Learn The 4 German Cases With Simple Explanations And Examples

Learning the German cases is important for anyone looking to speak German fluently. Lucky for you, Spring German teacher Denisa explains it simply in this video:

By the way, Spring German is a project I co-founded and it focuses on teaching you German with the method of Conversation Based Chunking! So, make sure to check it out!

Effortless Answers

German grammar is known for its complexity and precision. The four German cases are no exceptions. These four German cases are:

• the nominative case
• the accusative case
• the dative case, and
• the genitive case.

They are all crucial in their own because the help determine the function of a noun, pronoun, or adjective in a sentence.

1. Introduction to German grammar: how do German cases work?

Cases in German influence not only the form of the nouns but also the articles and adjectives associated with them.

This means that the German articles – definite (der, die, das) and indefinite articles (ein, eine, ein) – and the endings of the adjectives change according to the case the noun is in. Knowing the correct case is important also to ensure the grammatical correctness of the sentence.

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Unlike English, where word order often determines grammatical function, German relies heavily on cases to indicate the role of a noun in the sentence.

2. Nominative case in German

The nominative case, in simple terms, is used to indicate the subject of the sentence – the person or thing performing the action.

In English, the subject is usually what comes at the beginning of the sentence, and it’s the same for German. When introducing yourself, for example:

  • Ich bin Laura” (“I am Laura”)

‘Ich’ is in the nominative case. The German nominative case is straightforward because it doesn’t involve much change in the form of nouns or articles.

Nominative Case Examples

Definite ArticleIndefinite ArticleExample Sentence
der (masculine)einDer Mann liest ein Buch. (The man reads a book.)
die (feminine)eineDie Frau trinkt eine Tasse Tee. (The woman drinks a cup of tea.)
das (neuter)einDas Kind spielt mit einem Ball. (The child plays with a ball.)
die (plural)– (no indefinite article for plural)Die Kinder lachen. (The children laugh.)

Another important aspect of the nominative case is its role in sentences with verbs that do not have a direct object.

Verbs like ‘sein‘ (to be) often are followed by a noun or an adjective that still assumes the nominative case.

  • Das Haus ist groß” (“The house is big”)

‘Das Haus’ (the house) remains in the nominative case as the subject of the sentence.

3. Accusative case in German: the direct object

When identifying the accusative case, you’re looking for the direct object – the receiver of the action directly.

It answers the question:

  • “Whom?” or
  • “What?”

after the verb.

In the sentence:

  • Ich sehe den Hund” (“I see the dog”),

den Hund‘ (the dog) is the object in the accusative case receiving the action (seeing). This usage is what primarily defines the accusative case.

Accusative Case Examples

Definite ArticleIndefinite ArticleExample Sentence
den (masculine)einenIch sehe den Hund. (I see the dog.)
die (feminine)eineEr kauft die Blume. (He buys the flower.)
das (neuter)einSie findet das Buch. (She finds the book.)
die (plural)– (no indefinite article for plural)Wir laden die Freunde ein. (We invite the friends.)

Unlike the nominative case, the accusative carries a differentiating mark on nouns and articles: “ein” becomes “einen” and “der” becomes “den“, as you can see it in the table above.

This change is crucial for an English speaker to note, as it is one of the more prominent signs of the accusative in action.

Feminine, neutral, and plural articles do not change in this case.

One more thing to remember about the accusative case in German is that certain prepositions require the nouns that follow them to be in the accusative case.

Some of these prepositions are:

  • durch” (through): Der Vogel fliegt durch das offene Fenster. (The bird flies through the open window.)
  • für” (for): Er kauft Blumen für seine Mutter. (He buys flowers for his mother.)
  • gegen” (against): Sie tauscht ihre Euros gegen Dollar. (She exchanges her Euros for Dollars.)
  • ohne” (without): Ich gehe heute ohne Schirm aus dem Haus. (I’m leaving the house without an umbrella today.)
  • um” (around): Wir laufen um den See. (We walk around the lake.)

There’s an easier way to remember all these grammar rules – without actually memorizing them! It’s called Conversation Based Chunking, a method that primarily focuses on real-life conversations instead of isolated words or phrases. Sign up now and learn German easily!

4. Dative case in German: the indirect object

The dative case describes the indirect object, which is often the recipient of the direct object.

It answers the question:

  • “To whom?” or
  • “For whom?”

in a sentence.

  • Ich gebe dem Mann das Buch” (“I give the man the book”)

where ‘dem Mann‘ (the man) is the indirect object receiving ‘das Buch‘ (the book), which is the direct object in the accusative case. It is essential to recognize this interplay between the dative and accusative cases, because it’s easy to mix them up.

Dative Case Examples

Definite ArticleIndefinite ArticleExample Sentence
dem (masculine)einemIch gebe dem Mann einen Hut. (I give a hat to the man.)
der (feminine)einerEr hilft der Frau mit einem Problem. (He helps the woman with a problem.)
dem (neuter)einemSie antwortet dem Kind mit einer Geschichte. (She answers the child with a story.)
den (plural)– (no indefinite article for plural)Wir danken den Lehrern. (We thank the teachers.)

