German Spring Vocabulary: 100-Word German Vocabulary For Der Frühling
Frühling in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz – eine Zeit des Erwachens und der Erneuerung!
As winter fades away, these beautiful European countries burst into life with the beautiful colors of green! Do you like to look at those beautiful pictures of spring? Well, then we have good news for you: Learn German with pictures made just the video for you!
In this blog post, we’ll take you on a journey to learn more about the rebirth of the nature with a German spring vocabulary.
We’ve organized the vocabulary into 10 easy-to-navigate section.
1. German weather vocabulary for spring (Frühlingswetter)
German springs can be quite unpredictable and exciting.
From mild sunny days to occasional April showers, let’s explore some key terms to describe these refreshing conditions with German spring vocabulary.
German | English |
Es wird wärmer. | It’s getting warmer. |
Der Himmel ist klar. | The sky is clear. |
Es regnet leicht. | It’s raining lightly. |
Die Sonne scheint. | The sun is shining. |
Es ist mild draußen. | It’s mild outside. |
Der Frühling ist da. | Spring has arrived. |
Die Temperaturen steigen. | The temperatures are rising. |
Es gibt einen Regenbogen. | There’s a rainbow. |
Das Wetter ist wechselhaft. | The weather is changeable. |
Die Luft ist frisch. | The air is fresh. |
2. German spring clothing vocabulary (Frühlingskleidung)
As the weather warms up, it’s time to shed those heavy winter layers!
Let’s look at essential vocabulary for dressing comfortably during the variable spring weather.
German | English |
Ich trage eine leichte Jacke. | I’m wearing a light jacket. |
Die Regenjacke ist praktisch. | The rain jacket is practical. |
Wo ist mein Sonnenhut? | Where is my sun hat? |
Diese Schuhe sind wasserdicht. | These shoes are waterproof. |
Dein Frühlingsoutfit ist schön. | Your spring outfit is nice. |
Ich brauche eine Sonnenbrille. | I need sunglasses. |
Die Kleidung ist farbenfroh. | The clothing is colorful. |
Ich ziehe mich heute leichter an. | I’m dressing lighter today. |
Wir brauchen Übergangsjacken. | We need transitional jackets. |
Die Gummistiefel sind nützlich. | The rain boots are useful. |
3. Spring activities in German (Frühlingsaktivitäten)
Spring in German-speaking countries is all about embracing the outdoors.
From picnics in blooming parks to cycling through scenic landscapes, let’s take a look into the language of spring fun.
German | English |
Wir machen ein Picknick. | We’re having a picnic. |
Lass uns Fahrrad fahren. | Let’s go cycling. |
Die Kinder spielen draußen. | The children are playing outside. |
Wir pflanzen Blumen. | We’re planting flowers. |
Ich genieße die frische Luft. | I’m enjoying the fresh air. |
Wir machen eine Frühlingswanderung. | We’re going on a spring hike. |
Sie macht Frühjahrsputz. | She’s doing spring cleaning. |
Wir beobachten Vögel. | We’re birdwatching. |
Die Familie macht einen Ausflug. | The family is going on an outing. |
Ich fotografiere die Blüten. | I’m photographing the blossoms. |
4. Spring holiday expressions in German (Frühlingsfeste und Traditionen)
Spring in German-speaking countries is rich with festive celebrations.

From Easter traditions to May Day festivities, we’ll explore the vocabulary that brings these events to life.
German | English |
Wir feiern Ostern. | We’re celebrating Easter. |
Die Ostereier sind bunt. | The Easter eggs are colorful. |
Der Osterhase versteckt Geschenke. | The Easter bunny hides gifts. |
Wir flechten einen Blumenkranz. | We’re weaving a flower wreath. |
Der Maibaum wird aufgestellt. | The maypole is being erected. |
Wir tanzen in den Mai. | We’re dancing into May. |
Die Osterkerze brennt. | The Easter candle is burning. |
Wir bemalen Ostereier. | We’re painting Easter eggs. |
Das Osterlamm ist lecker. | The Easter lamb is delicious. |
Am Muttertag schenken wir Blumen. | We give flowers on Mother’s Day. |
5. Spring in Germany: nature words in German (Natur im Frühling)
Spring transforms the German landscape into a colorful tapestry of new life.
Let’s learn how to describe the awakening nature and blossoming scenery.
German | English |
Die Bäume blühen. | The trees are blossoming. |
Die ersten Knospen erscheinen. | The first buds are appearing. |
Es gibt viele Wildblumen. | There are many wildflowers. |
Die Landschaft wird grün. | The landscape is turning green. |
Ich höre Vogelgezwitscher. | I hear birds chirping. |
Die Bienen summen. | The bees are buzzing. |
Der Frühling erweckt die Natur. | Spring awakens nature. |
Die Tage werden länger. | The days are getting longer. |
Die Nächte sind mild. | The nights are mild. |
Der Tau glitzert am Morgen. | The dew sparkles in the morning. |
6. Spring food and drinks (Essen und Trinken im Frühling)
Spring cuisine in German-speaking countries celebrates fresh, seasonal ingredients.
