59 Spanish Words That Start With T + Example Sentences With T-Words
Are you looking for Spanish words that start with T? Do you need them for a game of Scrabble maybe?
Or, a Spanish word that starts with T is on the tip of your tongue but you can’t remember it?
Then this blog post is here to help you remember it! To pronounce these words correctly, you have to know how to pronounce the letter T. Here’s a guide from Spanish with Liliana:
And after you managed to tackle this challenge, it’s to explore 60 Spanish words that start with T + some interesting fun facts about these words.
1. Spanish letter T: the origins
The letter T is the 20th in the Spanish alphabet.
As for its pronunciation, you’ve might’ve already learned it in the video about but in written form, we can say this: it’s really similar to its English counterpart – a crisp and clear sound.
It’s originated from the Phoenician letter ‘taw,’ it has evolved but still retains its robust character.
In Spanish, no matter which Spanish-speaking country you travel to, the T is consistently pronounce as ‘teh’ in most Spanish dialects.
2. Spanish verbs that start with T
Verbs are the heartbeat of any language.
Here are some action-packed Spanish verbs starting with the letter ‘T.’ Plus, some really useful examples. Some contain Spanish travel phrases, some are for more everyday situations.
Spanish | English | Example |
trabajar | to work | Yo quiero trabajar en un proyecto. – I want to work on a project. |
tocar | to touch/play | Ella toca la guitarra muy bien. – She plays the guitar very well. |
tratar | to try/treat | Voy a tratar de entenderlo. – I’m going to try to understand it. |
tomar | to take | Él toma el autobús a la escuela. – He takes the bus to school. |
tejer | to knit | Mi abuela teje excelentes bufandas. – My grandmother knits excellent scarves. |
transformar | to transform | Queremos transformar el espacio. – We want to transform the space. |
tratar | to deal with | Es difícil tratar con esa situación. – It’s hard to deal with that situation. |
tender | to hang | Voy a tender la ropa afuera. – I’m going to hang the clothes outside. |
trazar | to trace | Ella traza las líneas en el papel. – She traces the lines on the paper. |
temer | to fear | No temo a los desafíos. – I do not fear challenges. |
tender | to tend | Él tiende a ser muy amable. – He tends to be very kind. |
traducir | to translate | Voy a traducir el documento. – I’m going to translate the document. |
tolerar | to tolerate | Debemos tolerar las diferencias. – We should tolerate differences. |
tonificar | to tone | Ella quiere tonificar sus músculos. – She wants to tone her muscles. |
truncar | to truncate | A veces hay que truncar un proceso. – Sometimes you have to truncate a process. |
Bonus knowledge: Trabajar (to work)
Trabajar: This word means “to work.” It comes from the Latin word “tripaliare,” which refers to a method of punishment. It shows how far the word has shifted from its tough origins!
3. Spanish nouns that start with T
Nouns build our understanding of the world.
Let’s check out some common Spanish nouns that start with ‘T.’ And again, we have examples that maybe you can use for a Spanish conversation practice!
Spanish | English | Example |
el tiempo | the time | No tengo tiempo para jugar. – I have no time to play. |
la tarea | the homework | Hice mi tarea antes de cenar. – I did my homework before dinner. |
el tren | the train | El tren llega a las tres. – The train arrives at three. |
la temperatura | the temperature | La temperatura está muy alta hoy. – The temperature is very high today. |
el teléfono | the phone | Mi teléfono está en la mesa. – My phone is on the table. |
la tortuga | the turtle | La tortuga nada lentamente. – The turtle swims slowly. |
el talento | the talent | Ella tiene un gran talento para cantar. – She has a great talent for singing. |
la tradición | the tradition | Siguen la tradición familiar. – They follow the family tradition. |
el tomate | the tomato | El tomate es rojo y jugoso. – The tomato is red and juicy. |
la tienda | the store | Voy a la tienda a comprar pan. – I’m going to the store to buy bread. |
el trabajo | the work/job | Me gusta mi trabajo. – I like my job. |
la teoría | the theory | La teoría no siempre se aplica a la práctica. – The theory doesn’t always apply to practice. |
el traje | the suit | Él se vistió con un traje elegante. – He wore an elegant suit. |
la trampa | the trap | La trampa funcionó como se esperaba. – The trap worked as expected. |
el trueno | the thunder | El trueno fue muy fuerte anoche. – The thunder was very loud last night. |
Bonus knowledge: Terapia (therapy)
Terapia: This translates to “therapy.” The word comes from the Greek “therapeia,” meaning “healing,” reflecting the supportive nature of therapy in mental health.
