65 Spanish Words That Start With F: Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives And More
Welcome, welcome! Or should we say: Bienvenidos! (Welcome in Spanish.)
Today, we’re exploring the Fantastic world of Spanish words that start with F.
This one’s not your typical vocabulary-type blog post, though.
F might not be the most common letter in Spanish, but it has one of the most expressive and useful words you can use in Spanish. Let’s start practicing the letter F with a song from Canta con Jess:
And now, onto the main topic of this blog post: discover these fabulous F-starting words that are no Spanish swear words!
Ready to begin? ¡Fenomenal!
Let’s get started!
Spanish language’s F: fun facts
The letter F in Spanish is the ninth letter in the Spanish alphabet and sounds pretty much the same as in English.
In comparison to other Spanish letters, F is one of the least common letters to start words in Spanish, which makes these Spanish words that start with F all the more special!

We’re sure you’ll find them really expressive in some cases. So, let’s check them out.
1. Spanish adjectives starting with F
Spanish adjectives add a bit of flavor to your sentences. You can use these Spanish adjectives that start with F to spice them up!
Spanish | English |
fabuloso | fabulous |
famoso | famous |
feliz | happy |
feo | ugly |
fresco | fresh |
fuerte | strong |
fácil | easy |
fantástico | fantastic |
feroz | fierce |
fiel | faithful |
flaco | skinny |
formal | formal |
frío | cold |
furioso | furious |
falso | false |
2. Spanish nouns starting with F
Now, let’s look at some Spanish nouns.

These are the building blocks of your Spanish sentences, the stars of the show:
Spanish | English |
familia | family |
flor | flower |
fuego | fire |
fábrica | factory |
frontera | border |
futuro | future |
fama | fame |
fecha | date |
fiesta | party |
fin | end |
foto | photo |
fruta | fruit |
fuerza | strength |
fútbol | soccer |
fantasma | ghost |
filosofía | philosophy |
fiebre | fever |
fondo | bottom, background |
We have similar blog posts if you’re looking for your tip-of-the-tongue Spanish words that start with other letters from the Spanish alphabet. Check them out:
- Spanish words that start with A
- Spanish words that start with I
- Spanish words that start with X – these are really something else!
- Spanish words that start with D
3. Spanish verbs starting with F
Verbs are where the action happens!

Check out these F-verbs that’ll get your Spanish sentences moving:
Spanish | English |
faltar | to lack |
formar | to form |
fumar | to smoke |
funcionar | to function |
felicitar | to congratulate |
fingir | to pretend |
facilitar | to facilitate |
fallar | to fail |
fascinar | to fascinate |
favorecer | to favor |
firmar | to sign |
fluir | to flow |
forzar | to force |
fracasar | to fail |
freír | to fry |
frotar | to rub |
fundir | to melt |
4. Other Spanish words that start with F
Let’s wrap up with some other useful F-words that don’t fit neatly into the categories above.

These include adverbs in Spanish, Spanish conjunctions, and even more!
Spanish | English |
fácilmente | easily |
francamente | frankly |
fuera | outside |
finalmente | finally |
físicamente | physically |
frecuentemente | frequently |
fielmente | faithfully |
firmemente | firmly |
forzosamente | forcibly |
felizmente | happily |
familiarmente | familiarly |
fatalmente | fatally |
formalmente | formally |
francamente | frankly |
fríamente | coldly |
5. Learn Spanish words that start with F with Conversation Based Chunking
And there you have it! A fantastic foray into Spanish words that start with F.
But what’s the best way to learn them?!
Well, use them in context! Conversation Based Chunking is the method you need in this case. This approach is all about immersing yourself in the language to learn naturally – just like natives learn their own language.
Instead of focusing on boring grammar rules and definitions, you use lexical chunks in the language. These are the natural building blocks of Spanish, and this way, you won’t have to search your mind for the correct expression.
Instead, you use them naturally in your Spanish conversations.
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