Vegetables in German: 100+ Gemüse Vocabulary for a Healthy Life
Are you a secret food blogger? Or just a curious enthusiast? Maybe planning a trip to a German-speaking country?
No matter which one, knowing the correct words for vegetables in German can be life-saving. We’ll cover common root vegetables, leafy greens, legumes, and even some exotic vegetables. Go and learn about Gemüse in German! Easy German already made a fantastic video about how vegetarian Berlin is, so if you’re interested, check out this video!
Having this vocabulary at your fingertips will make it much easier to shop at local markets, order healthier dishes when dining out, and even try new recipes at home.
Plus, knowing the German words for nutrient-rich vegetables can help you maintain a balanced, fiber-filled diet. Healthy!
1. Root Vegetables in German
Root vegetables like carrots, beets, radishes, and potatoes all grow under the dirt.
They’re really good for you because they’re packed with complex carbs and fiber.
German | English |
Karotte | Carrot |
Rote Bete | Beet |
Steckrübe | Turnip |
Radieschen | Radish |
Kartoffel | Potato |
Süßkartoffel | Sweet Potato |
Pastinake | Parsnip |
Knollensellerie | Celeriac |
Ingwer | Ginger |
Meerrettich | Horseradish |
Galgantwurzel | Galangal |
Petersilienwurzel | Parsley Root |
Arrowroot | Arrowroot |
Jicama | Jicama |
Malanga | Malanga |
Yamswurzel | Yam |
Wasabi | Wasabi |
Rettich | Black Radish |
Haferwurzel | Salsify |
Kohlrabi | Kohlrabi |
2. Stem Vegetables in German
Feast your eyes (and mouths) on nature’s slender delights: asparagus, celery, and rhubarb. These stem vegetables are the skinny supermodels of the vegetable world, boasting minimal calories while packed with vital goodies.
German | English |
Spargel | Asparagus |
Sellerie | Celery |
Rhabarber | Rhubarb |
Cardi | Cardoon |
Bambussprossen | Bamboo Shoots |
Stacheldrahtbambus | Crosne |
Frühlingszwiebeln | Scallions |
Schnittlauch | Chives |
Dill | Dill |
Fenchel | Fennel |
Petersilie | Parsley |
Koriander | Cilantro |
Lauch | Leek |
Frühlingszwiebel | Green Onion |
Zucchini | Zucchini |
Okraschote | Okra |
Artischocke | Artichoke |
Rosenkohl | Brussels Sprouts |
Brokkoli | Broccoli |
Spargelbohnen | Asparagus Peas |
3. Leafy Greens in German
Picture this: the VIP section of the plant world, where spinach, kale, lettuce, and cabbage flaunt their nutrient-packed foliage.
These leafy greens are not just another pretty face in the salad bowl; they’re loaded with vitamins A, C, K, alongside folate and iron.
German | English |
Spinat | Spinach |
Grünkohl | Kale |
Salat | Lettuce |
Kohl | Cabbage |
Mangold | Swiss Chard |
Gänsedistel | Collard Greens |
Endivie | Endive |
Eskariol | Escarole |
Senfkohl | Mustard Greens |
Schafgarbe | Lamb’s Lettuce |
Löwenzahn | Dandelion Greens |
Borretsch | Borage |
Brunnenkresse | Watercress |
Kerbel | Chervil |
Petersilie | Parsley |
Basilikum | Basil |
Rosmarin | Rosemary |
Thymian | Thyme |
Salbei | Sage |
Minze | Mint |
4. Cruciferous Vegetables in German
These are members of the Brassica genus with vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, and kale. They are recognized for their abilities to combat cancer and their rich fiber composition.
German | English |
Brokkoli | Broccoli |
Blumenkohl | Cauliflower |
Rosenkohl | Brussels Sprouts |
Grünkohl | Kale |
Rotkohl | Red Cabbage |
Weisskohl | White Cabbage |
Steckrübe | Turnip |
Kohlrabi | Kohlrabi |
Radieschen | Radish |
Meerrettich | Horseradish |
Senfkohl | Mustard Greens |
Chinakohl | Bok Choy |
Gänsedistel | Collard Greens |
Wasabi | Wasabi |
Rauke | Arugula |
Brunnenkresse | Watercress |
Rettich | Black Radish |
5. Allium Vegetables in German
Allium vegetables are a group of edible plants in the genus Allium, which includes onions, garlic, shallots, leeks, chives, and scallions/green onions.
German | English |
Knoblauch | Garlic |
Zwiebel | Onion |
Schalotte | Shallot |
Schnittlauch | Chives |
Lauch | Leek |
Sommer-Lauch | Shallot |
Frühlingszwiebel | Green Onion |
Rote Zwiebel | Red Onion |
Weiße Zwiebel | White Onion |
Gelbe Zwiebel | Yellow Onion |
Violette Zwiebel | Purple Onion |
Perlzwiebel | Pearl Onion |
Riesenknoblauch | Elephant Garlic |
Bärlauch | Green Garlic |
Schnittknoblauch | Chive |
Nira | Rakkyo |
Kurratlauch | Kurrat |
6. Fruits and Vegetables in German
Some of the following items like tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers are botanically classified as fruits, but are commonly used culinarily as vegetables.
German | English |
Kartoffel | Potato |
Karotte | Carrot |
Salat | Lettuce |
Zwiebel | Onion |
Knoblauch | Garlic |
Kürbis | Pumpkin |
Spinat | Spinach |
Brokkoli | Broccoli |
Blumenkohl | Cauliflower |
Aubergine | Eggplant |
Gurke | Cucumber |
Sellerie | Celery |
Rote Bete | Beet |
Mais | Corn |
Erbse | Pea |
Grüne Bohne | Green Bean |
Paprika | Bell Pepper |
7. Practice Worksheet for vegetables in German
Fill in the blanks with the correct German word for the vegetable:
Practice more German with our Full Practice Worksheets!
8. List of vegetables and other vocabulary with Free German Conversation Based Chunking Guide
Expanding your German vegetable vocabulary is a fantastic way to broaden your linguistic skills and communicate more like a native. Whether you’re visiting Germany, preparing German cuisine, or simply looking to add more healthy veggies into your diet, learning the vegetables in German is helpful.
The most effective approach is to engage in real-life conversations and use Conversational Based Chunking. This method allows you to practice pronouncing the words and using them in context, thus making the learning process far more interactive than a static vocabulary list.
If you require additional assistance, we offer resources on German food vocabulary and tips for ordering at German restaurants. You just have to sign up now and get the German Conversation Based Chunking Guide.