8 Top Ways To Stay Cool In Spanish Trendy With Spanish Slang (Audio)

Learning how to say cool in Spanish using the latest slang words and phrases is an excellent way to sound more natural and connect with native Spanish speakers.

Spanish is a rich language with various slang terms that vary across different Spanish-speaking countries. Here’s an amazing video brought to you by Spring Spanish, which compares Mexican, Colombian and Venezuelan Spanish slang:

Whether you’re conversing with friends from Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, or anywhere else in Latin America, knowing the local slang for cool in Spanish help you sound more like a native.

Click on any of these phrases to learn more about them!

Spanish ExpressionEnglish MeaningUse Case/Formality Level
Cool, greatInformal, used in Spain
Cool, awesomeInformal, used in Mexico and some parts of Latin America
Cool, very cool/awesomeInformal, used in Latin American countries
Cool, greatInformal, used in Caribbean countries
Awesome, fantasticInformal, used in Latin American countries
Genial/Súper genial
Great, awesome/super awesomeSlightly more formal, used in different Spanish-speaking regions
Cool, awesomeInformal, used primarily in Spain
De puta madre
F*ing awesomeVery informal, vulgar expression used in Latin American countries

1. Guay/Guai (Cool, great) – Spain

Widely used in Spain, “guay” or “guai” is an informal way to express that something is great or cool in Spanish.

Whether you’re describing a trendy new restaurant, a stylish outfit, or an exciting event, this slang term adds a touch of true Spanish flair to your conversation.

  • “¡Esa película está guay!” (That movie is cool!)
  • “Tu nuevo corte de pelo está guay.” (Your new haircut is cool.)

2. Chido/Chido (Cool, awesome) – Mexico

In Mexico and parts of Latin America, “chido” (for masculine nouns) or “chida” (for feminine nouns) is a popular slang term to describe something as awesome or cool in Spanish.

From praising a friend’s new haircut to expressing admiration for a stunning landscape, this word captures the essence of Mexican slang.

  • “¡Qué chido ese videojuego!” (That video game is cool!)
  • “Tu camiseta está chida.” (Your t-shirt is cool.)

3. Padre/Padrisimo (Cool, very cool/awesome) – Latin America

Originating from the Spanish word for “father,” “padre” or the superlative form “padrisimo” is an informal way to say that something is cool or very cool/awesome in various Latin American countries.

Whether you’re complimenting someone’s style or raving about a thrilling experience, it’s a great expression to add a touch of Latin flair.

  • “¡Esa moto está padrísima!” (That motorcycle is super cool!)
  • “Tu estilo de baile es muy padre.” (Your dance style is very cool.)
cool in spanish depicted with glasses

4. Chevere/Chévere (Cool, great) – Caribbean countries

In the Caribbean countries of Venezuela, Colombia, and Panama, “chevere” or “chévere” is a common slang term used to describe something as cool or great.

This word can be used to express appreciation for everything from a delicious meal to an impressive piece of art.

  • “¡Qué chevere ese lugar!” (That place is cool!)
  • “Tu nuevo look está chevere.” (Your new look is cool.)

5. Bárbaro/Barbaro (Awesome, fantastic) – Latin America

Bárbaro” (for masculine nouns) or “bárbara” (for feminine nouns) is an informal way to say that something is awesome or fantastic in some Latin American countries.

It doesn’t matter if you’re praising a friend’s achievement or raving about a mind-blowing concert, this expression is about expressing the excitement and admiration.

  • “¡Esa fiesta estuvo bárbara!” (That party was cool!)
  • “Tu nuevo tatuaje está bárbaro.” (Your new tattoo is cool.)

6. Genial/Súper genial (Great, awesome/super awesome) – All across Spanish countries

While slightly more formal than some other slang terms, “genial” or “súper genial” is a great way to express that something is great or awesome across different Spanish-speaking regions.

This expression can be used in different contexts, from complimenting a delicious meal to praising a stunning piece of artwork.

  • “¡Esa película fue genial!” (That movie was cool!)
  • “Tu nuevo peinado está súper genial.” (Your new hairstyle is super cool.)

7. Molón/Molona (Cool, awesome) – Spain

Primarily used in Spain, “molón” (for masculine nouns) or “molona” (for feminine nouns) is an informal way to describe something as cool or awesome.

Let’s see two examples:

  • “¡Qué molón ese coche!” (That car is cool!)
  • “Tu nueva mochila está molona.” (Your new backpack is cool.)

8. De puta madre (F*ing awesome – vulgar) – Latin America

And finally!

While considered a very informal and vulgar expression, “de puta madre” is used in some Latin American countries to describe something as… “f*cking awesome.”

This phrase should be used with caution and reserved for casual conversations among close friends or in informal settings.

  • “¡Esa canción está de puta madre! (That song is fucking cool!)
  • “Tu nuevo tatuaje está de puta madre. (Your new tattoo is fucking cool.)

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Learn how to say cool in Spanish and use other Spanish slang with Conversation Based Chunking

Learning how to say cool in Spanish and learning other slang words and phrases can be a fun process – with the right approach!

Conversation Based Chunking, a language learning method focuses on learning vocabulary and grammar through real-life conversations. It is an effective way to learn Spanish slang naturally.

A tip from Effortless Conversations: immerse yourself in authentic conversations with native speakers or language learning resources. You pick up the latest slang words in no time, and you’ll also learn how to use them in appropriate contexts.

Instead of memorizing isolated words, it’s time to learn them from real-life examples and conversations, so you can sound more natural and fluent.

Conversation Based Chunking can also expose you to different variations of Spanish slang.

You might learn that “chévere” is more commonly used in the Caribbean countries like Venezuela and Colombia, while “chido” is used in Mexican slang. By understanding these little things, you’ll be better equipped to communicate effectively with Spanish speakers from different parts of the Spanish-speaking world.

The beauty of this method is that it makes your vocabulary better and it also gives you some Spanish cultural insight. So, are you eager to learn more about Spanish and the culture? Click this button below and request your Spanish Chunking Starter Pack!

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