Top 50 Easy Spanish Words For Beginners (With Example Sentences)

Are you looking to learn Spanish quickly and easily?

We all know how frightening it can be when trying to master a new language, especially if you don’t have much experience with languages in general.

Did you know that the 1000 most frequently used Spanish words make up about 80% of all the Spanish that is spoken? Check out the following video from Spring Languages (of which I’m a co-founder) to learn more about Spanish words!

In this blog post, we’ll provide an overview of the top 50 impressive yet easy Spanish words and chunks to get you started quickly!

1. Top 10 common Spanish words

To help you get started, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 easiest and most commonly used Spanish words and chunks for beginners.

These words are essential. With a little practice and repetition, you’ll be speaking Spanish in no time!

¿Estás listo? (Are you ready?)

HelloHola, ¿cómo estás? (Hello, how are you?)
Thank you¡Gracias por tu ayuda! (Thank you for your help!)
Lo siento
SorryLo siento, me equivoqué. (Sorry, I made a mistake.)
Cheers¡Salud! (Cheers!)
Por favor
PleasePor favor, ayúdame. (Please, help me.)
Yes, estoy de acuerdo. (Yes, I agree.)
NoNo puedo ir contigo. (I cannot go with you.)
LoveEl amor es hermoso. (Love is beautiful.)
Of courseClaro, puedo ayudarte. (Of course, I can help you.)
SorryPerdón por llegar tarde. (Sorry for being late.)

2. Top 10 Spanish greetings and farewells

If you’re starting to learn Spanish, it’s important to learn some basic greetings and farewells that will come in handy in any conversation.

Luckily, there are many simple and easy Spanish greetings that you can learn quickly.

Buenos días
Good morningBuenos días, ¿cómo estás? (Good morning, how are you?)
Buenas tardes
Good afternoonBuenas tardes, señor. (Good afternoon, sir.)
Buenas noches
Good nightBuenas noches, descansa bien. (Good night, rest well.)
Mucho gusto
Nice to meet youMucho gusto, María. (Nice to meet you, María.)
Hasta luego
See you laterTen un buen día, hasta luego. (Have a good day, see you later.)
GoodbyeAdiós, nos vemos mañana. (Goodbye, see you tomorrow.)
Pleased to meet youEncantado de conocerte, Ana. (Pleased to meet you, Ana.)
HelloHola, ¿cómo estás? (Hello, how are you?)
WelcomeBienvenidos a nuestra casa. (Welcome to our house.)
Hasta pronto
See you soon!¡Hasta pronto, Juan! (See you soon, Juan!)

3. Top 10 Spanish vocabulary words for family

Whether you have a big family or a small one, it’s important to know the Spanish words for family members.

FamilyMi familia es muy importante para mí. (My family is very important to me.)
FatherMi padre trabaja en el hospital. (My father works at the hospital.)
MotherMi madre cocina delicioso. (My mother cooks deliciously.)
BrotherTengo un hermano mayor. (I have an older brother.)
SisterMi hermana menor es muy inteligente. (My younger sister is very intelligent.)
GrandfatherMi abuelo es muy cariñoso. (My grandfather is very affectionate.)
GrandmotherMi abuela siempre tiene dulces. (My grandmother always has candies.)
UncleMi tío vive en otra ciudad. (My uncle lives in another city.)
AuntMi tía me regaló un libro. (My aunt gave me a book.)
CousinMis primos son muy divertidos. (My cousins are very funny.)

4. Top 10 important Spanish weather chunks

Learning chunks for weather in Spanish can open up a whole new world of conversation and connection.

SpanishEnglishExample Sentence
El clima
The weatherEl clima está muy frío hoy. (The weather is very cold today.)
Hace calor
It’s hotHace calor en el verano. (It’s hot in the summer.)
Hace frío
It’s coldHace frío en la mañana. (It’s cold in the morning.)
Está lloviendo
It’s rainingEstá lloviendo, lleva un paraguas. (It’s raining, take an umbrella.)
Está nevando
It’s snowingEstá nevando, necesitamos abrigos. (It’s snowing, we need coats.)
Hay sol
It’s sunnyHay sol, vamos a la playa. (It’s sunny, let’s go to the beach.)
Está nublado
It’s cloudyEstá nublado, quizás lloverá más tarde. (It’s cloudy, perhaps it will rain later.)
Hay tormenta
There’s a stormHay tormenta, mejor quedémonos en casa. (There’s a storm, better stay at home.)
Hay viento
It’s windyHay viento, no es buen día para volar cometas. (It’s windy, not a good day for flying kites.)
Hay arcoíris
There’s a rainbowDespués de la lluvia, hay arcoíris. (After the rain, there’s a rainbow.)

