80 Spanish Words That Start With H: From Verbs To Adverbs With Examples
In this blog post, you’ll find 80 Spanish words that start with H. H in Spanish is an interesting… concept, let’s say it this way. It’s not as easy as it may first seem, but you can tackle this challenge.
Butterfly Spanish made a video about the problems surrounding H in Spanish. Take a look!
We’re going to start with the short history of the letter H in Spanish, then go through all the Spanish words that start with H: verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs in Spanish.
We’ll even share a cool learning tip with you at the end, so stay tuned!
1. The short history of the Spanish letter H
The Spanish H has a unique story.
It’s a silent letter in most cases, a remnant of Latin and Greek origins.
While it doesn’t make a sound, it’s really important in written Spanish spelling and distinguishing between words.
Here are a few examples already, before we group the words into different categories:
Spanish | English |
Hora | Hour |
Haber | To have (auxiliary) |
Hijo | Son |
Hacer | To do/make |
Huevo | Egg |
Hombre | Man |
Hablar | To speak |
Hierba | Grass |
Hueso | Bone |
Hoy | Today |
2. Spanish verbs that start with H
Spanish H-verbs are a mixed bag of common and less frequent words.
Here’s a taste of what Spanish has to offer:
Spanish | English |
Hablar | To speak |
Hallar | To find |
Herir | To hurt |
Hervir | To boil |
Hundir | To sink |
Huir | To flee |
Hibernar | To hibernate |
Hipnotizar | To hypnotize |
Honrar | To honor |
Hilvanar | To baste (sewing) |
Hurgar | To rummage |
Hospedar | To host |
Humillar | To humiliate |
Heredar | To inherit |
Hidratar | To hydrate |
3. Spanish nouns that start with H
From everyday objects to abstract concepts, H-nouns cover a wide range of topics.
Try to use them in your sentences, or practice with Spanish translation exercises.
Spanish | English |
Hombre | Man |
Hoja | Leaf |
Helado | Ice cream |
Humo | Smoke |
Horno | Oven |
Hierro | Iron |
Hada | Fairy |
Hueso | Bone |
Hermano | Brother |
Hielo | Ice |
Hamaca | Hammock |
Huella | Footprint |
Hormiga | Ant |
Hilo | Thread |
Hechizo | Spell |
Hogar | Home |
Herida | Wound |
Huracán | Hurricane |
Humanidad | Humanity |
HĂgado | Liver |
4. Spanish adjectives that start with H
Spice up your descriptions with these H-adjectives:
Spanish | English |
Hermoso | Beautiful |
Honesto | Honest |
HĂşmedo | Humid |
Horrible | Horrible |
Hábil | Skillful |
Hueco | Hollow |
Hambriento | Hungry |
Humilde | Humble |
Helado | Frozen |
Hiperactivo | Hyperactive |
HistĂłrico | Historic |
Hogareño | Homey |
Huraño | Unsociable |
Hilarante | Hilarious |
HipnĂłtico | Hypnotic |
Heroico | Heroic |
Herido | Wounded |
Hostil | Hostile |
Huérfano | Orphaned |
Hechicero | Bewitching |
5. Spanish adverbs that start with H
While less common, H-adverbs add a bit of different taste to your Spanish sentences:
Spanish | English |
Hoy | Today |
Habitualmente | Usually |
Honestamente | Honestly |
Hábilmente | Skillfully |
Hermosamente | Beautifully |
Horrorosamente | Horribly |
Humildemente | Humbly |
Heroicamente | Heroically |
Hipotéticamente | Hypothetically |
Horizontalmente | Horizontally |
Holgadamente | Comfortably |
Honradamente | Honorably |
HistriĂłnicamente | Histrionically |
Homogéneamente | Homogeneously |
HumorĂsticamente | Humorously |
6. Learn Spanish words that start with H with Conversation Based Chunking
Okay, and now… onto the secret recipe we mentioned at the beginning.
Conversation Based Chunking is a nifty technique for learning vocabulary. Instead of memorizing isolated words, you learn them in context through dialogues or phrases.
For H-words, you can try this:
“Hola, hermano. Hoy hace horrible calor. ÂżQuieres un helado?” (Hello, brother. It’s horribly hot today. Do you want an ice cream?)
This short conversation includes several H-words:
- hola (hello)
- hermano (brother)
- hoy (today)
- horrible (horrible)
- hace (it makes/does), and
- helado (ice cream).
If you learn these chunks like this, you’ll remember them easily. Give it a shot with your favorite H-words from this list!
Or look for other Spanish words starting with E, for example. The concept stays the same.
And there you have it – a whirlwind tour of Spanish words starting with H.
We’re sure that this method will help you in the long-term. So, just practice, practice, practice! To help you out on this language learning journey, we will send you a FREE Spanish Chunking Starter Pack.