The most common prepositions that go with dative are:

  • mit (with): Sie tanzt gerne mit ihrem Hund. (She likes dancing with her dog.)
  • nach (after, to): Nach der Arbeit gehe ich immer zum Fitnessstudio. (After work, I always go to the gym.)
  • bei (at, with): Ich bleibe heute Abend bei einem Freund. (I am staying with a friend tonight.)
  • seit (since): Seit meiner Kindheit wohne ich in dieser Stadt. (Since my childhood, I have been living in this city.)
  • von (from): Das Geschenk ist von meiner Großmutter. (The present is from my grandmother.)
  • zu (to): Zum Geburtstag lade ich dich zu einer Party ein. (For your birthday, I am inviting you to a party.)
  • aus (out of, from): Er kommt ursprünglich aus Spanien. (He originally comes from Spain.)

5. Genitive case in German: possessive case

The genitive case is used to demonstrate ownership or possession, answering the question:

  • “Whose?” or
  • “Of what?”.

It is similar to using “’s” or “of” in English.

  • Das ist das Auto meines Vaters” (“That is my father’s car”).

Here, ‘meines Vaters‘ indicates that the father owns the car and it takes the genitive case.

Definite ArticleIndefinite ArticleExample Sentence
des (masculine)einesDie Farbe des Autos ist schön. (The color of the car is nice.)
der (feminine)einerWir bedürfen der Hilfe einer Expertin. (We need the help of an expert.)
des (neuter)einesSie erinnert sich des Geruchs eines alten Buches. (She remembers the smell of an old book.)
der (plural)– (no indefinite article for plural in genitive)Das Verhalten der Kinder bedarf einer Erklärung. (The behavior of the children needs an explanation.)

Some prepositions also indicate the use of the genitive case in German:

  1. wegen (because of): Wegen des Sturms bleiben wir zu Hause. (Because of the storm, we are staying at home.)
  2. trotz (despite): Trotz des Regens ging er spazieren. (Despite the rain, he went for a walk.)
  3. während (during): Während des Films schlief er ein. (During the movie, he fell asleep.)
  4. anstatt (instead of): Anstatt eines Geschenks spendete sie das Geld. (Instead of a gift, she donated the money.)

6. Four German cases explained: how to differentiate the 4 cases?

Differentiating between the four German cases—nominative, accusative, dative, and genitive—involves understanding their basic functions within a sentence.

learn german cases with resources

Let’s look at an ultimate guide!

Nominative Case: The Subject

  • Function: Shows the subject of the sentence (who or what is performing the action).
  • Questions to Identify: Wer? (Who?) or Was? (What?)
  • Articles: der, die, das (singular); die (plural).
  • Example: Der Hund (nominative) bellt. – The dog barks.

Accusative Case: The Direct Object

  • Function: Indicates the direct object of the sentence (who or what is directly affected by the action).
  • Questions to Identify: Wen? (Whom?) or Was? (What?)
  • Articles Change: derden (masculine only).
  • Example: Ich sehe den Hund (accusative). – I see the dog.

Dative Case: The Indirect Object

  • Function: Indicates the indirect object (to whom or for whom the action is done).
  • Questions to Identify: Wem? (To whom?) or Was? (For what?)
  • Articles Change: derdem (masculine and neuter); dieder (feminine); dieden (plural, with noun typically adding -n or -en).
  • Example: Ich gebe dem Hund (dative) einen Knochen. – I give the dog a bone.

Genitive Case: Possession and Relationships

  • Function: Shows possession or a close relationship between two nouns.
  • Questions to Identify: Wessen? (Whose?) or Was? (Of what?)
  • Articles Change: derdes (masculine and neuter, with an additional -s or -es to the noun); die ➔ der (feminine and plural).
  • Example: Die Farbe des Hundes (genitive) ist schwarz. – The color of the dog is black.

To choose the correct case:

  • Start by identifying the verb and its required complements.
  • Determine the subject which will be in the nominative case.
  • Look for any direct objects, which will be in the accusative case.
  • Identify any indirect objects, which will be in the dative case.
  • Check if there’s any expression of possession or specific prepositions that would require a certain case.

If you ask the questions associated with each case, examine the articles used, and understand the function of each noun in the sentence, you can better differentiate the cases.

Of course, this is only one way of doing things. But there’s a better way! Sign up now to get the Conversation Based Chunking Guide for German and learn the four German cases without too much grammar.

7. Overview of the German cases and articles – A useful chart

To recap everything, let’s see how the definite and indefinite articles work in the four different German cases.

Look at the charts and practice!

Bestimmte Artikel (der, die, das, die [Plural])


Unbestimmte Artikel (ein, eine, ein)


8. Learn German cases with Conversation Based Chunking

Conversation Based Chunking is a method that helps you learn by using real-life, practical conversations rather than isolated vocabulary and grammar rules. This approach can make learning the German cases much more intuitive.

Effortless Summary

Nominative: subject of the sentence, who is performing the action.
Accusative: direct object, who or what is directly affected by the action.
Dative: indirect object, the recipient or beneficiary of the action.
Genitive: possession, showing ownership or relationship.

By learning and practicing with whole phrases and sentences used in everyday conversation, you can more effectively practice each case, leading to natural and fluent German.

Remember, this method is about context and repetition! Practice with chunks of language to make the four cases an instinctive part of your German.

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