30 Cute Spanish Pet Names For Your Partner With Examples
After you’ve thrown in some exciting romantic Spanish phrases, you’ve got the love of your life by your side, you know how to say I love you in Spanish, you also have to come up with some cute Spanish pet names for your SO.
In this blog post, we’re going to do just that, and we’ll teach you how to use them even in the sexiest of situations 😉
For an intro, check this video by Señor Jordan for a few cute Spanish pet names and Spanish nicknames:
Most common loving Spanish pet names
These are the go-to terms of endearment that you’ll hear all over the Spanish-speaking world.
They’re widely understood, and perfect for everyday use with your significant other.

1. Mi amor (My love)
Mi amor (my love) is a classic expression of affection. It’s suitable for all occasions, from greeting your partner in the morning to saying goodnight.
María: ¿Cómo amaneciste, mi amor? (How did you wake up, my love?)
Carlos: Muy bien, mi amor. ¿Y tú? (Very well, my love. And you?)
2. Cariño (Darling)
Cariño (darling) is a warm, affectionate term that works well in both casual and more serious conversations.
Elena: Cariño, ¿me puedes ayudar con las maletas? (Darling, can you help me with the suitcases?)
Pablo: Claro que sí, cariño. Ya voy. (Of course, darling. I’m coming.)
3. Corazón (Sweetheart)
Corazón (heart/sweetheart) is a heartfelt way to address your loved one.
It’s perfect for expressing deep affection or comfort.
Ana: Corazón, estoy muy orgullosa de ti. (Sweetheart, I’m very proud of you.)
Diego: Gracias, corazón. Significa mucho para mí. (Thank you, sweetheart. It means a lot to me.)
4. Cielo (Heaven)
Cielo (heaven) is a beautiful way to express that your partner is your world. It’s great for romantic moments or when you want to make your partner feel special.
Lucía: Cielo, ¿qué te parece si cocinamos juntos esta noche? (Heaven, what do you think about cooking together tonight?)
Javier: Me encanta la idea, cielo. (I love the idea, heaven.)
5. Bebé (Baby)
Bebé (baby) is a playful, affectionate term similar to its use in English. It’s casual and works well for younger couples or in more relaxed settings.
Sofia: Bebé, ¿vamos al cine esta tarde? (Baby, shall we go to the movies this afternoon?)
Miguel: Claro que sí, bebé. Tú eliges la película. (Of course, baby. You choose the movie.)
Cute Spanish pet names for your SO
These adorable pet names add a touch of sweetness and playfulness to your relationship. They’re perfect for lighthearted moments and can bring a smile to your partner’s face.

6. Osito/a (Little bear)
Osito/a (little bear) is an endearing term that conveys cuteness and cuddliness.
It’s perfect for cozy moments or when you’re feeling particularly affectionate.
Carmen: Osito, ¿quieres ver una película conmigo? (Little bear, do you want to watch a movie with me?)
Roberto: Claro que sí, osita. Voy por las palomitas. (Of course, little bear. I’ll get the popcorn.)
7. Gordito/a (Little chubby one)
Gordito/a (little chubby one) might sound odd in English, but in Spanish, it’s a term of endearment that has nothing to do with weight.
It’s affectionate and playful.
Isabel: Gordito, ¿me pasas la sal, por favor? (Little chubby one, can you pass me the salt, please?)
Alejandro: Aquí tienes, gordita. (Here you go, little chubby one.)
8. Chiqui (Shorty)
Chiqui (shorty) is a cute, informal way to address your partner. It’s playful and works well for casual, everyday interactions.
Laura: Chiqui, ¿dónde dejaste las llaves? (Shorty, where did you leave the keys?)
Pedro: Están en la mesa, chiqui. (They’re on the table, shorty.)
9. Bombón (Candy)
Bombón (candy) is a sweet way to call your partner, implying they’re as delightful as candy.
It’s great for flirty moments.
Marta: Bombón, ¿qué te parece mi nuevo vestido? (Candy, what do you think of my new dress?)
Andrés: Te ves hermosa, bombón. (You look beautiful, candy.)
10. Cosita (Little thing)
Cosita (little thing) is an affectionate, diminutive term.
It’s often used when you find your partner particularly cute.
Eva: Cosita, ¿me ayudas a elegir un regalo para mi madre? (Little thing, can you help me choose a gift for my mother?)
Ricardo: Por supuesto, cosita. Será un placer. (Of course, little thing. It’ll be my pleasure.)
Poetic Spanish pet names
These pet names are more romantic, perfect for expressing deep feelings or for special occasions.