4. Spanish adjectives that start with T
Adjectives add flavor and detail in every language.
Here are some descriptive Spanish adjectives starting with ‘T’, along with examples in context.
Spanish | English | Example |
tranquilo | calm | El lago es muy tranquilo. – The lake is very calm. |
tradicional | traditional | La comida tradicional es deliciosa. – Traditional food is delicious. |
temprano | early | Me gusta levantarme temprano. – I like to wake up early. |
triste | sad | Ella estaba triste por la noticia. – She was sad about the news. |
tímido | shy | El niño es tímido en la escuela. – The boy is shy at school. |
tierno | tender | El perro es muy tierno. – The dog is very tender. |
tétrico | eerie | El lugar tenía un ambiente tétrico. – The place had an eerie atmosphere. |
temeroso | fearful | Era temeroso ante lo desconocido. – He was fearful of the unknown. |
tóxico | toxic | Este producto es tóxico para el medio ambiente. – This product is toxic to the environment. |
tenso | tense | La situación se volvió tensa rápidamente. – The situation became tense quickly. |
tardío | late | Llegó a la reunión de forma tardía. – He arrived at the meeting late. |
total | total | El total de la cuenta es alto. – The total of the bill is high. |
tangible | tangible | Los resultados son tangibles. – The results are tangible. |
tranquillo | quiet | El pueblo es muy tranquilo en verano. – The town is very quiet in summer. |
temido | feared | Es un enemigo temido por todos. – He is a feared enemy among everyone. |
Bonus knowledge: Tradicional (traditional)
Tradicional: This means “traditional.” It comes from the Latin “traditionem,” indicating the passing down of customs or beliefs. It highlights the importance of heritage in Spanish culture.
5. Spanish adverbs that start with T
Adverbs modify actions.
Here are some common Spanish adverbs starting with ‘T.’
Spanish | English | Example |
tan | as | Ella es tan inteligente. – She is so smart. |
también | also | Yo también quiero ir. – I also want to go. |
tarde | late | Llegué tarde a la reunión. – I arrived late to the meeting. |
totalmente | totally | Estoy totalmente de acuerdo. – I completely agree. |
temprano | early | Desperté temprano esta mañana. – I woke up early this morning. |
típicamente | typically | Típicamente, ella llega a las ocho. – She typically arrives at eight. |
tal vez | maybe | Tal vez vayamos al cine. – Maybe we’ll go to the cinema. |
tanto | so much | Te extraño tanto. – I miss you so much. |
tacitamente | tacitly | Aceptaron las reglas tácitamente. – They tacitly accepted the rules. |
temporalmente | temporarily | Esta solución es temporalmente efectiva. – This solution is temporarily effective. |
ternamente | tenderly | Él habló ternamente con ella. – He spoke to her tenderly. |
traviesa | mischievously | Ella sonrió traviesamente. – She smiled mischievously. |
tímidamente | timidly | El niño habló tímidamente. – The boy spoke timidly. |
tristemente | sadly | Ella miró tristemente por la ventana. – She looked sadly out the window. |
Bonus knowledge: Tan (As/So)
Tan: This word translates to “as” or “so.” Its origins are from the same root as “tan” in Latin, serving to intensify descriptions, which is quite useful in everyday conversations.
6. Learn Spanish Words That Start With T with Conversation Based Chunking
Conversation Based Chunking is a method that simplifies learning by breaking down language into manageable pieces – chunks.
So, instead of memorizing lists, you learn phrases or “chunks” that you can use in conversations.
For example, by practicing phrases like Yo quiero trabajar (I want to work), you remember the verb and its application in context.
Explore these words, use them in your conversations, and watch your Spanish fluency blossom with this method. Here’s your chance to learn more about this method: