50+ Regular Verbs In Spanish You Need To Know With Conjugation Rules
In this blog post, we introduce you to the world of Spanish verb conjugation.
Mastering regular verb conjugation will help you to communicate better and with the help of Conversation Based Chunking, you’ll learn new Spanish sentences in no time!
Effortless Answers
Regular verbs in Spanish follow a consistent pattern in their conjugation.
Before you start reading more about the regular verbs in Spanish, here’s an amazing video by Spring Languages (a project I’m a co-founder) where Maríana explains everything you need to know:
1. What are regular verbs in Spanish?
Regular verbs in Spanish are verbs that consistently follow the same pattern when conjugated.
Spanish regular verbs consist of two main components:
- the root: represents the verb’s meaning.
- the ending: shows the number, person, time, and mood.
Let’s take the word ‘hablar’ as an example!
When I say Yo hablo (I speak), the root of the verb is ‘habl-‘ -which represents the verb’s meaning; while ‘-o’ is the ending of the verb – which shows that the verbs is in 1st person, singular, and in the present tense.

Depending on their ending (-ar, -er, or -ir), Spanish regular verbs maintain their root and follow specific conjugation patterns.
Mastering regular verbs in Spanish is made easy with Conversation Based Chunking. By engaging in real-life dialogues and contexts, you’ll effortlessly learn verb usage in different tenses.
Embrace a natural and effective way of learning through everyday conversations. Ready to take your Spanish proficiency to the next level?
Sign up for our Conversation Based Chunking Starter Pack now!
2. Spanish regular verbs ending in -AR
One of the most important categories of regular verbs in Spanish is those ending in -AR.
-AR verbs are relatively easy to conjugate.
Examples of these verbs include:
- “hablar” (to speak),
- “nadar” (to swim), and
- “trabajar” (to work).
Let’s take a look at the present tense conjugation of trabajar!
Subject | -AR (trabajar) |
Yo | trabajo |
Tú | trabajas |
Él/Ella/Usted | trabaja |
Nosotros/Nosotras | trabajamos |
Vosotros/Vosotras | trabajáis |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | trabajan |
Now, let’s see how all of this works in practice:
- “Yo trabajo en una empresa de tecnología.” (I work at a technology company.)
- “Nosotras trabajamos hasta tarde para terminar el proyecto.” (We work late to finish the project.)
- “Ellos trabajan en el campo todos los días.” (They work in the field every day.)
3. Spanish regular verbs ending in -ER
The second most common group of regular verbs in Spanish are those that end in -ER.
Just like -AR verbs, these -ER verbs also follow a set of conjugation patterns, making them easier to learn.
Examples of -ER verbs include:
- “comer” (to eat),
- “beber” (to drink), and
- “leer” (to read).
Subject | -ER verb (beber) |
Yo | bebo |
Tú | bebes |
Él/Ella/Usted | bebe |
Nosotros/Nosotras | bebemos |
Vosotros/Vosotras | bebéis |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | beben |
Based on this table, you can now easily write sentences like these:
- “Yo bebo agua todos los días para mantenerme hidratado.” (I drink water every day to stay hydrated.)
- “Nosotros bebemos café por la mañana para empezar el día.” (We drink coffee in the morning to start the day.)
- “Ellos beben jugo de naranja en el desayuno.” (They drink orange juice for breakfast.)
4. Spanish regular verbs ending in -IR
Rounding out our overview of Spanish regular verbs, we have the -IR verbs.
These verbs follow their own pattern of conjugation, just like the previously discussed -AR and -ER verbs.
Some common examples of -IR verbs include:
- “vivir” (to live),
- “escribir” (to write),
- “describir” (to describe).
Subject | -IR verb (vivir) |
Yo | vivo |
Tú | vives |
Él/Ella/Usted | vive |
Nosotros/Nosotras | vivimos |
Vosotros/Vosotras | vivís |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | viven |
With these conjugations, you can form sentences such as:
- “Yo vivo en España.” (I live in Spain.)
- “Tú vives en una casa grande.” (You live in a big house.)
- “Ellos viven en el campo.” (They live in the country.)
5. A useful Spanish lesson: common regular verbs and their meanings
The Spanish vocabulary is rich and diverse: there’s a significant portion of regular verbs.
Let’s have a brief overview of some common regular Spanish verbs and their meanings.
The most common -AR verb
Spanish | English |
hablar | to speak |
bailar | to dance |
cantar | to sing |
trabajar | to work |
estudiar | to study |
buscar | to search |
cocinar | to cook |
caminar | to walk |
jugar | to play |
llegar | to arrive |
nadar | to swim |
pintar | to paint |
comprar | to buy |
cenar | to dine |
amar | to love |
esquiar | to ski |
saltar | to jump |
limpiar | to clean |
abrazar | to hug |
lavar | to wash |
llamar | to call |
mezclar | to mix |
mirar | to look |
pagar | to pay |
The most common -ER verbs
Spanish | English |
comer | to eat |
beber | to drink |
aprender | to learn |
entender | to understand |
vender | to sell |
correr | to run |
leer | to read |
deber | should, to owe |
temer | to fear |
proteger | to protect |
responder | to respond |
suceder | to happen |
pertenecer | to belong |
ofrecer | to offer |
prometer | to promise |
poseer | to possess |
comprender | to comprehend |
resolver | to resolve |
meter | to put in, insert |
creer | to believe |
tejer | to weave |
The most common -IR verbs
Spanish | English |
vivir | to live |
abrir | to open |
escribir | to write |
recibir | to receive |
decidir | to decide |
describir | to describe |
subir | to climb, to go up |
sufrir | to suffer |
asistir | to attend |
insistir | to insist |
permitir | to allow |
6. Practice Worksheet: Conjugate Regular Spanish Verbs
I. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb
7. Conjugation of regular verbs in Spanish: past, future, and conditional tenses
While the present tense of regular verb conjugation is important, it’s not the only tense you’ll need to learn in order to communicate effectively in Spanish.
The past tense, also called the preterite tense, is used to describe completed actions in the past.
The future tense describes actions that will take place in the future, while the conditional tense is used to describe a hypothetical action or situation.
Lucky for you, we have blog posts for these tenses!
8. Learn common Spanish regular verbs with Conversation Based Chunking
Conversation Based Chunking is an effective method for learning regular verbs in Spanish.
By focusing on real-life dialogues and contexts, this approach helps learners understand the use of verbs in various tenses.
Instead of simple memorization of conjugation tables, students learn through the natural absorption of language patterns found in everyday conversations.
Sign up for our Conversation Based Chunking Starter Pack and improve your proficiency in mastering Spanish verbs.