52 Spanish Words That Start With J In Real Spanish Examples Sentences
One of our most searched blog post is about the letter J in Spanish. No wonder, since pronouncing and using J in Spanish is a true challenge.
Julien Michel made a video just about this topic:
Let’s take this a step further: explore Spanish words that start with J. They can open up a whole new world of vocabulary. So, today, we’re focusing on all the Spanish words that start with J.
1. Fun facts about the Spanish letter J
Unlike in English, where J has a softer “juh” sound (as in “jump”), in Spanish, J is pronounced with a harder, breathier sound, similar to an English “h.”
It’s a bit of a throat-clearing sound, especially prominent in words like jamón (ham) or jirafa (giraffe).
Interestingly, J didn’t always sound this way in Spanish—it used to be pronounced like an English “y” sound before evolving over time. And there’s a fun YouTube top comment under the video we just shared: it basically says that J never sound like J in Spanish.
Pretty funny, but there’s some truth to it. 🙂
2. Spanish verbs that start with J
Verbs are essential for building sentences, and there are some really practical ones that start with J.
Let’s explore some common examples:
Spanish | English | Example Sentence |
Jugar | To play | Me gusta jugar al baloncesto con mis amigos. (I like to play basketball with my friends.) |
Juzgar | To judge | No es correcto juzgar a las personas sin conocerlas. (It’s not right to judge people without knowing them.) |
Juntar | To join, gather | Voy a juntar todos los documentos necesarios. (I am going to gather all the necessary documents.) |
Jubilarse | To retire | Mi padre planea jubilarse el próximo año. (My father plans to retire next year.) |
Juramentar | To swear in | El testigo tuvo que juramentar la verdad en la corte. (The witness had to swear to tell the truth in court.) |
Justificar | To justify | Tienes que justificar tu respuesta con ejemplos. (You have to justify your answer with examples.) |
Jalear | To cheer | Los fanáticos empezaron a jalear al equipo durante el partido. (The fans started to cheer for the team during the game.) |
Jadea | To pant | Después de correr, él jadea por respirar. (After running, he pants for breath.) |
Jurar | To swear | Nunca debes jurar si no lo sientes de verdad. (You should never swear if you don’t mean it.) |
Jalonar | To mark out | Ellos jalonan el terreno para que se construya una casa. (They are marking out the land to build a house.) |
Jactarse | To boast | Él suele jactarse de sus logros en la escuela. (He often boasts about his achievements in school.) |
Jugarse | To risk | No debes jugarte tu futuro por un error. (You shouldn’t risk your future for a mistake.) |
Jorobar | To annoy | No quiero jorobar a nadie, solo quiero ayudar. (I don’t want to annoy anyone, I just want to help.) |
Juntarse | To meet | Vamos a juntarnos en el café a las cinco. (Let’s meet at the café at five.) |
In a real-life conversation, where you talk about your daily routine in Spanish:
Carlos: ¿Qué quieres hacer hoy? ¿Te apetece jugar al fútbol? (What do you want to do today? Do you feel like playing football?)
Sara: Sí, pero primero tengo que juntar todos mis papeles para la reunión. (Yes, but first I need to gather all my papers for the meeting.)
3. Spanish nouns that start with J
Now, let’s look at some nouns.
These words will help you name people, places, and things in Spanish:
Spanish | English | Example Sentence |
La jarra | The jug | Llena la jarra de agua para la cena. (Fill the jug with water for dinner.) |
El jabón | The soap | Siempre uso el jabón antibacterial. (I always use antibacterial soap.) |
El jardín | The garden | Me encanta pasar tiempo en el jardín. (I love spending time in the garden.) |
El jefe | The boss | El jefe decidió cambiar el horario de trabajo. (The boss decided to change the work schedule.) |
La jirafa | The giraffe | La jirafa es el animal más alto en el zoológico. (The giraffe is the tallest animal in the zoo.) |
El jamón | The ham | Voy a comprar el jamón para la fiesta. (I am going to buy the ham for the party.) |
El jinete | The horse rider | El jinete ganó la carrera con gran habilidad. (The horse rider won the race with great skill.) |
El juguete | The toy | Los niños estaban emocionados con el juguete nuevo. (The children were excited about the new toy.) |
La jornada | The workday/shift | Hoy tuve una larga jornada de trabajo. (Today I had a long workday.) |
La joyería | The jewelry store | Fui a la joyería para comprar un regalo. (I went to the jewelry store to buy a gift.) |
La jueza | The judge | La jueza tomó una decisión justa en el caso. (The judge made a fair decision in the case.) |
La juventud | The youth | La juventud tiene la energía para cambiar el mundo. (The youth have the energy to change the world.) |
El jirón | The torn piece | Encontré un jirón de papel en el suelo. (I found a torn piece of paper on the ground.) |
La jaula | The cage | Los pájaros están en la jaula dentro de la casa. (The birds are in the cage inside the house.) |
La juguetería | The toy store | Voy a la juguetería a comprar un regalo para mi sobrino. (I am going to the toy store to buy a gift for my nephew.) |
El jet | The jet (airplane) | El jet despegó a tiempo del aeropuerto. (The jet took off on time from the airport.) |
Talking about shopping in Spanish:
Ana: Compré una jarra nueva para la limonada. ¿Te gustaría un poco? (I bought a new jug for the lemonade. Would you like some?)
