This isn’t the time you should freeze. And nor should you!

But how do you keep the German conversation going? For instance, show genuine interest. Listening is essential in every situation! Ask back: ask open-ended questions, so your flirting partner can answer in long, complex sentences using advanced German vocabulary.
After that, you can also share your own experiences.
Was hat dich dazu gebracht, [Hobby/Beruf] zu beginnen? | What made you start [hobby/profession]? | Asking Open-Ended Questions |
Kannst du mir mehr darüber erzählen? | Can you tell me more about that? | Asking Open-Ended Questions |
Wie hast du das gelernt? | How did you learn that? | Asking Open-Ended Questions |
Was sind deine Pläne für die Zukunft? | What are your plans for the future? | Asking Open-Ended Questions |
Ich habe auch mal [Hobby/Beruf] ausprobiert. | I also tried [hobby/profession] once. | Sharing Own Experiences |
Das erinnert mich an eine Zeit, als… | That reminds me of a time when… | Sharing Own Experiences |
Ich kann das nachvollziehen, weil… | I can relate to that because… | Sharing Own Experiences |
Das klingt wirklich spannend. Erzähle mir mehr darüber. | That sounds really exciting. Tell me more about it. | Using Follow-Up Statements |
Wie hast du dich dabei gefühlt? | How did you feel about that? | Using Follow-Up Statements |
Welche Herausforderungen hast du dabei erlebt? | What challenges did you encounter? | Using Follow-Up Statements |
Apropos… | Speaking of… | Using Transitional Phrases |
Das bringt mich zu einer anderen Frage… | That brings me to another question… | Using Transitional Phrases |
Übrigens, was hältst du von… | By the way, what do you think about… | Using Transitional Phrases |
Wirklich? | Really? | Active Listening |
Ach so! | Oh, I see! | Active Listening |
Das ist ja interessant! | That’s really interesting! | Active Listening |
Das habe ich nicht gewusst. | I didn’t know that. | Active Listening |
Was denkst du darüber? | What do you think about that? | Encouraging the Other Person |
Hast du noch weitere Tipps? | Do you have any other tips? | Encouraging the Other Person |
Gibt es etwas, das du hinzufügen möchtest? | Is there something you would like to add? | Encouraging the Other Person |
6. Common German phrases for giving compliments
Let’s move onto German phrases for compliments. Because by now, you’re speaking partner is really paying attention to you and what you’re saying.
This is the best time to say some romantic phrases in German, and throw in some compliments!
German | English |
Du siehst heute toll aus! | You look great today! |
Du hast ein schönes Lächeln. | You have a beautiful smile. |
Du bist sehr charmant. | You are very charming. |
Ich mag deinen Stil. | I like your style. |
Du bist sehr klug. | You are very smart. |
Du hast ein großes Herz. | You have a big heart. |
Du siehst jünger aus als dein Alter. | You look younger than your age. |
Du hast eine wunderbare Ausstrahlung. | You have a wonderful aura. |
Du bist sehr freundlich. | You are very friendly. |
Du bist immer so positiv. | You are always so positive. |
Du bist ein guter Zuhörer. | You are a good listener. |
Du hast einen tollen Sinn für Humor. | You have a great sense of humor. |
Du bist sehr hilfsbereit. | You are very helpful. |
Du bist inspirierend. | You are inspiring. |
Du hast wunderschöne Augen. | You have beautiful eyes. |
Dein Lächeln ist bezaubernd. | Your smile is enchanting. |
Du hast tolle Haare. | You have great hair. |
Du siehst fantastisch aus. | You look fantastic. |
Dein Stil ist sehr elegant. | Your style is very elegant. |
Du bist sehr attraktiv. | You are very attractive. |
Dein Outfit ist echt schön. | Your outfit is really nice. |
Dein Vortrag war faszinierend. | Your presentation was fascinating. |
Das Essen, das du zubereitet hast, war köstlich. | The food you prepared was delicious. |
7. Practice flirting in German with a worksheet
Practice flirting in German with us – before you practice in real-life situations!
If you’re looking for more, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered!
8. Avoid cheesy talk in German-speaking countries and date in German with Conversation Based Chunking
We have one more advice: avoid being too cheesy. Just like we mentioned it about the German dating and flirting culture, German native speakers are direct, but can be hard to reach. Be patient, don’t worry too much, keep your relaxed pose.
And although you can learn all of the phrases listed in this blog post by heart, it’s better to use Conversation Based Chunking. It’s a method that breaks down long sentences into manageable chunks, and teaches you the language that native speakers use all the time. No grammar drills, no boring vocabulary lists, just the chunks that you implement naturally into your German sentences.
Immerse yourself in the language as much as you can, and you’ll be well on your way. To take the first step, you only have to sign up to our email list, and in exchange, you’ll get a FREE German Conversation Based Chunking Guide with: a free, essential German chunking list, my favourite resources to learn German, access to our Full Practice Worksheet Library, and more!
Time to get flirting!