100+ Vegetables In Spanish: Words For Vegetables & Healthy Life In Spanish
Whether you’re a foodie, a Spanish learner, or planning to travel to a Spanish-speaking country, knowing the words for fruits and vegetables in Spanish can be incredibly useful. We’ll cover common root vegetables, leafy greens, legumes, and even some delicious exotic vegetables like taro.
Lucky for you, Spring Spanish (a project I co-founded) made a great video on how you can use cooking vocabulary in Spanish:
Having this vocabulary at your fingertips will make it much easier to shop at local markets, order healthier dishes when dining out, and even try new recipes at home.
Plus, knowing the Spanish words for nutrient-rich fruits and veggies can help you maintain a balanced, fiber-filled diet while immersing yourself in the language and culture.
1. Root vegetables in Spanish
Root vegetables grow underground and include carrots, beets, radishes, and potatoes.
They are excellent sources of complex carbohydrates and fiber.
Spanish | English |
Zanahoria | Carrot |
Remolacha | Beet |
Nabo | Turnip |
Rábano | Radish |
Papa | Potato |
Camote | Sweet Potato |
Chirivía | Parsnip |
Apio Nabo | Celeriac |
Jengibre | Ginger |
Rábano Picante | Horseradish |
Galanga | Galangal |
Perejil de Raíz | Parsley Root |
Arrurruz | Arrowroot |
Jícama | Jicama |
Malanga | Malanga |
Ñame | Yam |
Wasabi | Wasabi |
Rábano Negro | Black Radish |
Salsifí | Salsify |
Colinabo | Kohlrabi |
2. Vocabulary in Spanish for stem vegetables
These are the edible stems of plants, such as asparagus, celery, and rhubarb.
They are typically low in calories and provide essential nutrients.
Spanish | English |
Espárrago | Asparagus |
Apio | Celery |
Ruibarbo | Rhubarb |
Cardo | Cardoon |
Bambú | Bamboo Shoots |
Ñame Espinoso | Crosne |
Cebolletas | Scallions |
Cebollín | Chives |
Eneldo | Dill |
Hinojo | Fennel |
Perejil | Parsley |
Cilantro | Cilantro |
Ajo Porro | Leek |
Cebolla de Verdeo | Green Onion |
Calabacín | Zucchini |
Okra | Okra |
Alcachofa | Artichoke |
Cogollo de Bruselas | Brussels Sprouts |
Brócoli | Broccoli |
Espárragos Trigueros | Asparagus Peas |
3. More words for vegetables: leafy greens
These are the nutrient-dense leaves of plants, including spinach, kale, lettuce, and cabbage.
They are rich in vitamins A, C, and K, as well as folate and iron.
Spanish | English |
Espinaca | Spinach |
Col Rizada | Kale |
Lechuga | Lettuce |
Col | Cabbage |
Acelga | Swiss Chard |
Berza | Collard Greens |
Endivia | Endive |
Escarola | Escarole |
Mostaza Verde | Mustard Greens |
Canónigos | Lamb’s Lettuce |
Diente de León | Dandelion Greens |
Borraja | Borage |
Berro | Watercress |
Perifollo | Chervil |
Perejil | Parsley |
Albahaca | Basil |
Romero | Rosemary |
Tomillo | Thyme |
Salvia | Sage |
Menta | Mint |
4. Vegetable vocabulary: cruciferous vegetales
These belong to the Brassica family and include broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, and kale.
They are known for their cancer-fighting properties and high fiber content.
Spanish | English |
Brócoli | Broccoli |
Coliflor | Cauliflower |
Col de Bruselas | Brussels Sprouts |
Col Rizada | Kale |
Col Lombarda | Red Cabbage |
Col Blanca | White Cabbage |
Nabo | Turnip |
Colinabo | Kohlrabi |
Rábano | Radish |
Rábano Picante | Horseradish |
Mostaza Verde | Mustard Greens |
Col China | Bok Choy |
Berza | Collard Greens |
Wasabi | Wasabi |
Arúgula | Arugula |
Berro | Watercress |
Rábano Negro | Black Radish |
5. Allium vegetables: nutritional and cardiovascular benefits
These are vegetables from the onion family, such as onions, garlic, leeks, and shallots.
They are known for their pungent flavors and potential anti-inflammatory and cardiovascular benefits.
Spanish | English |
Ajo | Garlic |
Cebolla | Onion |
Cebolleta | Shallot |
Cebollín | Chives |
Ajo Porro | Leek |
Chalote | Shallot |
Cebolla de Verdeo | Green Onion |
Cebolla Roja | Red Onion |
Cebolla Blanca | White Onion |
Cebolla Amarilla | Yellow Onion |
Cebolla Morada | Purple Onion |
Cebolla Perlada | Pearl Onion |
Ajo Elefante | Elephant Garlic |
Ajo Tierno | Green Garlic |
Cebollino | Chive |
Rakkyo | Rakkyo |
Kurrat | Kurrat |
6. Fruits and vegetables in Spanish
These are the edible fruits of plants, such as tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and squash. They are excellent sources of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Spanish | English |
manzana | apple |
plátano | banana |
naranja | orange |
uva | grape |
fresa | strawberry |
piña | pineapple |
sandía | watermelon |
melón | melon |
tomate | tomato |
papa | potato |
zanahoria | carrot |
lechuga | lettuce |
cebolla | onion |
ajo | garlic |
calabaza | pumpkin |
espinaca | spinach |
brócoli | broccoli |
coliflor | cauliflower |
berenjena | eggplant |
pepino | cucumber |
apio | celery |
remolacha | beet |
maíz | corn |
guisante | pea |
habichuela | green bean |
chile | chili pepper |
7. Practice Worksheet for vegetables in Spanish
Fill in the blanks with the correct Spanish word(s) from the blog post content.
This is just part of the exercise we have for this blog post. If you want, you can request the full practice worksheet by clicking the button below!
8. Memorize the list of vegetables with Conversation Based Chunking
Learning the names of vegetables in Spanish is another great way to expand your vocabulary and prepare yourself to speak like a local.
It doesn’t really matter if you travel to a Spanish-speaking country, cook Latin American dishes, or simply want to add more healthy vegetables into your diet – you have to know these words!
The best part is that you can quickly memorize a wide variety of vegetables using the Conversation Based Chunking method. Not only will you learn the names, but you’ll also be able to practice how to pronounce them and use them in sentences – it’s much easier and more interactive than just looking at a vocabulary list! With this method, you immerse yourself fully in the language.
But don’t stop there!
In addition to learning the names, be sure to eat fresh, delicious vegetables as sources of vitamins, fiber and other essential nutrients.
These vegetables will keep you healthy.
And if you need more help, we have articles dedicated to Spanish food vocabulary and how to order in Spanish restaurants – enjoy learning and eating!