They add a bit of poetry to your expressions of love.
11. Luz de mi vida (Light of my life)
Luz de mi vida (light of my life) is a beautiful, poetic way to express how important your partner is to you. It’s perfect for romantic declarations or anniversary celebrations.
Gabriel: Luz de mi vida, estos años contigo han sido maravillosos. (Light of my life, these years with you have been wonderful.)
Isabella: Oh, luz de mi vida, siento lo mismo. (Oh, light of my life, I feel the same way.)
12. Mi alma gemela (My soulmate)
Mi alma gemela (my soulmate) expresses a deep, spiritual connection. Use this when you want to express that you feel your partner completes you.
Valentina: Mi alma gemela, ¿crees en el destino? (My soulmate, do you believe in destiny?)
Daniel: Contigo, mi alma gemela, creo en todo. (With you, my soulmate, I believe in everything.)
13. Estrella mía (My star)
Estrella mía (my star) is a romantic way to tell your partner they light up your world.
It’s great for starry nights or dreamy conversations.
Camila: Estrella mía, ¿recuerdas nuestra primera cita? (My star, do you remember our first date?)
Mateo: Cómo olvidarla, estrella mía. Fue mágica. (How could I forget it, my star. It was magical.)
14. Mi sol (My sun)
Mi sol (my sun) implies that your partner brings warmth and light to your life. It’s perfect for bright, happy moments or to cheer up your partner.
Natalia: Mi sol, tu sonrisa ilumina mi día. (My sun, your smile brightens my day.)
Lucas: Y tú iluminas mi vida, mi sol. (And you light up my life, my sun.)
15. Mi luna (My moon)
Mi luna (my moon) suggests that your partner is a constant, comforting presence in your life.
It’s great for quiet, intimate moments.
Fernanda: Mi luna, ¿qué haremos este fin de semana? (My moon, what shall we do this weekend?)
Jorge: Lo que tú quieras, mi luna. Estoy feliz solo con estar contigo. (Whatever you want, my moon. I’m happy just being with you.)
Wild (sexy) Spanish pet names
And now… onto some spicy territory 😉
These pet names are more daring and flirtatious. They’re best used in private or intimate settings with a partner who’s comfortable with this level of playfulness.
16. Papacito/Mamacita (Hot daddy/hot mama)
Papacito/Mamacita (hot daddy/hot mama) are flirtatious terms that express physical attraction. They’re quite bold and are typically used in very casual or intimate settings.
Adriana: Papacito, ¿listo para nuestra cita? (Hot daddy, ready for our date?)
Raúl: Siempre listo para ti, mamacita. (Always ready for you, hot mama.)
17. Papi/Mami (Daddy/mommy)
Papi/Mami (daddy/mommy) are similar to their English counterparts in intimate contexts.
They’re playful and flirtatious, but should be used carefully as they can be seen as too forward in some situations.
Carla: Papi, ¿me compras un helado? (Daddy, will you buy me an ice cream?)
Marcos: Claro que sí, mami. El que tú quieras. (Of course, mommy. Whichever you want.)
18. Tigre/Tigresa (Tiger/tigress)
Tigre/Tigresa (tiger/tigress) implies a wild, passionate nature. These terms are great for playful, flirtatious moments or to compliment your partner’s confidence or attractiveness.
Estefanía: Mi tigre, estás guapísimo con ese traje. (My tiger, you look so handsome in that suit.)
Antonio: Gracias, mi tigresa. Tú estás espectacular. (Thank you, my tigress. You look spectacular.)
19. Bombón (Hottie)
Bombón (hottie) is a flirtatious way to compliment your partner’s appearance.
It’s playful and can be used in different settings, from getting ready for a night out to intimate moments.
Lorena: Bombón, ¿listo para bailar toda la noche? (Hottie, ready to dance all night?)
Felipe: Contigo, bombón, siempre estoy listo. (With you, hottie, I’m always ready.)
20. Chulo/a (Sexy)
Chulo/a (sexy) is a flirtatious term that directly expresses attraction.
It’s quite forward and is best used in private or with a partner who appreciates bold compliments.
Beatriz: Chulo, ¿qué planes tienes para esta noche? (Sexy, what plans do you have for tonight?)
Héctor: Ninguno aún, chula. ¿Qué sugieres? (None yet, sexy. What do you suggest?)
Learn more cute Spanish nicknames for boyfriends and girlfriends with Conversation Based Chunking
Okay, before we get redirected into some really hot territory (and no, we’re not talking about the weather in Spanish now), let’s stop for a moment, and have us explain how you can learn these amazing phrases easily.
The secret key to understanding and speaking Spanish like a native speaker is Conversation Based Chunking. With this method, you won’t learn these words and phrases from lists and tables, but instead, you’ll learn them in context.
You have to immerse yourself in the language you’re learning, so just as in English and like in Spanish, you consume as much Spanish content as you can. Meanwhile, you pay attention to the special chunks (the most common Spanish phrases) natives use, and you use them in your own sentences.
To help you understand this concept a bit better, we made a Spanish Chunking Starter Pack, which is available for FREE.