Learn How to Order Coffee in German: 6 Phrases for the German Coffee Lovers (Kaffee und Kuchen)

Coffee can be much more than just a regular beverage. In Germany, and other German-speaking countries, you can enjoy the Kaffee und Kuchen culture.

If you’re curious about how Germans drink their coffee, you can check out this great video from Easy German:

In this blog post, we’ll share 6 essential phrases on how to order coffee in German, and explain everything you need to know about the German coffee culture. Ready for a great cup of coffee?!

(Side note: Language learning is my passion but I love coffee just as much as I love language learning. That’s why I also started a coffee blog where I share tips for home baristas and coffee enthusiasts. It’s called Emergent Brew, and I’d be honored if you checked it out.)

We know you’re here to learn how to order your coffee as quickly as possible in German, but if you want to go beyond the coffee and truly master German, we have just the thing for you: Conversation Based Chunking.
This method focuses on learning natural phrases and expressions (chunks) without worrying about grammar rules. Want to learn how to implement it?

1. Coffee in German: a vocabulary for different types of coffee

First of all: if you want to order coffee in German, you have to know the different types of coffees you can get in any German-speaking country. Besides the regular ones that are known around the world, there are some specialties you can try in Germany.

Here’s a full list so you get on track with the German coffees:

der Kaffee
der Espresso
der Cappuccino
der Latte Macchiato
latte macchiato
der Americano
der Milchkaffee
café au lait
der Eiskaffee
iced coffee
der Filterkaffee
filter coffee
der Mokka
der Ristretto
der Doppio
double espresso
der Flat White
flat white
der Frappé
der Café Crème
cream coffee
der Türkischer Kaffee
Turkish coffee
der Affogato
der Cortado
der Espresso Macchiato
espresso macchiato
die Röstung
roast (type of coffee)
der Café lungo
long coffee
der Eiskaffee
iced coffee
der Chai Latte
chai latte
die Kaffeebohnen
coffee beans
der Entkoffeinierte Kaffee
decaffeinated coffee
der Wiener Melange
Vienna melange
der Einspänner
espresso with whipped cream

How much do you know of these? The Wiener Melange is something that stands out from the rest of this, but what makes the German coffee culture interesting is its pairing with other desserts. A bit more on that later.

2. How to order coffee in German

In this section, we’ll share the most common ways to ordering coffee in German. We’ll also explain in what kind of situations and when you can use these common German sentences that are built with lexical chunks.

Here are the 6 most common ways you can order a coffee:

“Ich hätte gerne einen Kaffee, bitte.” (I would like a coffee, please.)

This is a polite way to order coffee and can be used in both formal and informal situations.

It’s a perfect sentence for cafes, restaurants, and you can even use it when you’re at a friend’s house. The chunk “hätte gerne” is a polite expression that shows the necessary level of respect.

“Einen Cappuccino, bitte.” (A cappuccino, please.)

This straightforward sentence is suitable for most casual settings. You can casually use it in local coffee shops or cafes.

It’s probably the quickest and most effective way to order without unnecessary formalities, ideal for when you’re in a hurry or the atmosphere is relaxed.

“Könnte ich bitte einen Espresso bekommen?” (Could I please get an espresso?)

This is slightly more formal due to the use of “könnte” (could).

It’s good for more formal settings like upscale restaurants or when you want to show extra politeness. Perhaps when you’re a guest or in a business setting.

“Ich nehme einen Latte Macchiato.” (I’ll take a latte macchiato.)

This is a casual and confident way to place an order, perfect for informal settings like coffee shops and bars.

It shows that you are familiar with what you want and comfortable in the coffee environment.

you can learn how to order coffee or a wiener melange in a german restaurant if you follow this blog

“Bitte einen Filterkaffee.” (A filter coffee, please.)

This direct yet polite expression is great for local coffee stores and cafes. It’s simple and to the point!

It’s good for everyday scenarios where being quick and efficient is key.

“Darf es ein Eiskaffee sein?” (May it be an iced coffee?)

This common German phrase can be used conversationally. You can perhaps use it when asking someone else what they want or when ordering in a more laid-back, friendly setting.

Like a summer cafe or an outdoor bar?

3. Coffee lover’s additional phrases to order a coffee in German

Beside the basics, you also have to go in-depth, when you want more sugar, cream or a different kind of coffee.

