How To Talk About The Weather In German: Ultimate Guide With German Weather Words And Phrases
The weather in German speaking countries is quite an interesting topic.
It really all depends on where you start from and where you travel to, because Germany, Austria and Switzerland have everything in terms of weather.
Normally, we can talk about four seasons in these countries: spring, summer, autumn and winter. But what if you travel to the Alps? Or the North Sea? Well, then it’s completely different.
Don’t worry though… In this blog post, we’ll explain everything you have to know about the weather in German – whether you’re planning a trip, or just want to casually chat about it and try some small talk in German.
But before we start, there’s a video you HAVE to check out! It was made by Spring German (a project I co-founded):
1. What you have to know about German weather patterns
In Germany, Austria, and Switzerland you’ll run into summer temperatures that range from 20°C to 30°C (68°F to 86°F). It’s actually the perfect weather for enjoying a cold “Radler” (beer mixed with lemonade) in a beer garden! (You can learn how to order beer in German on our blog.)
Winters are a bit different – they can be quite cold, especially in the mountains! The temperature usually drops below freezing, and snowfall is also common. But it’s good news for sport lovers, because you can practice winters sports.
Spring and autumn are transitional seasons with milder temperatures and variable weather.
Spring brings beautiful blossoms and the famous “Aprilwetter” (April weather), which can change rapidly from sunshine to rain. Autumn, or “Herbst” in German, is known for its colorful foliage and cozy atmosphere.
But just as we mentioned in the intro, it all varies based on where you are: Northern Germany is closer to the sea and has cooler summers and milder winters. Southern regions with the Alps have a continental climate with colder winters and warmer summers.
It might come as a surprise but people actually love to talk about the weather in German: you can hear phrases like “Schönes Wetter heute, nicht wahr?” (Nice weather today, isn’t it?) as a conversation starter.
And although the weather can be unpredictable, locals have a saying which is quite true:
- “Es gibt kein schlechtes Wetter, nur falsche Kleidung” (There’s no bad weather, only inappropriate clothing).
Let’s explore some interesting expressions and sentences about the weather in German:
German | English |
Es ist heute sonnig und warm. | It’s sunny and warm today. |
Der Himmel ist bedeckt. | The sky is overcast. |
Es regnet in Strömen. | It’s raining cats and dogs. |
Wir erwarten morgen Schneefall. | We’re expecting snowfall tomorrow. |
Die Temperaturen steigen auf 25 Grad. | Temperatures are rising to 25 degrees. |
Es ist schwül und gewitterig. | It’s muggy and thundery. |
Der Wind weht stark aus Westen. | The wind is blowing strongly from the west. |
Heute Nachmittag klart es auf. | It’s clearing up this afternoon. |
Es herrscht dichter Nebel. | There’s thick fog. |
Die Sonne scheint den ganzen Tag. | The sun is shining all day. |
Es ist eiskalt draußen. | It’s freezing cold outside. |
Wir haben mildes Frühlingswetter. | We’re having mild spring weather. |
Der Herbst zeigt sich von seiner schönsten Seite. | Autumn is showing its best side. |
Es hagelt schon seit einer Stunde. | It’s been hailing for an hour. |
Die Hitze ist unerträglich. | The heat is unbearable. |
2. How to ask about the weather in German?
Small talk in German can be hard but German locals love talking about the weather and with some common German phrases, you can tackle any conversation:
German | English |
Wie ist das Wetter? | How’s the weather? |
Wie ist das Wetter heute? | How’s the weather today? |
Wie wird das Wetter morgen sein? | How will the weather be tomorrow? |
Wie ist das Wetter am Wochenende? | How’s the weather on the weekend? |
Was für ein Wetter haben wir heute? | What kind of weather are we having today? |
Wie ist es draußen? | How is it outside? |
Scheint die Sonne? | Is the sun shining? |
Regnet es? | Is it raining? |
Wird es heute noch regnen? | Will it rain today? |
Ist es windig? | Is it windy? |
Wie kalt ist es? | How cold is it? |
Wird es wärmer? | Will it get warmer? |
Können wir mit gutem Wetter rechnen? | Can we expect good weather? |
Wann hört der Regen auf? | When will the rain stop? |
Wie ist die Wettervorhersage? | What’s the weather forecast? |
You can use any of these questions in German to ask someone about the weather phenomenons.
3. How to talk about the weather in German
What if you’re the ones who gets asked these questions? Do you know how to answer them?
Don’t worry if not – it’s your chance to learn it! Let’s break it down based on answering all of these questions into different categories.
Describing temperature in German: must-have weather vocabulary
one of the most important aspects of weather chat in German: describing temperature.
Whether it’s a scorching summer day or a freezing winter night, Germans love to discuss how warm or cold it is, so let’s here’s some essential vocabulary for temperature talk:
German | English |
heiß | hot |
warm | warm |
mild | mild |
kühl | cool |
kalt | cold |
eiskalt | freezing cold |
die Temperatur | temperature |
der Grad | degree |
unter Null | below zero |
über Null | above zero |
schwül | muggy, humid |
frostig | frosty |
die Hitze | the heat |
die Kälte | the cold |
die Wärme | the warmth |
Common German weather terms for rain and snow
These terms are super handy when you’re chatting about the weather, especially during those wet or snowy days that are pretty common in German-speaking countries.
German | English |
der Regen | rain |
der Nieselregen | drizzle |
der Platzregen | downpour |
der Wolkenbruch | cloudburst |
der Schnee | snow |
der Schneeschauer | snow shower |
die Schneeflocke | snowflake |
der Hagel | hail |
der Graupel | sleet |
die Pfütze | puddle |
nass | wet |
feucht | damp |
es regnet | it’s raining |
es schneit | it’s snowing |
es gießt | it’s pouring |
Strange weather conditions: winds and storms in German
These German words will come in handy when you’re describing those dramatic weather events that can sometimes sweep through German-speaking regions – unfortunately, they are more and more common.
