Happy Ramadan In Spanish: 10 Best Ramadán Phrases En Español
As we look around the planet, we encounter Spanish-speaking Muslims in countries such as Spain, Argentina, and throughout the Americas. For them, El Ramadán (Ramadan in Spanish) is a period of spiritual reflection, self-improvement, heightened devotion.
In Spanish, there are numerous ways to talk about holidays. Spring Spanish (a project I co-founded) has a great video on how you can talk about holidays in Mexico that’s worth checking out every time:
In this blog post, you’ll be guided through the most important Spanish phrases and vocabulary connected to Ramadan in Spanish.
Let’s learn more about this holiday!
1. What is Ramadan?
Ramadán as Ramadan in Spanish is known, is an Islamic holy month of fasting, introspection, and prayer.
It is observed by Muslims around the world, including Spanish-speaking countries.
Effortless Answers
The simplest way to wish someone a “Happy Ramadan” in Spanish is to say “Feliz Ramadán”.
2. When is Ramadan?
El Mes del Ramadán (the Month of Ramadan) is determined by the Islamic calendar and commences with the sighting of the new moon.
This means that its start and end vary each year. In 2024, Ramadan will start on Sunday, March 10 and last until Tuesday, April 9. |
It consists of a period during which Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset as an act of worship and a means to grow closer to Allah. This practice is one of the Five Pillars of Islam (learn more about the five pillars on MET’s site), which are:
- Shahada: La declaración de fe (The declaration of faith)
- Salah: La oración (The prayer)
- Zakat: La caridad obligatoria (The obligatory charity)
- Sawm: El ayuno durante el mes de Ramadán (Fasting during the month of Ramadan)
- Hajj: La peregrinación a La Meca (The pilgrimage to Mecca)
3. How to wish someone a happy Ramadan in Spanish?
You might wonder, can you even express your Ramadan greetings in Spanish? Absolutely!
Here’s a table to help you translate with confidence these heartfelt wishes:
Happy Ramadan expressions in Spanish
Spanish | English |
Feliz Ramadán | Happy Ramadan |
Bendiciones en este Ramadán | Blessings on this Ramadan |
Que tengas un pacífico Ramadán | May you have a peaceful Ramadan |
Un Ramadán con mucha salud | A Ramadan with good health |
Que este Ramadán sea purificador | May this Ramadan be purifying |
Ramadán Mubarak | Ramadan Mubarak |
Ramadán Kareem | Ramadan Kareem |
Disfruta del ayuno del Ramadán | Enjoy the Ramadan fast |
Que se cumplan tus oraciones | May your prayers be answered |
Un Ramadán lleno de reflexiones | A Ramadan full of reflections |
Some of these expressions are chunks: what are chunks? Well, you can learn everything you need to know about them if you click this button below and sign up for the Spanish Conversation Based Chunking Starter Pack! In this pack, you’ll get essential chunks and phrases that’ll help you speak Spanish faster, a 12-week study plan, access to our Full Practice Worksheet Library, and more!
4. Ramadan vocabulary in Spanish
Understanding el Ramadán includes familiarizing yourself with key terms related to this month-long observance. During el Ramadán, Muslims do not eat or drink from sunrise (el amanecer) to sunset (la puesta del sol).
Here are some essential Spanish terms tied to Ramadan customs:
Ramadan customs in Spanish
Español | English |
Ayuno | Fasting |
Oración | Prayer |
Iftar | The evening meal breaking the fast |
Suhur (Suhoor) | The pre-dawn meal before fasting starts |
Tarawih | Additional nightly prayers |
Zakat | Charitable giving |
Eid al-Fitr | The festival marking the end of Ramadan |
Sadaqah | Voluntary charity or acts of kindness |
Laylat al-Qadr | The Night of Power, a significant night during Ramadan |
Qiyam | Nightly prayers, especially during Ramadan |
Khutbah | Sermon or speech given on Fridays or special occasions |
I’tikaf | Spiritual retreat or seclusion for intensified worship during the last ten days of Ramadan |
Fitra | The obligatory charity given before Eid al-Fitr to purify those who fast from any indecent act or speech and to help the poor and needy |
Dhikr | Remembrance of Allah through prayers and supplications |
5. Learn more about Ramadán with Conversation Based Chunking
Let’s see how all these terms can be used in a real-life conversation:
Benny: ¿Vas a la mezquita para el tarawih esta noche? (Are you going to the mosque for tarawih tonight?)
Rayan: Sí, después del iftar. También debo recordar pagar el zakat antes de que termine el Ramadán. (Yes, after iftar. I must also remember to pay zakat before Ramadan ends.)
Conversation Based Chunking is a powerful language learning method that emphasizes understanding how words and phrases are used in real-life contexts. If you engage with sentences as whole chunks of language, rather than isolated words, you can internalize correct grammatical structures and vocabulary usage – without actually memorizing them.
Sign up now and learn more about the Conversation Based Chunking method!