We’ll look at some delicious vocabulary with traditional German food.
German | English |
Ich esse frischen Spargel. | I’m eating fresh asparagus. |
Die Erdbeeren sind reif. | The strawberries are ripe. |
Wir trinken Maibowle. | We’re drinking May wine punch. |
Frische Kräuter schmecken gut. | Fresh herbs taste good. |
Ich mag Bärlauchsuppe. | I like wild garlic soup. |
Wir grillen im Garten. | We’re having a barbecue in the garden. |
Rhabarber-Kuchen ist lecker. | Rhubarb cake is delicious. |
Wir essen Osterlamm. | We’re eating Easter lamb. |
Die Biergärten öffnen wieder. | The beer gardens are reopening. |
Oma macht Frühlingsrollen. | Grandma is making spring rolls. |
7. Common German expressions for spring-related health (Gesundheit im Frühling)
Spring brings its own set of health considerations.
From allergies to increased outdoor activities, let’s take a look at the most common German spring vocabulary:
German | English |
Ich habe Heuschnupfen. | I have hay fever. |
Bleib aktiv im Frühling. | Stay active in spring. |
Nimm Antihistaminika. | Take antihistamines. |
Meine Haut braucht Sonnenschutz. | My skin needs sun protection. |
Ich fühle mich energiegeladen. | I feel energized. |
Trink viel Wasser. | Drink lots of water. |
Die Pollen fliegen. | The pollen is flying. |
Ich habe gerötete Augen. | I have red eyes. |
Bewegung an der frischen Luft ist wichtig. | Exercise in the fresh air is important. |
Ich brauche weniger Schlaf. | I need less sleep. |
8. Home and garden vocabulary (Zuhause und Garten)
As nature awakens, many Germans turn their attention to home improvement and gardening.
Let’s explore vocabulary related to sprucing up your living space and nurturing your green thumb during spring.
German | English |
Der Garten erwacht. | The garden is awakening. |
Ich säe Gemüse. | I’m sowing vegetables. |
Die Terrasse wird gestrichen. | The terrace is being painted. |
Wir lüften die Wohnung durch. | We’re airing out the apartment. |
Die Fenster werden geputzt. | The windows are being cleaned. |
Ich pflanze Blumen. | I’m planting flowers. |
Der Rasen wird gemäht. | The lawn is being mowed. |
Wir renovieren das Wohnzimmer. | We’re renovating the living room. |
Die Gartenmöbel kommen raus. | The garden furniture is coming out. |
Ich beschneide die Sträucher. | I’m pruning the shrubs. |
9. Transportation in spring (Verkehr im Frühling)
With milder weather, more people opt for eco-friendly transportation.
We’ll look at terms related to getting around in spring.
German | English |
Die Fahrräder werden repariert. | The bicycles are being repaired. |
Ich fahre mit dem Rad zur Arbeit. | I’m cycling to work. |
Die Straßencafés öffnen wieder. | The street cafes are reopening. |
Vorsicht, Rollerschuhe! | Watch out, roller skates! |
Das Cabrio fährt mit offenem Dach. | The convertible is driving with the top down. |
Die Motorräder sind wieder unterwegs. | The motorcycles are on the road again. |
Wir machen eine Bootstour. | We’re going on a boat tour. |
Die Busse sind weniger voll. | The buses are less crowded. |
Der Verkehr ist entspannter. | The traffic is more relaxed. |
Wir nehmen lieber das Fahrrad. | We’d rather take the bicycle. |
10. German spring landscape (Frühlingslandschaft)
The German spring landscape can be breathtakingly beautiful.

From blossoming orchards to meadows, let’s look at the language used to describe these stunning spring vistas.
German | English |
Die Wiesen sind voller Blumen. | The meadows are full of flowers. |
Der Wald erwacht zum Leben. | The forest is coming to life. |
Alles wird grün. | Everything is turning green. |
Die Landschaft blüht auf. | The landscape is blossoming. |
Es duftet nach Frühling. | It smells like spring. |
Die Obstbäume stehen in voller Blüte. | The fruit trees are in full bloom. |
Die Luft ist klar und frisch. | The air is clear and fresh. |
Man sieht Schmetterlinge flattern. | You can see butterflies fluttering. |
Die Felder werden bestellt. | The fields are being cultivated. |
Die Frühlingslandschaft ist bezaubernd. | The spring landscape is enchanting. |
11. Learn German vocabulary for spring with Conversation Based Chunking
From now on, there are two ways to go: you either sit down and memorize every word and phrases from the tables (which will get you to a point, but then you won’t understand the natural use cases), or…
You try Conversation Based Chunking! We’ll give you a free guide, and you won’t have to memorize everything one-by-one. Instead, you’ll focus on the natural building blocks of the languages, so the next you encounter an unknown expression, you’ll still be able to understand it from context, and even come up with your own common German expressions and phrases.
So, what are you waiting for? Request your German Conversation Based Chunking Guide NOW!