Fruits in German: 50 Words & Expressions for German Fruits + Examples

You’ve just moved to a new city in Germany, and you’re excited to explore the local markets and try all the delicious fruits.

As you stroll through the produce section, you’re surrounded by colors and shapes, but you’re at a loss for words when it comes to naming them in German. Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll introduce you to the names of popular fruits in German. Let’s sweeten up your language learning experience.

But first, let’s check this great video made by Easy German where they asked Germans what they favourite fruit is:

Let’s start with some of the most popular fruits in German-speaking countries, the pome fruits.

These include familiar favorites like apples (“Apfel“) and pears (“Birne“), as well as the lesser-known quince (“Quitte“), wood apple (“Holzapfel“), and wax apple (“Wachsapfel“).

fruits in german in a bowl

Apples, in particular, are popular in German cuisine, and you’ll find a variety of delicious cultivars like Jonagold, Braeburn, and Elstar in supermarkets throughout Germany.

der Apfel
die Birne
die Quitte
der Holzapfel
Wood Apple
der Wachsapfel
Wax Apple
die Mispel

Pome fruits grow well in the temperate climate of Germany and neighboring countries – that means other German-speaking countries.

2. Learn vocabulary for fruits: stone fruits

Next up are the stone fruits, a category that includes some of the sweetest and juiciest treats of the summer.

From the beloved cherry (“Kirsche“) to the classic plum (“Pflaume“), these fruits are not only delicious but also rich in German vocabulary.

Don’t forget to familiarize yourself with the names of other stone fruits like apricots (“Aprikose“), peaches (“Pfirsich“), and nectarines (“Nektarine“).

die Kirsche
die Pflaume
die Aprikose
der Pfirsich
die Nektarine
die Mandarine
die Marille
Apricot (Austrian)
die Mirabelle
Mirabelle Plum
die Reineclaude
Greengage Plum

Many stone fruits, like cherries and plums, have a long tradition in German culture and are often used in popular desserts and jams.

3. Learn the names of berries

Berries are a beloved category of fruits, and German has a rich vocabulary to describe these tiny, flavorful morsels.

Check the next table to learn more about them!

die Erdbeere
die Himbeere
die Brombeere
die Johannisbeere
die Stachelbeere
die Heidelbeere
die Preiselbeere
die Moosbeere
die Maulbeere
die Boysenbeere

Berries are not only delicious but also packed with vitamins and antioxidants. So, eat them: they are healthy snacks and you can even make smoothies out of them!

4. Names of fruits in German: citrus fruits

No fruit vocabulary would be complete without the zesty and refreshing citrus fruits.

From the ever-popular orange (“Orange“) and lemon (“Zitrone“) to the tangy lime (“Limone“) and the tart grapefruit (“Grapefruit“), these fruits add flavor to any dish (or beverage).

die Orange
die Zitrone
die Limone
die Grapefruit
die Pomelo
die Kumquat
die Bergamotte

Some citrus fruits (oranges and lemons) are available in almost all German supermarkets, others, like pomelos and bergamots, may be less common.

5. Tropical fruits for a fun language learning

Tropical fruits might not be the most popular fruits because of the climate in German-speaking countries, but these countries do import them.

Bananas, avocados and papayas add a tropical flair to your desserts. (If you want, you can also check out fruits in Spanish – you can run into these fruits there!)

die Banane
die Ananas
die Mango
die Papaya
die Kokosnuss
die Litchi
die Guave
die Drachenfrucht
die Cherimoya

Finding some tropical fruits in Germany might be harder or they are more expensive in supermarkets.

6. Other common fruits in German

Beyond the categories we’ve covered, there are many other delicious fruits with unique German names.

From the ubiquitous grape (“Weintraube“) and kiwi (“Kiwi“) to the exotic fig (“Feige“) and starfruit (“Karambole”), this section covers a wide range of fruits that you may run into in German-speaking countries.

die Weintraube
die Kiwi
die Feige
die Melone
die Avocado
der Granatapfel
der Kaki
die Mispel
die Karambole

After learning these words, let’s explore the fruits in German in their natural habitat: the language!

fruits in german illustrated with a fruit salad

Here’s a short conversation full of chunks – pay attention to them:

Anna: Hast du Lust, heute Abend eine leckere Obstsalat zu machen? [Anna: Do you feel like making a delicious fruit salad tonight?]
Lukas: Klingt gut! Was sollen wir denn alles reintun? [Lukas: Sounds good! What should we put in it?]
Anna: Lass uns ein paar Erdbeeren, Himbeeren und die süßen Kirschen aus dem Garten nehmen. [Anna: Let’s take some strawberries, raspberries, and the sweet cherries from the garden.]
Lukas: Und wie wäre es mit ein paar exotischen Früchten wie Mango, Papaya und Ananas? [Lukas: And how about some exotic fruits like mango, papaya, and pineapple?]
Anna: Ja, das klingt sehr lecker! Ich hole noch ein paar Weintrauben und eine reife Avocado dazu. [Anna: Yes, that sounds very delicious! I’ll also get some grapes and a ripe avocado.]
Lukas: Perfekt! Dann brauchen wir nur noch die Zitrone zum Abschmecken. [Lukas: Perfect! Then we just need the lemon for flavoring.]
Anna: Dieser Obstsalat wird ein wahres Gedicht! Ich kann es kaum erwarten. [Anna: This fruit salad will be a true delight! I can hardly wait.]

7. Practice worksheet for fruits in German

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate German word for the fruit:

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8. Learn German fruits with Conversation-Based Chunking

While memorizing lists of vocabulary can be helpful, the most effective way to learn and retain new words is through context and practice. One powerful method for language learning is Conversation Based Chunking. This method is about learning words and phrases in the context of real-life conversations.

Let’s say that instead of simply memorizing the word “Apfel,” you could learn the phrase “Möchten Sie einen Apfel?” (Would you like an apple?).

If you learn these words in context, you’ll understand and use the words in natural conversations.

Immerse yourself in German as much as you can, and practice the language with German Conversation Based Chunking Guide.

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