Because in German: 8 Ways To Make Complex German Sentences With Weil, Denn and Others

After you start learning German, you get used to the easy German sentences. You start having conversations with tutors (maybe check our italki review for them!), your language learning partners or you’re engaging in deep conversations with native speakers.

So, you want to sound like a native: using complex sentences to make your ideas clear. This is the time when you’ll need “because in German”!

There are different ways to say and use because in German. Easy German compares the three most used words to make the difference clear:

There are other ways to say because in German: deshalb, darum and more are awaiting with in-depth summaries and tips. Read on to learn more!

1. The most common word for because in German: Weil

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Weil” is the most common way to say because in German. It introduces a subordinate clause, which means the verb moves to the end of the clause.

This means that weil changes the sentences structure. When you’re using weil, the German sentence structure looks like this:

Main clause + weil + subject + objects + verb

Okay, we admit: this can sound a bit boring and honestly, hard to understand. So, let’s take a look at a few examples, and analyse how these German sentences function!

Ich trage eine Jacke, weil es kalt ist.I’m wearing a jacket because it’s cold.
Sie lernt Französisch, weil sie nach Paris ziehen möchte.She’s learning French because she wants to move to Paris.
Weil er krank ist, bleibt er heute zu Hause.Because he’s sick, he’s staying home today.

And one more thing!

Weil” can also start a sentence, but this is less common in formal, written German:

Weil es regnet, nehme ich einen Regenschirm mit.Because it’s raining, I’m taking an umbrella.

2. A formal way to use because in German: da

Da” is similar to “weil” but is slightly more formal. It also introduces a subordinate clause with the verb at the end.

Da” often comes at the beginning of a sentence, so the sentence structure looks like this:

Da + subject + objects + verb, main clause

It’s not a rules you have to respect 100% of the time, because it can also come later in a sentence. It’s best to check these examples:

Da es regnet, nehmen wir einen Taxi.Since it’s raining, we’re taking a taxi.
Wir gehen ins Museum, da es heute kostenlos ist.We’re going to the museum since it’s free today.
Da sie Vegetarierin ist, bestellt sie einen Salat.As she’s a vegetarian, she’s ordering a salad.

Just like weil, da can provide the central reason for an action in a sentence.

3. When sentence structure stays the same: denn

Denn” is different from “weil” and “da” because it doesn’t change the word order.

It connects two main clauses in the German language.

Main clause + denn + main clause

You can use denn in sentences like these, for instance:

Er kommt zu spät, denn sein Zug hatte Verspätung.He’s coming late because his train was delayed.
Wir müssen uns beeilen, denn der Film fängt bald an.We need to hurry because the movie starts soon.
Sie ist glücklich, denn sie hat die Prüfung bestanden.She’s happy because she passed the exam.

Denn” often adds some kind of a supplementary information or an explanation about an action.

4. Clarify things with: nämlich

Nämlich” is used to provide a more detailed explanation or clarification. In all honesty, this common German word doesn’t translate directly as ‘because’, it’s more of a German synonym for it.

It usually comes at the end of a sentence, or after the verb.

Main clause + main clause + nämlich

A German synonym for because in real-life situations:

Ich kann nicht mitkommen. Ich habe nämlich keine Zeit.I can’t come along. You see, I don’t have time.
Er ist sehr reich. Er hat nämlich im Lotto gewonnen.He’s very rich. He won the lottery, you know.
Wir nehmen den Bus. Das Auto ist nämlich kaputt.We’re taking the bus. The car is broken, you see.

Nämlich always adds some kind of plus information to your speech.

5. When you want to mention a consequence: deshalb

Deshalb” means “therefore” or “that’s why.” It introduces a consequence in a sentence. So:

Reason + deshalb + consequence (verb second position)

Let’s say, the weather in German speaking countries is nice, so you can say sentences like this:

Es ist schönes Wetter, deshalb gehen wir spazieren.It’s nice weather, therefore we’re going for a walk.
Sie hat Kopfschmerzen, deshalb nimmt sie eine Tablette.She has a headache, so she’s taking a pill.
Das Konzert war ausverkauft, deshalb blieben wir zu Hause.The concert was sold out, that’s why we stayed home.

6. Learn how to use darum in German conversations

Darum” is very similar to “deshalb” and it can be used just as the previous examples in most cases.

Reason + darum + consequence (verb second position)

You can use darum like this:

Er spricht kein Deutsch, darum braucht er einen Dolmetscher.He doesn’t speak German, that’s why he needs an interpreter.
Das Essen war sehr gut, darum geben wir ein großes Trinkgeld.The food was very good, so we’re leaving a big tip.
Sie hat viel Erfahrung, darum wurde sie befördert.She has a lot of experience, therefore she was promoted.

Deshalb,” “darum,” and “deswegen” are interchangeable in most contexts.

7. Another synonym for because in German: deswegen

Deswegen” is another synonym for “deshalb” and “darum.”

So, the sentence structure is kind of the same:

Reason + deswegen + consequence (verb second position)

The German sentences with deswegen:

Es ist sehr laut hier, deswegen können wir uns nicht konzentrieren.It’s very loud here, that’s why we can’t concentrate.
Der Film war langweilig, deswegen sind wir früher gegangen.The movie was boring, so we left early.
Sie liebt Tiere, deswegen arbeitet sie in einem Tierheim.She loves animals, that’s why she works in an animal shelter.

8. A great chunk for because in German: aus diesem Grund

This phrase literally means “for this reason” and is more formal. It can be used as a synonym for because in German when you want to add a reason for a specific state or action happening in a sentence.

Reason + Aus diesem Grund + consequence (verb second position)

Check it in real-life situations:

Die Preise sind gestiegen. Aus diesem Grund müssen wir sparen.Prices have risen. For this reason, we need to save money.
Er hat keine Erfahrung. Aus diesem Grund wurde er nicht eingestellt.He has no experience. For this reason, he wasn’t hired.
Das Projekt war erfolgreich. Aus diesem Grund erhielt das Team eine Prämie.The project was successful. For this reason, the team received a bonus.

Aus diesem Grund is a great chunk you can use in German. What is a chunk? The answer awaits in the last section!

Browse through our lessons to learn about different topics with Conversation Based Chunking

We mentioned chunks in this blog post. And to clarify, here’s an explanation about lexical chunks: they are the natural building blocks of the language.

You use them all the time in your native language. Conversation Based Chunking teaches you with the help of lexical chunks. So, instead of memorizing boring grammar rules and long vocabulary lists, you learn chunks.

In no time, you’ll use all the synonyms for because in German naturally, without actually realizing that you’re using them.

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