Luis: Claro, me encanta. También vi una jirafa en el zoológico ayer. (Sure, I love it. I also saw a giraffe at the zoo yesterday.)
3. Spanish adjectives that start with J
Spanish adjectives help describe people and things.
Here’s a list of adjectives starting with J:
Spanish | English | Example Sentence |
Joven | Young | El chico es muy joven para tener un trabajo. (The boy is too young to have a job.) |
Jubiloso | Jubilant | La celebración fue jubilosamente alegre. (The celebration was jubilantly cheerful.) |
Justo | Fair, just | Es importante ser justo en las decisiones. (It’s important to be fair in decisions.) |
Judicial | Judicial | El sistema judicial debe ser imparcial. (The judicial system must be impartial.) |
Jugoso | Juicy | Este mango está jugoso y delicioso. (This mango is juicy and delicious.) |
Jocoso | Jocular | Su comentario fue muy jocoso y divertido. (His comment was very jocular and funny.) |
Jalador | Pulling | Usa el jalador para abrir la puerta. (Use the pulling device to open the door.) |
Jovial | Cheerful | Ella siempre es tan jovial en las fiestas. (She is always so cheerful at parties.) |
Jerárquico | Hierarchical | El modelo jerárquico de la empresa facilita la comunicación. (The hierarchical model of the company facilitates communication.) |
Jabonoso | Soapy | El agua se sentía jabonosa después de usar ese producto. (The water felt soapy after using that product.) |
Joyeroso | Joyful | Recibí un regalo joyeroso por mi cumpleaños. (I received a joyful gift for my birthday.) |
Jardinoso | Garden-like | El clima es jardinoso en primavera. (The weather is garden-like in spring.) |
Jubilante | Jubilant | El ambiente era jubillante durante el concierto. (The atmosphere was jubilant during the concert.) |
Judicioso | Prudent | Tomar decisiones judiciosas es fundamental. (Making prudent decisions is essential.) |
Jocund | Merry | Las canciones jocundas alegraron la fiesta. (The merry songs brightened up the party.) |
Let’s say, for example, talking about fruits in Spanish:
David: Este mango está muy jugoso, ¿quieres probarlo? (This mango is really juicy, do you want to try it?)
Elena: Sí, y tú siempre eres tan jovial cuando comes fruta. (Yes, and you’re always so cheerful when you eat fruit.)
4. Spanish adverbs that start with J
Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.
Here are some example Spanish adverbs that start with J.
Spanish | English | Example Sentence |
Justamente | Exactly | El tren llegó justamente a tiempo. (The train arrived exactly on time.) |
Jocosamente | Jokingly | Él habló jocosamente durante la reunión. (He spoke jokingly during the meeting.) |
Juntamente | Together | Trabajamos juntamente en el proyecto. (We worked together on the project.) |
Judicialmente | Judicially | El caso fue resuelto judicialmente. (The case was resolved judicially.) |
Juiciosamente | Wisely | Decidió actuar juiciosamente en esta situación. (He decided to act wisely in this situation.) |
Jubilantemente | Jubilantly | Los niños celebraron jubilantemente el fin de semana. (The children celebrated jubilantly the weekend.) |
Jocundamente | Merrily | La fiesta se llevó a cabo jocundamente. (The party was held merrily.) |
Look out for the Spanish words that start with J:
Raúl: Hicimos la tarea juntamente, y salió muy bien. (We did the homework together, and it turned out great.)
Clara: Sí, y lo explicaste justamente como lo quería la profesora. (Yes, and you explained it exactly as the teacher wanted.)
5. Learn Spanish words that start with J using Conversation-Based Chunking
Now that you’ve seen plenty of J words in action, you might wonder how to remember them.
Conversation Based Chunking is a simple and effective method where you learn vocabulary in meaningful “chunks” through real conversations.
Instead of memorizing isolated words, you’ll understand how they fit naturally into sentences, which makes it easier to recall and use them in your own dialogues.
For example, when you practice words like jugar and juntar in the context of a conversation about your day, these words stick with you much faster than if you were just learning them from a list.
That’s the magic of chunking—it gives you the tools to learn Spanish words in a way that feels organic and useful.
So, start chatting and use as many J words as you can!