5. Top 10 basic Spanish questions

Knowing basic Spanish question words and phrases to start navigating in everyday life is crucial in Spanish-speaking countries. Whether it’s asking for directions or ordering a meal, mastering common questions goes a long way.

¿Cómo estás?
How are you?¿Cómo estás, María? (How are you, Maria?)
¿Cuál es tu nombre?
What is your name?¿Cuál es tu nombre, niño? (What is your name, kid?)
¿De dónde eres?
Where are you from?¿De dónde eres, Juan? (Where are you from, Juan?)
¿Qué hora es?
What time is it?¿Qué hora es? Necesito irme. (What time is it? I need to leave.)
¿Dónde está el baño?
Where is the bathroom?Perdón, ¿dónde está el baño? (Excuse me, where is the bathroom?)
¿Cuánto cuesta esto?
How much does this cost?¿Cuánto cuesta esto? Quiero comprarlo. (How much does this cost? I want to buy it.)
¿Puedo obtener el menú?
Can I get the menu?Discúlpame, ¿puedo obtener el menú? (Excuse me, can I get the menu?)
¿Puedes hablar más despacio?
Can you speak slower?Es difícil entenderte. ¿Puedes hablar más despacio? (It’s hard to understand you. Can you speak slower?)
¿Cuál es la dirección?
What’s the address?Necesito ir a ese lugar. ¿Cuál es la dirección? (I need to go to that place. What’s the address?)
¿Hablas inglés?
Do you speak English?Perdón, ¿hablas inglés? (Excuse me, do you speak English?)

6. Top 10 Spanish Essentials for Opposites

Learning basic Spanish opposites is extremely helpful in everyday situations.

When it comes to ordering drinks or exploring a new city, having these simple Spanish words up your sleeve can really make a difference and native Spanish speakers will appreciate your intention.

Big – SmallTengo una casa grande. (I have a big house.)

Tengo una casa pequeña. (I have a small house.)
Tall – ShortMi hermano es alto. (My brother is tall.)

Ella es baja de estatura. (She is short.)
Fast – SlowCorre tan rápido. (He runs so fast.)

El tren va lento. (The train is slow.)
Near – FarLa tienda está cerca. (The store is near.)

El parque está lejos. (The park is far.)
Day – NightHoy es un buen día. (Today is a good day.)

Salgamos esta noche. (Let’s go out tonight.)
Old – NewMi abuelo es viejo. (My grandfather is old.)

Tengo un teléfono nuevo. (I have a new phone.)
Heavy – LightLa maleta es pesada. (The suitcase is heavy.)

La pluma es ligera. (The pen is light.)
Sweet – BitterMe gusta el chocolate dulce. (I like sweet chocolate.)

El café está amargo. (The coffee is bitter.)
Up – DownSube las escaleras hacia arriba. (Go up the stairs.)

Baja por las escaleras. (Go down the stairs.)
Hot – ColdEl café está caliente. (The coffee is hot.)

Hace frío hoy. (It’s cold today.)

7. Practice section – Translate the following expressions to Spanish

I. Match the English words to their Spanish translations.

If you want to practice easy Spanish words, click the button below to request the Full Practice Worksheet for this article… and more!

8. Combine easy Spanish words and learn Spanish with Conversation Based Chunking

Now that you have a handle on the basics of the Spanish language, it’s time to give it a try.

Start learning Spanish by making an effort to incorporate small everyday words and chunks into your conversations with others.

Implementing these common Spanish words and phrases to Conversation Based Chunking will also help you pick up the various nuances and intricate grammar rules of Spanish more quickly.

To get started, consider signing up for Conversation Based Chunking Starter Pack – this online resource helps users quickly learn a new language with dedicated Spanish lessons in an engaging and interesting fashion.

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