Check out these important German dialogue phrases to order a decaf coffee or a coffee with soy or almond milk. Because coffee is pretty good with any ingredient, right?!

Kann ich mehr Zucker haben?
Can I have more sugar?
Welche Größen bieten Sie an?
What sizes do you offer?
Gibt es koffeinfreien Kaffee?
Is there decaf coffee?
Kann ich das zum Mitnehmen haben?
Can I have this to go?
Haben Sie Sojamilch oder Hafermilch?
Do you have soy milk or oat milk?
Ist dieser Kaffee fair gehandelt?
Is this coffee fair-trade?
Kann ich bitte einen Strohhalm haben?
Can I have a straw, please?
Haben Sie einen Kuchen, den Sie empfehlen?
Do you have a cake you recommend?
Haben Sie laktosefreie Milch?
Do you have lactose-free milk?
Kann ich bitte die Rechnung bekommen?
Can I have the bill, please?
Ist der Kaffee stark?
Is the coffee strong?
Gibt es eine vegane Option?
Is there a vegan option?
Haben Sie einen Tisch für zwei?
Do you have a table for two?
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Kann ich bitte eine Serviette haben?
Can I have a napkin, please?
Gibt es WiFi hier?
Is there WiFi here?
Ist der Kaffee frisch gebrüht?
Is the coffee freshly brewed?

In this and the previous section, we mentioned chunks. What are they? If we’re talking about strict grammatical terms (which we don’t really like on Effortless Conversation), they are called lexical chunks. These are some of the most common word combinations and common word pairings that native speakers use in every language – you do that too in your mother tongue. The method we’re using focuses on teaching you the language with the help of chunks. And you can get that experience if you sign up right now!

4. Does German have a coffee culture? – Coffee and cake!

German coffee culture isn’t all about coffee. This might come as a surprise, but let us explain!

Germans enjoy their coffee at various times, throughout the day. Many Germans start their day with a cup of coffee together with a light breakfast – a roll or a croissant. According to the stats of World Population Review, Germans drink more than 6 kgs of coffee in a year per capita.

Here’s a comparison to other European countries:

this graph on coffee consumption per capita will help you decide how to order coffee in german

Germans also enjoy their coffee during work hours. This phenomenon is called a “Kaffeepause“, and it’s not only about getting a boost of caffeine but also to socialize with your colleagues, and to take a mental break from work.

Many people enjoy coffee in the afternoon as well, often around 3 or 4 PM, which leads us to the beloved tradition of “Kaffee und Kuchen” (coffee and cake). If you’ve never heard of this before, it’s high time you got to learn about it. Germans love their coffee and pair it with a slice of cake or pastry. (We have to admit, it’s delicious!)

This German tradition is ingrained in the culture, just like tea is ingrained in the British culture. Let’s check the most important vocabulary for being an expert in coffee in German!

die Kaffeepause
coffee break
Kaffee und Kuchen
coffee and cake
der Kaffeeklatsch
coffee gossip (chit-chat over coffee)
der Filterkaffee
filter coffee
der Kaffeetrinker
coffee drinker
der Kaffeehaus
coffee house
der Kaffeegenuss
the enjoyment of coffee
der Nachmittagskaffee
afternoon coffee
die Kaffeemaschine
coffee machine
der Milchkaffee
coffee with milk
die Kaffeekultur
coffee culture
der Arbeitsplatz
der Morgenkaffee
morning coffee
die Kaffeetasse
coffee cup
der Kaffeebohne
coffee bean
der Kaffeeliebhaber
coffee lover
die Pause
das Gebäck
der Nachmittagssnack
afternoon snack
der Büroalltag
office routine

5. Practice coffee ordering in German with our worksheet

There are different ways to order coffee in German, here’s a few you can practice!

And if you want more, you can request the Full Practice Worksheet by clicking the button:

6. Learn more about the basic coffee culture in Germany with Conversation Based Chunking

Learning how to order a coffee in German is just one thing. Learning more about the German coffee culture is another. And completely immersing yourself in the language is the ultimate goal, isn’t it?!

We offer a FREE package of German Conversation Based Chunking Guide, where you’ll see what the fuss is all about the lexical chunks. In this guide, you can check the most common chunks in the German language, you can practice with our practice exercises, get access to our Full Practice Worksheet Library, see my favorite resources to learn German, and you’ll even get a chance to check the 7-in-7 German challenge.

If you’re ready, you can start right now!

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