German | English |
der Wind | wind |
die Brise | breeze |
der Sturm | storm |
der Orkan | hurricane |
der Tornado | tornado |
der Wirbelsturm | cyclone |
das Gewitter | thunderstorm |
der Blitz | lightning |
der Donner | thunder |
windig | windy |
stürmisch | stormy |
böig | gusty |
der Wirbelwind | whirlwind |
die Windböe | gust of wind |
die Sturmwarnung | storm warning |
Basic weather forecast expressions in German
Ready to sound like a pro when talking about the weather in German?
These expressions will help you understand and talk about what Mother Nature has in store – the weather forecast in German.
Let’s check out some key phrases you’ll hear in German weather reports!
German | English |
die Wettervorhersage | weather forecast |
der Wetterbericht | weather report |
Es wird erwartet… | It is expected… |
mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit | with high probability |
Die Aussichten für morgen… | The outlook for tomorrow… |
Es bleibt trocken. | It will remain dry. |
Regen ist möglich. | Rain is possible. |
Die Temperaturen steigen/fallen. | Temperatures are rising/falling. |
sonnige Abschnitte | sunny periods |
wechselhaft | changeable |
Die Höchsttemperatur liegt bei… | The maximum temperature will be… |
Es ziehen Wolken auf. | Clouds are moving in. |
Es klart auf. | It’s clearing up. |
vereinzelte Schauer | scattered showers |
anhaltender Regen | persistent rain |
German climate change vocabulary
Climate change is a hot topic worldwide, and it’s alarming…
You’ll need to discuss this important issue in German.
These words will help you join conversations about the environment and climate change with confidence.
German | English |
der Klimawandel | climate change |
die Erderwärmung | global warming |
der Treibhauseffekt | greenhouse effect |
die Umweltverschmutzung | environmental pollution |
die CO2-Emissionen | CO2 emissions |
die erneuerbare Energie | renewable energy |
der Meeresspiegel | sea level |
die Dürre | drought |
die Überschwemmung | flood |
die Nachhaltigkeit | sustainability |
der ökologische Fußabdruck | ecological footprint |
die Klimapolitik | climate policy |
der Klimaschutz | climate protection |
die Energiewende | energy transition |
die Artenvielfalt | biodiversity |
4. Das Wetter: German expressions and idioms related to weather
And then, there are always hidden gems in every language. Germans actually love to pepper their own German sentences with some witty, humorous phrases.
Because weather in German is a metaphor for life.
These sayings aren’t just about describing the weather – they carry deeper meanings or life lessons.
They’re the kind of expressions that might make a German native speaker do a double-take and ask, “Wow, where did you learn that?”
Here they come: German sayings and idioms that make you sound like a native speaker. We shared the English translations, and their meanings, too:
German | English | Meaning |
Es gibt kein schlechtes Wetter, nur falsche Kleidung. | There’s no bad weather, only wrong clothing. | Be prepared for any situation. |
Aprillwetter | April weather | Unpredictable, quickly changing weather |
Wenn Engel reisen, lacht der Himmel. | When angels travel, the sky smiles. | Good weather is a sign of good fortune. |
Nach Regen kommt Sonnenschein. | After rain comes sunshine. | Things will get better after hard times. |
Da liegt der Hund begraben. | That’s where the dog is buried. | That’s the crux of the matter (often used when discussing climate issues). |
Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof. | I only understand train station. | I don’t understand anything (can be used when weather forecasts are confusing). |
Das ist ein Sturm im Wasserglas. | That’s a storm in a water glass. | Making a big fuss about nothing. |
Wie der Blitz | Like lightning | Very fast |
Donnerwetter! | Thunder weather! | An exclamation of surprise or anger. |
Die Sonne im Herzen tragen | To carry the sun in your heart | To be optimistic despite circumstances. |
5. Seasonal weather phrases and activities in German-speaking countries
Last, but not least! Outdoor activities.
Germans love to do these in different seasons. They are essential part of the German culture: people really enjoy getting outside and making the most of each season.
Hiking, skiing, going to the beach – there’s always something exciting to do outdoors.
Ready to explore, German-style?
German | English |
Wandern gehen | Go hiking |
Radfahren | Cycling |
Grillen im Park | Barbecue in the park |
Drachen steigen lassen | Flying kites |
Pilze sammeln | Mushroom picking |
Skifahren | Skiing |
Schlittschuhlaufen | Ice skating |
Rodeln | Sledding |
Sonnenbaden | Sunbathing |
Schwimmen im See | Swimming in the lake |
Klettern | Rock climbing |
Segeln | Sailing |
Windsurfen | Windsurfing |
Langlaufen | Cross-country skiing |
Schneeschuhwandern | Snowshoeing |
6. Practice with flashcards: talk effortlessly about the weather in German
The best way to talk about the weather in German is practice it beforehand. Here’s your chance!
This was just part of the exercise. If you’re ready to practice more German, you can request the Full Practice Worksheet Library for German for FREE!
7. Reach fluency and talk about regional weather in German with Conversation Based Chunking
All of these tables and expressions are here to help you… but there’s one secret to unlock the German language journey.
It’s called Conversation Based Chunking!
It’s a method that focuses on teaching you the language with the help of chunks – the natural and most common phrases in German. If you use this approach in German, you won’t have to remember boring and long vocabulary lists or grammar rules, because CBC focuses on teaching naturally with immersion.
If you’re curious enough, you can request your first FREE German Conversation Based Chunking Guide: in it, you’ll find resources to learn German, practice exercises and chunking lists.
Get ready to talk fluently about the weather in German: